If you could walk in God or Satan's shoes, which would you lace up?

Epic thread derailment!
I'm not religious so I'll just answer OP's question. Satan wearing Air Bakin'
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

People knock sillyputty for going hard whenever religion is brought up but I for one am glad someone steps up to do it. I honestly do appreciate that there is someone willing to put up with the same nonsensical and irrational arguments. You guys discounting his posts and who think he's a troll should honestly READ what he's writing because he's making a ton of sense. I grew up a Christian and what got me out of that racket was actually LEARNING about my own beliefs.
 Dude just comes off as the annoying nerd that brings up his beliefs in every thread and copy & pastes ideas he likes from other forums. 

I dont know I guess its just that I know dude is just trying to develop a presence on here and become the Richard Dawkins of NT 

he wasnt this brash when he was Optimus
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

People knock sillyputty for going hard whenever religion is brought up but I for one am glad someone steps up to do it. I honestly do appreciate that there is someone willing to put up with the same nonsensical and irrational arguments. You guys discounting his posts and who think he's a troll should honestly READ what he's writing because he's making a ton of sense. I grew up a Christian and what got me out of that racket was actually LEARNING about my own beliefs.
 Dude just comes off as the annoying nerd that brings up his beliefs in every thread and copy & pastes ideas he likes from other forums. 

I dont know I guess its just that I know dude is just trying to develop a presence on here and become the Richard Dawkins of NT 

he wasnt this brash when he was Optimus
The same Optimus who was in love with Drake?
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

People knock sillyputty for going hard whenever religion is brought up but I for one am glad someone steps up to do it. I honestly do appreciate that there is someone willing to put up with the same nonsensical and irrational arguments. You guys discounting his posts and who think he's a troll should honestly READ what he's writing because he's making a ton of sense. I grew up a Christian and what got me out of that racket was actually LEARNING about my own beliefs.

This thread is a perfect example of why ppl dont like his post, this was a thread that was made for atheist"obviously for the agnotics and atheists" and he still arguing for unbelief. The kid is throwing punches when aint no one even in the ring.  

Its like he walks around and waits for someone to say "omg" and his like  "god did you just say god, you know he doesn't exist right"

Dont see how u can be glad about that
This is one of the most interesting things I've read in a long time, whether on here or elsewhere. However only interesting imo b/c I'm not really into religion at all. just too damb complicated
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

People knock sillyputty for going hard whenever religion is brought up but I for one am glad someone steps up to do it. I honestly do appreciate that there is someone willing to put up with the same nonsensical and irrational arguments. You guys discounting his posts and who think he's a troll should honestly READ what he's writing because he's making a ton of sense. I grew up a Christian and what got me out of that racket was actually LEARNING about my own beliefs.

This thread is a perfect example of why ppl dont like his post, this was a thread that was made for atheist"obviously for the agnotics and atheists" and he still arguing for unbelief. The kid is throwing punches when aint no one even in the ring.  

Its like he walks around and waits for someone to say "omg" and his like  "god did you just say god, you know he doesn't exist right"

Dont see how u can be glad about that
TxRook wrote:

he wasnt this brash when he was Optimus

The same Optimus who was in love with Drake?

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

People knock sillyputty for going hard whenever religion is brought up but I for one am glad someone steps up to do it. I honestly do appreciate that there is someone willing to put up with the same nonsensical and irrational arguments. You guys discounting his posts and who think he's a troll should honestly READ what he's writing because he's making a ton of sense. I grew up a Christian and what got me out of that racket was actually LEARNING about my own beliefs.

This thread is a perfect example of why ppl dont like his post, this was a thread that was made for atheist"obviously for the agnotics and atheists" and he still arguing for unbelief. The kid is throwing punches when aint no one even in the ring.  

Its like he walks around and waits for someone to say "omg" and his like  "god did you just say god, you know he doesn't exist right"

Dont see how u can be glad about that
Nah I blame OP, for the thread going this way he baited him and sillyputty gave him what he asked for. I'm pretty sure if he hadn't did that this would've continued to be the lighthearted lulz thread OP intended it to be. I think some ppl are just getting tired of being pounded with logic and reason when it comes to a religion topic on here. If not, yall would just ignore him.

However, I'm glad dude does this too. I myself needed a break from joining those arguments and every now and then dude provides info I have yet to come across that causes some critical thinking.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

People knock sillyputty for going hard whenever religion is brought up but I for one am glad someone steps up to do it. I honestly do appreciate that there is someone willing to put up with the same nonsensical and irrational arguments. You guys discounting his posts and who think he's a troll should honestly READ what he's writing because he's making a ton of sense. I grew up a Christian and what got me out of that racket was actually LEARNING about my own beliefs.

This thread is a perfect example of why ppl dont like his post, this was a thread that was made for atheist"obviously for the agnotics and atheists" and he still arguing for unbelief. The kid is throwing punches when aint no one even in the ring.  

Its like he walks around and waits for someone to say "omg" and his like  "god did you just say god, you know he doesn't exist right"

Dont see how u can be glad about that
Nah I blame OP, for the thread going this way he baited him and sillyputty gave him what he asked for. I'm pretty sure if he hadn't did that this would've continued to be the lighthearted lulz thread OP intended it to be. I think some ppl are just getting tired of being pounded with logic and reason when it comes to a religion topic on here. If not, yall would just ignore him.

