I want to show you guys this vid from the /B/ Cringe thread vol. Do fat people repulse you?

The fact that people can even think that being overweight is comparable to race and ethnicity really shows the state of mind of people as a whole.

Seeing it as something that you just are is a very unhealthy way of thinking and it's unsurprising that numerous obese people use that as an excuse when there are people out there defending them using their logic.

National Association for Fat Acceptance. really? It's your fault you're fat. I wouldn't even call it an addiction. It's pure laziness. But if people keep seeing reactions like the one on the game show where the man speaks the truth, but is seemingly crucified for his opinion, they'll start to think that his opinion is the wrong one.
there was a pic i found on the bb forums. it was a pic of a dude and a girl. they at the gym showing their abs. people commenting saying how thats diagusting and all that ****. one chick said the girl is on roids -_-

on the flip side there was a fat chick in bra and panties with ill stretch marks sayin how this is her and if u dont like it get out.

people commented saying yes this is how all women should look/this is a real woman. embrace who u are
there was a pic i found on the bb forums. it was a pic of a dude and a girl. they at the gym showing their abs. people commenting saying how thats diagusting and all that ****. one chick said the girl is on roids -_-

on the flip side there was a fat chick in bra and panties with ill stretch marks sayin how this is her and if u dont like it get out.

people commented saying yes this is how all women should look/this is a real woman. embrace who u are

saw that ****

its all relative smh
Are we gonna have a National Association for (W)hore Acceptance too?

Or National Association for Drug Acceptance?

It's a lifestyle CHOICE. Whether or not being gay is a choice is debatable but the overweight/obese lifestyle is not.

This lifestyle doesn't HAVE to be accepted. I don't accept it and I'm going to tell my future kids that being fat is a bad thing just like smoking is.

I think it's a sensitivity issue but it still holds true that fat people are lazy and/or have no willpower

Cold hard facts
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Are we gonna have a National Association for (W)hore Acceptance too?

Or National Association for Drug Acceptance?

It's a lifestyle CHOICE. Whether or not being gay is a choice is debatable but the overweight/obese lifestyle is not.

This lifestyle doesn't HAVE to be accepted. I don't accept it and I'm going to tell my future kids that being fat is a bad thing just like smoking is.

I think it's a sensitivity issue but it still holds true that fat people are lazy and/or have no willpower

Cold hard facts

See now there is some comparisons that finally make sense.

This reminds me of what I was told in elementary school (in regards to being obese and reading what Meth wrote): you need to earn that F.

There's nothing wrong with having a few extra pounds here and there if you keep it in check and know what you're doing isn't the best you can do.

It takes a lot of eating and laziness to become obese. I'm not saying everyone should be in the gym everyday and micro-managing their diet, but there is a point where common sense kicks in and even though a lot of people aren't going to get "ripped" or model-like, they can still hover around a healthy weight.

Eating unhealthy foods in excess is a choice no matter how many hours you work or how many hours you sit on the couch. You still earn what you put into it, whether that's an A (being highly active and healthy), a C (sitting around/eating unhealthy and realizing it), or an F (eating unhealthy, sitting around, not understanding why you're the way you are and expecting your environment to change when in reality it's YOU that needs to change).
It's a lifestyle CHOICE. Whether or not being gay is a choice is debatable but the overweight/obese lifestyle is not.

This lifestyle doesn't HAVE to be accepted yet it is...IMO, I don't accept it and I'm going to tell my future kids that being/becoming fat is a bad CHOICE( health wise) just like smoking is.

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ive never and will never make excuses for being fat. being fat is a choice.

BRB going for a run :pimp:
Honestly, the "fat" people who are minded and can take a joke have the best personalities in my opinion. My bro Raheem is about 230 lb. and EVERYONE loves him; pulls some of the dimes skinny dudes wish they could smash.

