I want to show you guys this vid from the /B/ Cringe thread vol. Do fat people repulse you?

I think the problem and what sets obese individuals apart from all these other groups you guys are placing them with (ethnicity, sexual orientation, physical disability, etc) is that for the most part getting to the point where you are 100lbs + overweight was a choice and associations like the ones Club speaks of are only providing shelter for those who made this choice and borderline encouraging others to accept an unhealthy lifestyle, to embrace it....I wonder what is this groups respond to diabetes, increased chances of a stroke, high cholesterol, etc.

For us as a society to accept obesity and embrace it is like hanging up the white flag....we should be fighting this, not welcoming it.

Before anyone says I can't relate to being fat or slightly obese...about 10 years ago....

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Steezy, is that the wifey?

the topic is why we allow things such as 'Fat Acceptance Associations' in America.

its just wrong to have those kind of organizations. It promotes poor lifestyle choices and alleviates self-responsibility

thats all im trying to get at here. 

just a select few of you decided to start throwing words like 'bullying' to prevent any sort of rational discussion on this matter

and now that the ALMIGHTY Meth has spoken, i fully expect his post to get about 25 thumbs-up and several quotations with "THIS" put at the end

but of course im a bully and im making you all feel bad about yourselves and i should be more sensitive in this new America and blah blah blah

But you're known as a d*** around these parts, so...
the topic is why we allow things such as 'Fat Acceptance Associations' in America.

its just wrong to have those kind of organizations. It promotes poor lifestyle choices and alleviates self-responsibility

thats all im trying to get at here. 

just a select few of you decided to start throwing words like 'bullying' to prevent any sort of rational discussion on this matter

and now that the ALMIGHTY Meth has spoken, i fully expect his post to get about 25 thumbs-up and several quotations with "THIS" put at the end

but of course im a bully and im making you all feel bad about yourselves and i should be more sensitive in this new America and blah blah blah
I can only imagine the level of frustration you are experiencing right now. Especially because of Meth's post hahahah
I think the problem and what sets obese individuals apart from all these other groups you guys are placing them with (ethnicity, sexual orientation, physical disability, etc) is that for the most part getting to the point where you are 100lbs + overweight was a choice and associations like the ones Club speaks of are only providing shelter for those who made this choice and borderline encouraging others to accept an unhealthy lifestyle, to embrace it....I wonder what is this groups respond to diabetes, increased chances of a stroke, high cholesterol, etc.

For us as a society to accept obesity and embrace it is like hanging up the white flag....we should be fighting this, not welcoming it.

Before anyone says I can't relate to being fat or slightly obese...about 10 years ago....

View media item 377509
Dog, you will find a way to post a picture of yourself in ANY situation. I applaud the consistency man :rofl:
Did not know ksteezy used to be overweight..
How'd u lose the weight?
And what motivated u to do so?

I've nvr been overweight.. But some ppl act like losing weight is easy..
Losing weight is definitely not easy.

It takes crazy motivation, dedication, and discipline to lose weight.

That being said, having high cholesterol, blood pressure, and high chances of heart attack should motivate anyone to start living a healthier lifestyle.

If you have a medical reason...that's completely understandable. If you're overweight and accept the fact that you are this way because of your eating habits and lifestyle...that's understandable as well. As long as you know, I'm not going to tell you how to live your life.

I CAN NOT stand the type that eats junk food and do not exercise, yet complain it's "too hard" to lose weight while munching on chips and drinking a 2 liter bottle of soda. :smh:
Did not know ksteezy used to be overweight..
How'd u lose the weight?
And what motivated u to do so?

I've nvr been overweight.. But some ppl act like losing weight is easy..

Back in my late teens, early 20's I got a job at BK...ballooned to 210lbs @ 5'6...back then I hid behind the huge clothes which were in style, but I dreaded the summer, due to my gain in weight I developed Gyno, I became miserable but never let anyone know, I hated the person I saw in the mirror....so I started eating better, running a lot, lost weight, had to get the Gyno surgically treated, 12 years later today, I'm not where I want to be but I'm on the way, been actively excersicing for the past 4 years to maintain a healthy weight and this year I started Crossfit to reshape my body and I'm happier than ever with myself...takes a lot of work to he up everyday and get your *** beat at a gym, certainly much easier to stay in bed, is much more convenient to grab a meal at McDonald than it is to cook some chicken breast and some veggies, tastes better to indulge in junk food than to snack on some carrots, but the end result and healthier lifestyle, self love is what's worth it in the end, no way in hell you can tell me an obese person loves the person they see in the mirror, man I've been there, that feeling is terrible.