However, I'm glad dude does this too. I myself needed a break from joining those arguments and every now and then dude provides info I have yet to come across that causes some critical thinking.
Trust me it wouldnt have.

I agree he did call him out, but buddy just asked a simple question whose shoes?, " If your name is sillyputty, just back back out of the thread" i dont see how that merits a four page letter. I aint mad at him.
boys noize was making it seem like ppl ganging up on poor lil sillyputty. That's not the case.
LOL @ Silly,  my dude kills arguments before they even begin

I would wanna be God, so I can fix this mess of an existence he created for human beings
I would've done the same thing if I was in sillyputty's position though. Like where does OP get the nerve to be on some yo don't post in my thread cuz I don't like what you have to say.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

I would've done the same thing if I was in sillyputty's position though. Like where does OP get the nerve to be on some yo don't post in my thread cuz I don't like what you have to say.

word, OP trolled his own thread-If you single someone out in a thread and specifically ask they they don't give their opinion this is usually the result
OP knew what he was doing when he told him to stay out. He wanted the response. SillyPutty makes good points at times but has to be one of NT's most annoying members.
Saying they even exist we have God who sits on his %+$ all day and does nothing but gets praised for it.  So I'll be "God"
Originally Posted by slickp42189


as you read my response, ask yourself where you are on this hierarchy. Hint: Check the color(s)...

now i see y everyone tried to steer clear of you, i initially thought it was because you post novels in your response, which i have no problem with, its because you totally misinterpret a valid argument,

Like the part where you pray to a god to change a plan that it supposedly has for everyone including people who do bad?
u carry on wat could be an intellectual discussion by reading wat isnt there, i purposefully chose my words correctly and u still pull bs out of nowhere, how did i backtrack?

You backtracked when you made it seem like you read things outside of just the bible...which doesn't matter. You made it seem like you were more well-read on 

"lucifer" than the average christian...which the equivalent of being more well-read on Harry Potter. 
thats crazy, since im a christian i cant read other religious texts? you r ridiculous,
I didn't tell you not to read other texts, I said your decision to do so doesn't make you less christian. Its all a crock. I encourage people to read other religious books to find the similarities and realize its all made up, even the one they subscribe to, but i'm not going to force you to do that.
the whole universe statement was just a comparison of ignorance that i tried to use in hopes of explaining how i can believe in something without totally understanding it

Well this is where intellectually you are blind.
If you accept a doctrine or ideology without fully understanding it, then you are no better than someone who goes to war with half the information. You are no better than the kid who guesses on the exam. You ultimately don't know anything. Believing that there is a heaven doesnt make sense when you start put the concept of a heaven up to criticism and see that it doesn't stand on its own. In your words its ok to believe in things with no reason to totally believe in it or without understanding it. 

Your stance encourages ignorance in society towards important issues. "I don't understand it, but I agree with it"....the hell does that mean? 

 but gosh darn it you cant connect the dots, yes he did create all of that and with those birth defects

WOW, god seems like a **** to make people suffer from the moment they're born to the moment they die. Sounds like an awful way to live. I hope you don't mean that. I wouldn't worship a god that makes some kids have a plan destined in life to get raped at a Penn State football complex. But according to you, god has this in his giant plan book. I wouldn't support a god that makes a man steal billions of dollars and help crash the market, but i guess bernie madoff was apart of gods plan.
You can suggest that god is responsible for these thigns and no responsible for the actions of these things. If god knows everything and does everything then why is god also planning for these people to do bad things?

Its the free-will question again. Either we have free will and god is less powerful than you think it is, or we don't have free will and god meant for oyu to be on NikeTalk today reading this post getting your arguments picked apart by someone doesn't see a reason to believe in christianity over all the other religions. 

and all of those other "terrible" things comes more knowledge/understanding of life, that whole choice explanation of yours made no sense, and the whole punishment thing is called morals dude

Ah, god is mysterious huh? Like when it never shows up when people call. Or how modern medicine has more directly intervened in the emergencies of others.
Morals? Don't come from a god. 

If god came down and told you to kill your son, would you do it? If the answer is no then CONGRATULATIONS...you're more moral than the god you think exists. You can THINK FOR YOURSELF and make moral decisions based on the fact that you should treat others how you want to be treated.

Morality is derived from repeated social interactions to determine some rules that makes it easier for people to get along and to persist by causing as little inconvenience to others as possible. 

would u be ok if your kid was hurting itself?

No, but according to you, god has  a plan for the kid hurting himself so I can't be too mad.
he punishes bad people because he has already told u wats good and bad and that he would punish you for being bad so u chose the punishment,

Its not an equal choice if you get punished for making a choice...
on top of that, how could we choose to be bad if you said god MAKES BAD PEOPLE...then bad people never had a choice since god made them do bad things, and we shoudn't be upset or surprised when they do bad things because thats gods plan for them!

Stop contradicting yourself.