The only fat people I hate are the ones who complain about being fat. If you didn't want to be fat stop eating BS, go workout. Simple as that. Very few people on this planet that can make the excuse of, "being fat" due to genetics.





being named shanequa
i never compared race or sexual orientation to being obese...lol...so yall need to chill...just showing examples of 'differences' that get people discriminated against...that it.

i was brought up to think that im NEVER better than the next man...EVER..i dont judge people (try not)  because of their appearance...i let their character and their actions mold how i view them...

so if you can look at a fat person and cringe and be repulsed and feel like your somehow helping them, or helping anyone but yourself (your ego) then thats on you...not up to me to change how u think....same way it aint up to you to change how they live...yall just standing on your pedestal looking down and pointing at a group less fortunate than you...no different than people gay bashing..no different than people looking down at people for using food stamps...no different...

like a said, i feel like this is a middle school subject...just the thread title alone screams jr high...
[h3]repulsed   past participle, past tense ofre·pulse (Verb)[/h3]

  1. Drive back (an attack or attacking enemy) by force.
  2. Fail to welcome (friendly advances or the person making them); rebuff.
aint no holier than thou attitude...it plain old aint right to be 'repulsed' by someone cause theyre overweight...no diff than me hating u club for being a short white dude...you cant help being short and white...but it repulses me and makes me cringe seeing short white dudes... 

see how stupid that sound?
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Health and nutrition are important issues.  So is education.  You don't start a "serious thread" on education by saying, in effect, 

"Don't stupid people disgust you?  Earning my graduate degrees was totally easy for me because I'm smart, handsome, responsible, and handsome.  All of these idiots who don't even have a lousy masters degree are just lazy.  Don't even get me started on 'social promotion.'  And yeah, I know that some jerks are stupid because they have brain damage or some other genetic weirdness, so don't even say it, but that's totally minuscule compared to the vast majority of dummies who are stupid because they didn't put forth the effort needed to crack a book.  They should all be shamed and scorned until I somehow feel better about myself.   Cliff's Notes for you lazy morons:  you're dumb and I'm smart.  Discuss.  Now.  I said do it." 

Nothing about this thread is credible.  If you're going to engage in gratuitous "fat bashing," then at least have the decency to accept that you're acting like a bully.  But don't sit here and say, "I'm insulting fatties for their own good."  You're not twelve.  You're not on a bodybuilding forum.  

If it's a serious issue to you, drop the contemptuous, disrespectful attitude and approach it with an ounce of maturity. 

That you're somehow baffled as to why you aren't being taken seriously is the only laughable part of this thread. 

Huh?! A degree is going above and beyond so you could compare that to someone who is a body builder. If your going to compare education to fitness start at a basic level. Now if you wanna say "Graduating high school was easy to me because I was focused on doing my work and getting it turned in on time." Thats fine with me. Staying fit doesn't take much work. Eating right and staying active will keep you at the weight you should be at, even if your out of shape. A fat person has to work hard to get down to a normal weight just as a person who is trying to graduate on time has to work hard to make up for all of the slacking off.

And yes.. I hate fat people..
We hab
I have never been a fat adult, but a fat kid I was.

2 years ago I hit a new low, started smoking heavy, and the munchies got to me. Within a year I gained 55lbs (luckily I'm a productive stoner and I did not give up my gym routine prior to that).

But still, I ballooned to 180lbs at 5'7 and my peers started to notice, with comments like "Damn u eating good" or "You getting fat bro."

So I increased the intensity in the gym, but STILL kept my bad habit of smoking and munching foods afterwards (I subbed OJ for coconut water and kinda watched what I eat when I'm zooted)

After 3 months I'm 155lbs. Not scrawny like before I smoked, nor sloppy like when I was 180lbs.

Nowadays I go hard at all 3, gym, chief, and food. Can no one tell me anything.

I found a balance and I'm happy.

We have the same story but only became 165. Im 5'7 152 right now. Hitting the gym hard 5-6 times a week. Chiefing before and after gym lol
[h3]repulsed   past participle, past tense ofre·pulse (Verb)[/h3]

  1. Drive back (an attack or attacking enemy) by force.
  2. Fail to welcome (friendly advances or the person making them); rebuff.
aint no holier than thou attitude...it plain old aint right to be 'repulsed' by someone cause theyre overweight...no diff than me hating u club for being a short white dude...you cant help being short and white...but it repulses me and makes me cringe seeing short white dudes... 

see how stupid that sound?
im 5'10" im cool with my height

and im latino  

i can just tell you're pissed at this point. 

i cant help being 5'10", but people CAN help being grotesquely overweight.

thats the issue at hand is. This pass of "you dont have to change anything at all! We accept your poor life decisions!"