Yeah that's my wife in the pic about 12 years ago...she's been by my side through it all...lol
So is the question "should we have clubs that reinforce bad habits?" This is all under the assumption that the fat acceptance clubs actually promote fatness. When no one can really prove that or not. But assuming that is the case.

Then isn't it just personal preference. Like if there was a cig smoking club that traded around different cigarettes and home made ones and such is that bad? Personally i don't care what the next man does and if it makes them happy then go ahead and do it as long as its fair and reasonable under law. (ie: if you love murdering....don't do it that's wrong).

It just seems there is a slant in the conversation because people have a predisposition toward fat people
Losing weight is definitely not easy.
I CAN NOT stand the type that eats junk food and do not exercise, yet complain it's "too hard" to lose weight while munching on chips and drinking a 2 liter bottle of soda. :smh:

I definitely have seen different sides of the story. I am sure we've all seen the over weight individual that consumes tons of junk food and yet complains about not being skinny. Then there are those people that just don't have the metabolism to burn fat as easy. I know some girls that try to diet and it takes forever to burn off a couple of pounds. Then once when their craving hits, they can literally gain all that weight back in one sitting. That's got to be tough on your motivation. Knowing that months or years of hard work can be ruined if you just relapse into eating a ton in a couple of days.

I on the opposite side of the spectrum. Been skinny my whole life to the point where it just looked bad (I weighed 145 most of my life and am 5'8). Finally at the age of 28, I started to work out and it took almost 3 years to get to a 169lbs and I know if I stopped working out that I'd just go back to being a skinny guy again. It's nerve racking that it takes this long to even gain weight but to my credit, I did it all without doing protein shakes nor expanding on my diet.
I have never been a fat adult, but a fat kid I was.

2 years ago I hit a new low, started smoking heavy, and the munchies got to me. Within a year I gained 55lbs (luckily I'm a productive stoner and I did not give up my gym routine prior to that).

But still, I ballooned to 180lbs at 5'7 and my peers started to notice, with comments like "Damn u eating good" or "You getting fat bro."

So I increased the intensity in the gym, but STILL kept my bad habit of smoking and munching foods afterwards (I subbed OJ for coconut water and kinda watched what I eat when I'm zooted)

After 3 months I'm 155lbs. Not scrawny like before I smoked, nor sloppy like when I was 180lbs.

Nowadays I go hard at all 3, gym, chief, and food. Can no one tell me anything.

I found a balance and I'm happy.
@ work my fat coworkers (basically 60-70%) I get annoyed when they tell me I'm skinny and I should eat more. Working in an environment where its okay to be fat but not okay to be skinny/ watch their figure? smh.

notice it on facebook too. When a skinny girl posts a pic all these fat people tell the girl she need to eat more lol.

son me ******g too

my boss is HUGE. he cant walk thru a door normally cause hes that wide. yet he tells me i need to eat more and im skinny and all that jazz. i guarantee i eat more than he does. and theyre really ignorant and think oh cause hes skinny he must not eat.

wouldnt it be ignorant to say all fat people eat a lot? yes. theres some co workers that say stuff too and theyre fat also. i mean it doesnt bother me at all but its just annoying. what if i said something about them? #shotsfired
Back in my late teens, early 20's I got a job at BK...ballooned to 210lbs @ 5'6...back then I hid behind the huge clothes which were in style, but I dreaded the summer, due to my gain in weight I developed Gyno, I became miserable but never let anyone know, I hated the person I saw in the mirror....so I started eating better, running a lot, lost weight, had to get the Gyno surgically treated, 12 years later today, I'm not where I want to be but I'm on the way, been actively excersicing for the past 4 years to maintain a healthy weight and this year I started Crossfit to reshape my body and I'm happier than ever with myself...takes a lot of work to he up everyday and get your *** beat at a gym, certainly much easier to stay in bed, is much more convenient to grab a meal at McDonald than it is to cook some chicken breast and some veggies, tastes better to indulge in junk food than to snack on some carrots, but the end result and healthier lifestyle, self love is what's worth it in the end, no way in hell you can tell me an obese person loves the person they see in the mirror, man I've been there, that feeling is terrible.

Yeah that's my wife in the pic about 12 years ago...she's been by my side through it all...lol

I knew how long you have been together but you were a hefty guy at a reasonably young age and she was still there??

I love you two ):
Back in my late teens, early 20's I got a job at BK...ballooned to 210lbs @ 5'6...back then I hid behind the huge clothes which were in style, but I dreaded the summer, due to my gain in weight I developed Gyno, I became miserable but never let anyone know, I hated the person I saw in the mirror....so I started eating better, running a lot, lost weight, had to get the Gyno surgically treated, 12 years later today, I'm not where I want to be but I'm on the way, been actively excersicing for the past 4 years to maintain a healthy weight and this year I started Crossfit to reshape my body and I'm happier than ever with myself...takes a lot of work to he up everyday and get your *** beat at a gym, certainly much easier to stay in bed, is much more convenient to grab a meal at McDonald than it is to cook some chicken breast and some veggies, tastes better to indulge in junk food than to snack on some carrots, but the end result and healthier lifestyle, self love is what's worth it in the end, no way in hell you can tell me an obese person loves the person they see in the mirror, man I've been there, that feeling is terrible.