God just set down the rules,

You mean the rule sin the bible that people only follow half of but happened to be written by men? 
I guess the slavery thing is just an over-sight...or the womens rights...or tattoos....or working on the sabbath.

the whole afterlife depends on whoever u r,

Ah, different religions have different heavens...so I guess youre marketing your version of your heaven product... what ar the pros and cons of the christian heaven? 
be a good little afterlife sales man and research the market so you can learn what your competition is.

i can tell u there is no want for me to live forever, its just a part of my religions faith,

You dont want to live forever? Wow how honest of you, but you're going to take it as a package deal?
I guess the other parts of your religious faith that you don't follow aren't that important to you either though, huh? 

i already answered all of those questions about prayer so read your question then look at my answer,

you actually didn't answer anything. You said you struggle with the prayer concept...which is obvious because chances are that if you did an experiment, your prayers would have the same chance of being answered praying to an oak tree as they would by praying to the thin air. 
answered, an i clearly dont follow the teachings to a T, i wouldnt have done half of the things ive done in my life if i was a Bible thumper

Didn't you just say that you like the benefits of your faith and take them as things that come with the deal?...but why should you get the things that come with the deal if you don't even follow all the teachings? 

This is why I respect the crazy fundamentalists...they at least READ the bible and decide to follow ALL of it. They're way more consistent than you cafeteria christians who like to pick and choose what they believe in. Just admit that you steal what you like, make your own religion up, and follow it only according to you. Its all just about You, You, and You. 
in the end, all I tried to do was answer your questions in the form of a discussion, half of your response is you telling me what i believe in and what ive done,

You told me what you believe, I didn't say anything. You're the one listing your "faith" and what not. I'm merely asking about it and exposing the holes in your argument. If you dont like it, don't subscribe to a stance that can be picked apart so easily. 
Its not my fault you can't defend yourself to your OWN liking. 

like telling me ive never read any scripture outside of the Bible and the fact that youve totally fabricated some kind of Bible thumping

I never said that. 
And you aren't a bible thumper, you admitted to picking and choosing what you want to follow. Cafeteria christian.

, blind follower mentality that i clearly exude just because i identify with a religious group,

Didn't you admit to following things you didnt fully understand?...what else does that equate to?
it would be cool if u didnt tell me who i am and wat i believe in especially since u dont kno my first name. . . . .

I didn't tell you who you are. You told me who you are. You told me what you believe in.
And I don't care what your name is.  

Stop crying and man up. If your argument doesn't stand on its own then its not my fault. 
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

People knock sillyputty for going hard whenever religion is brought up but I for one am glad someone steps up to do it. I honestly do appreciate that there is someone willing to put up with the same nonsensical and irrational arguments. You guys discounting his posts and who think he's a troll should honestly READ what he's writing because he's making a ton of sense. I grew up a Christian and what got me out of that racket was actually LEARNING about my own beliefs.

This thread is a perfect example of why ppl dont like his post, this was a thread that was made for atheist"obviously for the agnotics and atheists" and he still arguing for unbelief. The kid is throwing punches when aint no one even in the ring.  

Its like he walks around and waits for someone to say "omg" and his like  "god did you just say god, you know he doesn't exist right"

Dont see how u can be glad about that
TxRook wrote:

he wasnt this brash when he was Optimus
All of this. You guys that are saying "if OP hadn't called him out, he wouldn't have said anything, etc. OP deserved the derail" don't know what you're talking about. Dude derails any religion/God/spirtuality thread, regardless of whether his name is mentioned. He's a classic troll. I've never noticed him creating an "Ask An Atheist" thread or any similar thread where he can discuss his beliefs.  Instead, he takes dumps in other people's threads. If that's not a troll, I don't know what is.  And no, I'm not keeping tabs on him.  But every time I go into a thread like this, he's there, with his bullhorn and soap box (and superb copy/pasting skills). That's why I said he could back back out from jump.  This was supposed to be a lighthearted, "have sex with virgins" type thread.  Dude could have shut me down quick with a short witty response.  Instead, he did what he usually does.   
Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

All of this. You guys that are saying "if OP hadn't called him out, he wouldn't have said anything, etc. OP deserved the derail" don't know what you're talking about. Dude derails any religion/God/spirtuality thread, regardless of whether his name is mentioned. He's a classic troll. I've never noticed him creating an "Ask An Atheist" thread or any similar thread where he can discuss his beliefs.  Instead, he takes dumps in other people's threads. If that's not a troll, I don't know what is.  And no, I'm not keeping tabs on him.  But every time I go into a thread like this, he's there, with his bullhorn and soap box (and superb copy/pasting skills). That's why I said he could back back out from jump.  This was supposed to be a lighthearted, "have sex with virgins" type thread.  Dude could have shut me down quick with a short witty response.  Instead, he did what he usually does.   

I hear you and it's pretty OBVIOUS he's a troll.  Plus you know this cat has been banned numerous times so my suggestion to you is to use the "IGNORE USERS POST" feature.  That's the best slap in the face to him because he can write and copy/paste all he wants, and you can't read his post. 
Just reading Thomas Mann, he says or at least one of his characters does, that they can be thought of as one, which may sound absurd, but reading on, in some contexts it actually makes sense.
To you guys getting mad that sillyputty posts anti-religion material whenever the topic is brought up, deal with it. Be glad NT is the only place you have to hear it. For non-believers, this entire country is like one big pro-religion thread. Gods name is on money, you have to swear on the bible before court...its in our $*@%%!# court system! If anything reading silly rant is a breath of fresh air in a religiously stagnant world.
Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

All of this. You guys that are saying "if OP hadn't called him out, he wouldn't have said anything, etc. OP deserved the derail" don't know what you're talking about.