Usually we 'accept' people based on things they dont choose.

Being fat is a choice. Some people seem to not grasp that concept. Society is saying its ok to be this way when it isnt.

'do fat people repulse you?' was a quote from the video

Listen i obviously hit a sore spot in your real life with this thread, which is why you're nitpicking the way you are.

now you're comparing being fat to being gay? :lol: come on dude, you're just typing for the sake of typing now
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Wait did Meth just compare education to obesity?....
he not only did that, but used da SAME club to bash us in da head because we weren't being "mature"

about da topic that ironically uses intelligent to understand that NO its NOT OK to condone being

obese because of our awareness of da health risks and unsavory appearance...
masterfully hypocritical

fat people dont deserve a safety blanket, they deserve da same vileness people who smoke cigarette around babies do.

being a few pounds overweight is understandable, people work, people get stressed out, not enough time to work out,

sometimes fast food is frankly cheaper and more accessible...but to condone people who resemble rolling pounds of wax

with clothes? nah i wont subject myself to this new era of "political correctness"..fat people get rode on till da wheel fall off.

putting in what goes in your body is a CHOICE, no ifs ands or butts.
Did not know ksteezy used to be overweight..
How'd u lose the weight?
And what motivated u to do so?

I've nvr been overweight.. But some ppl act like losing weight is easy..
Back in my late teens, early 20's I got a job at BK...ballooned to 210lbs @ 5'6...back then I hid behind the huge clothes which were in style, but I dreaded the summer, due to my gain in weight I developed Gyno, I became miserable but never let anyone know, I hated the person I saw in the mirror....so I started eating better, running a lot, lost weight, had to get the Gyno surgically treated, 12 years later today, I'm not where I want to be but I'm on the way, been actively excersicing for the past 4 years to maintain a healthy weight and this year I started Crossfit to reshape my body and I'm happier than ever with myself...takes a lot of work to he up everyday and get your *** beat at a gym, certainly much easier to stay in bed, is much more convenient to grab a meal at McDonald than it is to cook some chicken breast and some veggies, tastes better to indulge in junk food than to snack on some carrots, but the end result and healthier lifestyle, self love is what's worth it in the end, no way in hell you can tell me an obese person loves the person they see in the mirror, man I've been there, that feeling is terrible.

Yeah that's my wife in the pic about 12 years ago...she's been by my side through it all...lol
damn you was a fat ****, congrats on being mentally strong and losing that ****.
he not only did that, but used da SAME club to bash us in da head because we weren't being "mature"

about da topic that ironically uses intelligent to understand that NO its NOT OK to condone being

obese because of our awareness of da health risks and unsavory appearance... :lol: :smh: masterfully hypocritical

fat people dont deserve a safety blanket, they deserve da same vileness people who smoke cigarette around babies do.

being a few pounds overweight is understandable, people work, people get stressed out, not enough time to work out,

sometimes fast food is frankly cheaper and more accessible...but to condone people who resemble rolling pounds of wax

with clothes? nah i wont subject myself to this new era of "political correctness"..fat people get rode on till da wheel fall off.

putting in what goes in your body is a CHOICE, no ifs ands or butts.

Y'all are slow.

Either that, or you just see what you want to see in order to babble on with some one-sided argument. I know pubescent girls who are less sensitive than some of y'all.

Agree with you that what goes in your body is choice, and people shouldn't be rewarded or patted on the back for making poor health choices. That being said, we still have to make a distinction between those who are just willingly fat and those who, as you said, may be stressed out, not have enough time to workout, etc. This whole blanket attitude of "all fat people deserve to be persecuted" is ludicrous and irresponsible. Judging every fat person at their face value is still prejudice, which I don't think many of us condone.
there was a pic i found on the bb forums. it was a pic of a dude and a girl. they at the gym showing their abs. people commenting saying how thats diagusting and all that ****. one chick said the girl is on roids -_-

on the flip side there was a fat chick in bra and panties with ill stretch marks sayin how this is her and if u dont like it get out.

people commented saying yes this is how all women should look/this is a real woman. embrace who u are

i found the picture


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