Yeah that's my wife in the pic about 12 years ago...she's been by my side through it all...lol

I knew how long you have been together but you were a hefty guy at a reasonably young age and she was still there??

I love you two ):

Actually naw I think they broke up for a while.
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yeah they did... lol I remember that, too. but they were still like in reconciliation mode throughout, no? I recall specifically during the "darker days of iss" when she would make casual appearances.

**** I know a little too much about your relationship, Elkinsito. Brb gonna go get a life.
Ain't like he didn't put it out there for us to see. What's the longest break ya'll took from each other Steezin?
A year was the longest break, but I wasn't on NT at that point, full blown ISSer with the likes of Diego and Beatz, you were on ISS too Mark?...lol
I hate when people get on here and say "a lot of people can't help being fat" :stoneface: The only country that has more fat people on average is Kuwait. One country in the entire world is fatter than us. So clearly it can be helped. Forget exercise, just a change in diet alone would do wonders for millions of people in this country. Look at the crap people eat. I'm skinny and have a tough time gaining weight and I still wouldn't eat half the stuff people who are already BIG eat. Baconators, fried pork chops, triple stack burgers, 32 oz sodas, like c'mon man it's ridiculous. Every meal you eat has 1500+ calories and you say you can't help that you're overweight.

My girlfriend's roommate is like 5'5 300+, I've SEEN her sit in the living room and eat half a jar of straight cream cheese ICING with a spoon, like it was yogurt. :x I can't feel bad for her..at all.
A year was the longest break, but I wasn't on NT at that point, full blown ISSer with the likes of Diego and Beatz, you were on ISS too Mark?...lol

Naw actually you told NT that story. I couldn't do ISS. My younger days I used to rock with that HT crowd, It would be like Dblock hanging out with mindless behavior.
I hate when people get on here and say "a lot of people can't help being fat" :stoneface: The only country that has more fat people on average is Kuwait. One country in the entire world is fatter than us. So clearly it can be helped. Forget exercise, just a change in diet alone would do wonders for millions of people in this country. Look at the crap people eat. I'm skinny and have a tough time gaining weight and I still wouldn't eat half the stuff people who are already BIG eat. Baconators, fried pork chops, triple stack burgers, 32 oz sodas, like c'mon man it's ridiculous. Every meal you eat has 1500+ calories and you say you can't help that you're overweight.

My girlfriend's roommate is like 5'5 300+, I've SEEN her sit in the living room and eat half a jar of straight cream cheese ICING with a spoon, like it was yogurt. :x I can't feel bad for her..at all.

I would sit in front of her and stare in amazement, as if she's breaking a world record..
Just skimmed through the thread.

Being fat is analogous to race, sexual orientation, etc.


Simple answer is no it is not.

You could be born "fat" i guess...but it's not something that's imbued in your dna (in b4 genetics as a cause of obesity. being fat is different than body type)

If you're fat and continue to get fatter, you're either lazy or comfortable. if that's what you like then more power to you but it's not going to stop others from judging you.

it's a health issue and a serious one. It can lead to diabetes and such and such.

I feel as if being fat is more akin to being a smoker. Tough thing to break, yeah, but it's worth it and in some cases necessary.

People know the consequences yet continue to do it and that's why skinny/athletic people, like myself 8), are grossed out by it.
Naw actually you told NT that story. I couldn't do ISS. My younger days I used to rock with that HT crowd, It would be like Dblock hanging out with mindless behavior.

Ah, gotcha...I probably did share that story, but I actually went through the break as an ISSer, that's what Beatz was referring to, wife actually made an ISS account to e-stalk me...lulz
Naw actually you told NT that story. I couldn't do ISS. My younger days I used to rock with that HT crowd, It would be like Dblock hanging out with mindless behavior.

Ah, gotcha...I probably did share that story, but I actually went through the break as an ISSer, that's what Beatz was referring to, wife actually made an ISS account to e-stalk me...lulz

Well Damn.
Your logic is oh so flawed.

I'm a doctor, I know what i'm talking about. What are you?
That wouldn't even help the argument you just made :lol: How much of our taxes go to health care in a situation where an obese person is in the hospital specifically due to obesity related illnesses?

If you really feel this way there's a long list of ppl affecting us based on the taxes we pay.
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