I'm going to make a thread and ask you not to post and watch people throw your username under the bus before you even post. 
I was just going to literally say "Devil because the story is more interesting" and be OUT. 

But you had to just drag my name under the bus...and I wasn't about to make you think you had any right to initiate anything and think you could just go on without hearing my input.

If you feel so strongly about someone YOUVE NEVER MET ON THE INTERNET you need to reevaluate your life. 

Dude derails any religion/God/spirtuality thread, regardless of whether his name is mentioned. He's a classic troll.

Why do only the religious get to have their opinions?
No one tells you or forces you to read my posts. 

You don't even have to address me...yet you do. 

You don't even have to respond to me...Yet you do. 

Why do I respond to you? Because I like to... I like talking about my thoughts and explaining viewpoints. We can go back and forth all day. I enjoy debate. If you don't, don't start it with me because I'll keep going.

I've never noticed him creating an "Ask An Atheist" thread or any similar thread where he can discuss his beliefs.

 Because I don't feel like doing one...and a couple mods don't like me as it is unfortunately so I try to only speak when spoken to. 
I just think its funny that this is a MESSAGE BOARD...yet people get upset that people are actually having debates on it.

The conversation is cool as long as you get to control it, right? 

 Instead, he takes dumps in other people's threads. If that's not a troll, I don't know what is.


And no, I'm not keeping tabs on him.

  Oh really? What was the second sentence in the introductory post of this entire thread?
I know I stay on your mind but 

Our time together is our time together

and uh

Our time apart is our time apart

So love SillyPutty with ya mind homie and not ya heart!

 But every time I go into a thread like this, he's there, with his bullhorn and soap box (and superb copy/pasting skills).

Tell me, what did I copy and paste specifically.
You don't even know how well I write in the first place so you don't even know that i've written most of that before hand and only had a couple things to grab from places.

On top of that, lets pose a hypothetical...even if I did copy and paste all of it, does that make it less valid? 

Maybe you should consult the pyramid above to see how little this actually means in the context of a real argument...

you're just whining again.

Its also funny that religious people get to copy and paste from their holy books...but nah, thats different!

That's why I said he could back back out from jump.  This was supposed to be a lighthearted, "have sex with virgins" type thread.  


You're actually mad...like for real? 
...go hang out with your friends if you want predictable responses. Don't come on anonymous sources like the internet.

Dude could have shut me down quick with a short witty response.  Instead, he did what he usually does

Which is post things that several users have found not only insightful but presents arguments they've never heard of?
But hey lets make sure you only get to see what you want to see because you're afraid someone might disagree with you. 

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by slickp42189
Like the part where you pray to a god to change a plan that it supposedly has for everyone including people who do bad?
never said i prayed to God to change anything

You backtracked when you made it seem like you read things outside of just the bible...which doesn't matter. You made it seem like you were more well-read on 

"lucifer" than the average christian...which the equivalent of being more well-read on Harry Potter.

then i guess u backtracked by telling me the whole Lucifer story wasnt a Christian story, that aside, i never even typed anything along the lines of me being more well read on Lucifer than any other Christian

I didn't tell you not to read other texts, I said your decision to do so doesn't make you less christian. Its all a crock. I encourage people to read other religious books to find the similarities and realize its all made up, even the one they subscribe to, but i'm not going to force you to do that.

y do u encourage other people if me reading other religious texts doesnt matter? do u mean force me to "realize" or force me read the whole Bible? if you're assuming i havent read the whole Bible, u kno what they say about assumptions right?. . . .

Well this is where intellectually you are blind.

no duh, everyone is intellectually blind in some way, even you

If you accept a doctrine or ideology without fully understanding it, then you are no better than someone who goes to war with half the information. You are no better than the kid who guesses on the exam. You ultimately don't know anything. Believing that there is a heaven doesnt make sense when you start put the concept of a heaven up to criticism and see that it doesn't stand on its own. In your words its ok to believe in things with no reason to totally believe in it or without understanding it. 

yea, kinda how like you should believe in Hydrogen bonding even though you cant see it
Your stance encourages ignorance in society towards important issues. "I don't understand it, but I agree with it"....the hell does that mean?

LMAO, nice try to apply my comprehension of God to everything in society, thats ridiculous and u r really jumping the gun there

WOW, god seems like a **** to make people suffer from the moment they're born to the moment they die. Sounds like an awful way to live. I hope you don't mean that. I wouldn't worship a god that makes some kids have a plan destined in life to get raped at a Penn State football complex. But according to you, god has this in his giant plan book. I wouldn't support a god that makes a man steal billions of dollars and help crash the market, but i guess bernie madoff was apart of gods plan.

whose suffering? someone with a "birth defect", thats relative, how can u tell a kid who has down syndrome they're suffering if they r smiling/happy and content with life? God didnt make that person experience the raping, he provided the rapist with the free will to rape or to not rape, he knows all possibilities of decisions not the decisions themselves, which is the definition of being omniscient 
You can suggest that god is responsible for these thigns and no responsible for the actions of these things. If god knows everything and does everything then why is god also planning for these people to do bad things?

he knows bad will happen but good things happen from bad things

Its the free-will question again. Either we have free will and god is less powerful than you think it is, or we don't have free will and god meant for oyu to be on NikeTalk today reading this post getting your arguments picked apart by someone doesn't see a reason to believe in christianity over all the other religions.

we have free will which comes with being mad in God's image, he has the power to create energy from nothing, thats pretty powerful to me, im not trying to make u believe in Christianity, im explaining it to u
Ah, god is mysterious huh? Like when it never shows up when people call. Or how modern medicine has more directly intervened in the emergencies of others.
it doesnt need to, yea God gave us the gift of conception, if it can be thought, it can be done
Morals? Don't come from a god. 

they do
If god came down and told you to kill your son, would you do it? If the answer is no then CONGRATULATIONS...you're more moral than the god you think exists. You can THINK FOR YOURSELF and make moral decisions based on the fact that you should treat others how you want to be treated.

The God that I think exists would never ask that so placing me in an example with a hypothetical God doesnt work at all because this case is extremely specific to me and my relationship that a hypothetical situation never exists

Morality is derived from repeated social interactions to determine some rules that makes it easier for people to get along and to persist by causing as little inconvenience to others as possible.

derived from religious ethics
No, but according to you, god has  a plan for the kid hurting himself so I can't be too mad.
yes he does, but u can still be concerned and try to help him

Its not an equal choice if you get punished for making a choice...
yes it is, its the consequence, everything has consequences
on top of that, how could we choose to be bad if you said god MAKES BAD PEOPLE...then bad people never had a choice since god made them do bad things, and we shoudn't be upset or surprised when they do bad things because thats gods plan for them!

i never said he made bad people, dont put words in my text, find that quote

Stop contradicting yourself.

never did, even the God loves us/ is indifferent was a contradiction, i said MAYBE hes indifferent, never said he didnt care

You mean the rule sin the bible that people only follow half of but happened to be written by men? 
discretion is imperative especially given that the papacy has been known for being extremely manipulative 
I guess the slavery thing is just an over-sight...or the womens rights...or tattoos....or working on the sabbath.

some r worse than others
Ah, different religions have different heavens...so I guess youre marketing your version of your heaven product... what ar the pros and cons of the christian heaven? 
LMAO here u go again, im not trying to make u convert, im not even pressing my religious views on u, its a discussion, ur overdoing it, but there are no cons in heaven
be a good little afterlife sales man and research the market so you can learn what your competition is.

huh? y cant i just read about other religions to understand them better? that wouldnt fit your idea of a Christian though now would it?

You dont want to live forever? Wow how honest of you, but you're going to take it as a package deal?
I cant take it, God chooses that, i might not make it to heaven
I guess the other parts of your religious faith that you don't follow aren't that important to you either though, huh?

you actually didn't answer anything. You said you struggle with the prayer concept...which is obvious because chances are that if you did an experiment, your prayers would have the same chance of being answered praying to an oak tree as they would by praying to the thin air.

you dont understand the concept of prayer, youre not supposed to ask for anything, its a conversation with God

Didn't you just say that you like the benefits of your faith and take them as things that come with the deal?...but why should you get the things that come with the deal if you don't even follow all the teachings? 

no, find that quote

This is why I respect the crazy fundamentalists...they at least READ the bible and decide to follow ALL of it. They're way more consistent than you cafeteria christians who like to pick and choose what they believe in. Just admit that you steal what you like, make your own religion up, and follow it only according to you. Its all just about You, You, and You.

its hilarious that you assume i havent read or dont read the Bible, I dont have to follow all of it, and they dont either, thats ok i could care less who u respect, yea i have fused my social likeness with my Christian faith, and yea i only live my life so yea its me me and me
You told me what you believe, I didn't say anything. You're the one listing your "faith" and what not. I'm merely asking about it and exposing the holes in your argument. If you dont like it, don't subscribe to a stance that can be picked apart so easily. 
i didnt tell u anything about me and what i believe in other than I am a Christian religious follower, u dont kno what ive done in the name of Christianity or what i believe in because I havent told u anything
Its not my fault you can't defend yourself to your OWN liking.
I never said that. 
And you aren't a bible thumper, you admitted to picking and choosing what you want to follow. Cafeteria christian.

no, i am responding competently enough, yes i did, but im sorry, i dont identify with the Cafeteria sect of Christianity
Didn't you admit to following things you didnt fully understand?...what else does that equate to?

no, find that quote, i said i believe in a God whose decisions i dont understand

I didn't tell you who you are. You told me who you are. You told me what you believe in.
i didnt
And I don't care what your name is.  

didnt ask u to care
Stop crying and man up. If your argument doesn't stand on its own then its not my fault.

that wasnt crying, but obviously u need to try and seem macho by identifying me with a feeble crying man, take it how u want, my arguments are totally fine, u just dont understand them and TRY to mask the initial subject of God not being a huge jerk like your first post tried to make it out to be, with statements like "you follow a religion whose God u dont understand" and "youre not a fundamentalist Christian because you dont follow everything in the Bible", bottom line, your argument was that Satan is more honorable than God because hes just following the messed up rules God gave him, my response is God is honorable because he gave us parts of his power which is the power to make decisions and be creative
Originally Posted by jimmybeanz
Creates religion thread...
... Asks for non-religious responses

Anyways, I'd rather be Satan. No fun in being omniscient. Must suck to wake up and already know what's going to happen during the day.
Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Like the part where you pray to a god to change a plan that it supposedly has for everyone including people who do bad?
1. never said i prayed to God to change anything

You backtracked when you made it seem like you read things outside of just the bible...which doesn't matter. You made it seem like you were more well-read on 

"lucifer" than the average christian...which the equivalent of being more well-read on Harry Potter.

2. then i guess u backtracked by telling me the whole Lucifer story wasnt a Christian story, that aside, i never even typed anything along the lines of me being more well read on Lucifer than any other Christian

I didn't tell you not to read other texts, I said your decision to do so doesn't make you less christian. Its all a crock. I encourage people to read other religious books to find the similarities and realize its all made up, even the one they subscribe to, but i'm not going to force you to do that.

3. y do u encourage other people if me reading other religious texts doesnt matter? do u mean force me to "realize" or force me read the whole Bible? if you're assuming i havent read the whole Bible, u kno what they say about assumptions right?. . . .

Well this is where intellectually you are blind.

4. no duh, everyone is intellectually blind in some way, even you

If you accept a doctrine or ideology without fully understanding it, then you are no better than someone who goes to war with half the information. You are no better than the kid who guesses on the exam. You ultimately don't know anything. Believing that there is a heaven doesnt make sense when you start put the concept of a heaven up to criticism and see that it doesn't stand on its own. In your words its ok to believe in things with no reason to totally believe in it or without understanding it. 

5. yea, kinda how like you should believe in Hydrogen bonding even though you cant see it
Your stance encourages ignorance in society towards important issues. "I don't understand it, but I agree with it"....the hell does that mean?

6. LMAO, nice try to apply my comprehension of God to everything in society, thats ridiculous and u r really jumping the gun there
WOW, god seems like a **** to make people suffer from the moment they're born to the moment they die. Sounds like an awful way to live. I hope you don't mean that. I wouldn't worship a god that makes some kids have a plan destined in life to get raped at a Penn State football complex. But according to you, god has this in his giant plan book. I wouldn't support a god that makes a man steal billions of dollars and help crash the market, but i guess bernie madoff was apart of gods plan.

7. whose suffering? someone with a "birth defect", thats relative, how can u tell a kid who has down syndrome they're suffering if they r smiling/happy and content with life? God didnt make that person experience the raping, he provided the rapist with the free will to rape or to not rape, he knows all possibilities of decisions not the decisions themselves, which is the definition of being omniscient 
You can suggest that god is responsible for these thigns and no responsible for the actions of these things. If god knows everything and does everything then why is god also planning for these people to do bad things?

8. he knows bad will happen but good things happen from bad things

Its the free-will question again. Either we have free will and god is less powerful than you think it is, or we don't have free will and god meant for oyu to be on NikeTalk today reading this post getting your arguments picked apart by someone doesn't see a reason to believe in christianity over all the other religions.

9. we have free will which comes with being mad in God's image, he has the power to create energy from nothing, thats pretty powerful to me, im not trying to make u believe in Christianity, im explaining it to u
Ah, god is mysterious huh? Like when it never shows up when people call. Or how modern medicine has more directly intervened in the emergencies of others.
10. it doesnt need to, yea God gave us the gift of conception, if it can be thought, it can be done
Morals? Don't come from a god. 

11. they do
If god came down and told you to kill your son, would you do it? If the answer is no then CONGRATULATIONS...you're more moral than the god you think exists. You can THINK FOR YOURSELF and make moral decisions based on the fact that you should treat others how you want to be treated.

12. The God that I think exists would never ask that so placing me in an example with a hypothetical God doesnt work at all because this case is extremely specific to me and my relationship that a hypothetical situation never exists

Morality is derived from repeated social interactions to determine some rules that makes it easier for people to get along and to persist by causing as little inconvenience to others as possible.

13. derived from religious ethics
No, but according to you, god has  a plan for the kid hurting himself so I can't be too mad.
14. yes he does, but u can still be concerned and try to help him

Its not an equal choice if you get punished for making a choice...
15. yes it is, its the consequence, everything has consequences
on top of that, how could we choose to be bad if you said god MAKES BAD PEOPLE...then bad people never had a choice since god made them do bad things, and we shoudn't be upset or surprised when they do bad things because thats gods plan for them!

16. i never said he made bad people, dont put words in my text, find that quote

Stop contradicting yourself.

17. never did, even the God loves us/ is indifferent was a contradiction, i said MAYBE hes indifferent, never said he didnt care

You mean the rule sin the bible that people only follow half of but happened to be written by men? 
18. discretion is imperative especially given that the papacy has been known for being extremely manipulative 
I guess the slavery thing is just an over-sight...or the womens rights...or tattoos....or working on the sabbath.

19. some r worse than others
Ah, different religions have different heavens...so I guess youre marketing your version of your heaven product... what ar the pros and cons of the christian heaven? 
20. LMAO here u go again, im not trying to make u convert, im not even pressing my religious views on u, its a discussion, ur overdoing it, but there are no cons in heaven
be a good little afterlife sales man and research the market so you can learn what your competition is.

21. huh? y cant i just read about other religions to understand them better? that wouldnt fit your idea of a Christian though now would it?

You dont want to live forever? Wow how honest of you, but you're going to take it as a package deal?
22. I cant take it, God chooses that, i might not make it to heaven
I guess the other parts of your religious faith that you don't follow aren't that important to you either though, huh?

23. YEP
you actually didn't answer anything. You said you struggle with the prayer concept...which is obvious because chances are that if you did an experiment, your prayers would have the same chance of being answered praying to an oak tree as they would by praying to the thin air.

24. you dont understand the concept of prayer, youre not supposed to ask for anything, its a conversation with God

Didn't you just say that you like the benefits of your faith and take them as things that come with the deal?...but why should you get the things that come with the deal if you don't even follow all the teachings? 

25. no, find that quote

This is why I respect the crazy fundamentalists...they at least READ the bible and decide to follow ALL of it. They're way more consistent than you cafeteria christians who like to pick and choose what they believe in. Just admit that you steal what you like, make your own religion up, and follow it only according to you. Its all just about You, You, and You.

26. its hilarious that you assume i havent read or dont read the Bible, I dont have to follow all of it, and they dont either, thats ok i could care less who u respect, yea i have fused my social likeness with my Christian faith, and yea i only live my life so yea its me me and me
You told me what you believe, I didn't say anything. You're the one listing your "faith" and what not. I'm merely asking about it and exposing the holes in your argument. If you dont like it, don't subscribe to a stance that can be picked apart so easily. 
27. i didnt tell u anything about me and what i believe in other than I am a Christian religious follower, u dont kno what ive done in the name of Christianity or what i believe in because I havent told u anything
Its not my fault you can't defend yourself to your OWN liking.
I never said that. 
And you aren't a bible thumper, you admitted to picking and choosing what you want to follow. Cafeteria christian.

28. no, i am responding competently enough, yes i did, but im sorry, i dont identify with the Cafeteria sect of Christianity
Didn't you admit to following things you didnt fully understand?...what else does that equate to?

29. no, find that quote, i said i believe in a God whose decisions i dont understand

I didn't tell you who you are. You told me who you are. You told me what you believe in.
30. i didnt
And I don't care what your name is.  

31. didnt ask u to care
Stop crying and man up. If your argument doesn't stand on its own then its not my fault.

32. that wasnt crying, but obviously u need to try and seem macho by identifying me with a feeble crying man, take it how u want, my arguments are totally fine, u just dont understand them and TRY to mask the initial subject of God not being a huge jerk like your first post tried to make it out to be, with statements like "you follow a religion whose God u dont understand" and "youre not a fundamentalist Christian because you dont follow everything in the Bible", bottom line, your argument was that Satan is more honorable than God because hes just following the messed up rules God gave him, my response is God is honorable because he gave us parts of his power which is the power to make decisions and be creative

1. Lies. You said you ask god for sometimes to talk to you and sometimes you get an answer and sometimes you dont. THATS WHAT YOU SAID. You're asking a god that knows everything and what will happen to change your own future or circumstances.
2. I'm not backtracking when I explain to you the origin of your religious perception of "lucifer" and how incorrect it is. 

3. I encourage religious people to read about other religions to see how similar they are to everyone else they think is different from themselves. Not force. I'm not going to force anyone to do anything. And I didn't say you read the whole bible. You haven't though and you've admitted this when you explained that you essentially pick and choose what to follow.

4. I know I am. Thats why I don't claim to know everything. However, I don't believe things that I don't understand. Thats pretty stupid to do. I only subscribe to ideologies I understand and can fully represent. However you claim to think all of your religion is true, but you admitted to not understanding all of it. 

5. Are you trolling or are you just being slow? We can depict hydrogen bonding based on our use of energetic diagrams represented by temperature measurements and bond energies of IR graphs or H-NMR's. Take Organic Chemistry or P-Chem before you say something stupid like that again. Like I said, not understanding something is where you fail miserably. Hell even someone in general chemistry can explain this.

6. I stand by my statement. You said that you believe in your god and religion even though you don't understand all of it. That promote ignorance in other areas of life. Lets say, "yeah, i'm going to war with iraq but I don't fully understand why i'm here!"...Yeah completely justified. 

7. So a person with cystic fibrosis and a lifespan of 20ish years is enjoying life? Or someone with cerebal palsy? or seizures? or Sickle Cell...thats not painful at all...except when your blood flow to your joints stops. 
 You know so much that you know utterly nothing. God didn't make the raped person experience the raping? is this a serious response? God gave the rapist a chance to decide to rape or not but still god knows everything that will happen? SO WHAT IS GOD DOING WHEN BOYS ARE GETTING RAPED AT PENN STATE? WHERE IS GOD? BUSY?! How can god be onmisciennt and know whats going to happen and NOT do anything about it? That means god isn't all powerful either. What the hell? This is why your religion is dangerous. It lets us be complacent with ridiculous answers like yours. Basically, god is cool with rape? Ok. Just making sure. Because he damn sure is cool with it in the bible too.

8. good things happen from bad things? So I guess it was justified in dropping the atomic bomb or its a good thing Conrad Murray let MJ die...theres something good going to come from that! God works in mysterious ways, right? 

9. So here we have the first blatantly wrong scientific argument. Energy is not created or destroyed. I don't know what else to say to you.  "thats pretty powerful to me" you sound like a flipping child...oh yeah, where did you read that? I'm sure the desert goat herders who wrote the bible didn't know what 'energy' was in the first place, yet they say god can do it. how do you know god can do it? Saying that god said he can do it...DOESNT MEAN HE CAN DO IT. If god said the world is made out of hot-dogs, would that make it true? 

10. Gift of conception??? You mean THINKING? So if I think I can fly, will that make me fly? I guess it works that easily, right?  Since modern medicine isn't so beneficial, stop eating your genetically modified food and don't get a flu shot. Lets see how that works out for you this winter. 

11. False. Morality is derived from collective social agreements made by groups of species that come together and evaluate what is important to that. Thats what morals differ depending on where you go. But I bet if god came and asked you to kill your mom, you wouldn't do it, would you? BINGO...if you answered NO then you don't need  a god to tell you how to think. 

12. BINGO. Youre smart enough to know what NOT to do in the presence of a situation but you'd never do it. On top of that, you're revealing how selfish you're being..."the god I think exists"...ITS ALL IN YOUR HEAD. YOURE ADMITTING IT. YOURE MAKING IT ALL UP TO SATISFY YOUR OWN SELFISH PERSPECTIVES. ME MYSELF & I! The god you think exists??? The hell? You're not even sure but you're making this all up based on assumption!

13. No. False. Wrong. Religions time and time again adopt prevailing ethical codes in socities and adopt them and make them apart of their own religion. Thats why modern society doesn't stone women who have premaritial sex or kill people who work on saturdays/sundays. We have MOVED ON FROM RELIGIOUS DOCTRINE. And who the hell are you to even comment? You don't even follow the whole book!

14. In your own words god created good and bad people so if bad people do bad things, why should we stop them? God makes us do everything right? So its in gods plan for them to do bad things. Again you're contradicting yourself. Just admit that you have free will to do what you want and no god actually makes you do anything. 

15. Again, its not a fair choice if one is, you get punished and/or killed. Chances are people will do the thing that will keep them out of the least amount of harm. Self preservation is innate in most species.

16. YOU SAID THAT!!! I'm not editing your comments YOU SAID THAT.

17. using "maybe" makes your argument seem worse because it shows YOURE GUESSING. You don't KNOW. You're just making stuff up to satisfy the possibility of your argument. On top of that, if god is indifferent then why pray to it? or acknowledge it? Its not going to help you if its indifferent!

But god isn't that indifferent. This is how it chooses to intervene:


18. Huh? Back to the original question. Do you follow a book thats been written by people and edited dozens of times that doesn't even include the entire story?? Don't lie to yourself now.

19. Nah, in the bible it says sin is sin. So now you're picking and choosing, aren't you?

20. There are no cons in heaven? That means everything is equal because nothing could be considered over anything else. Heaven itself is a contradictory statement or ideal. Its an extreme boundary of mental ideology that can't be reached. Its like an asymptote. 

21. Yeah I have no problem with reading other texts, and I don't have a "view" of a christian. I still encourage you to do so.

22. So if you dont even know what it takes then how do you know you're even doing the right things to get into heaven? How do you REALLY know? Thats right...you're guessing yet again. 


 So you can pick and choose whatever it is you want to believe as long as its called christianity...EVEN if you don't even follow all of it? 

Seems like a grade A liar to me.



24. I'm sure you should consult the other 2 billion people who disagree.  On top of that, why are you checking with god in the first place. Didn't you just say god was indifferent? Your god seems like it wouldn't care either way. Seems like a waste of time.


26. You don't have to follow it? So why call yourself a christian then? Are you a football player if you play the game with a basketball? Are you a math teacher if you go over english in class? Are you a fighter pilot if you work at Comcast? 

27. I don't care what your name is or what you've done. We're only talking about your beliefs. You are not your beliefs. Your beliefs are what you think. Who you are as a person is completely separate.

28. YOU JUST SAID YOU PICK AND CHOOSE! You have the memory of a goldfish 

29. YOUR ANSWER PROVED MY POINT!!! YOU BELIEVE IN THINGS YOU DONT UNDERSTAND...AND YOUVE SAID THAT BEFORE! How the hell do you type one thing and then immediately forget it?!?!

30.  ok ok...fine I dont know anything about you. we get it. moving on. this is about your "faith"

31. ...

32. This same honorable god is the one that kicks satan out because it doesn't recognize him as god has killed more than satan in the bible, and also makes bad people and knows they will do bad things...on top of that, I can practically hear you weeping as I type this. Grow up already. "you're being a jerk"... 
Whatever. I didn't say anything about you, i'm only talking about your beliefs and if you can't handle it, then you need to defend them better because I don't have to respect them. I respect you as a person but nothing automatically gets my respect or is free from criticism ideology, and religious beliefs included. 
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by jimmybeanz
Creates religion thread...
... Asks for non-religious responses

Anyways, I'd rather be Satan. No fun in being omniscient. Must suck to wake up and already know what's going to happen during the day.
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