I think I'm done with facebook...

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

You won't make it far with the whole, "I don't need to censor myself" mentality.
Since I say " I don't need to censor myself" you probably assume that I'm some wild kid
; In fact in my life I'm actually pretty conservative, but once again, meover the internet doesn't show me as a person....hence why I'm anti-facebook.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

whose fault is it that you accepted your aunt as a facebook friend so she could comment, though?

if you don't want people commenting or seeing your stuff... dont' allow them access
Facebook became too much for me everything I put up my father would comment on. I like twitter out of the two, but there both pretty stupid.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Facebook is a conspiracy by the government, and women alike. They use it against you, from your likes and dislikes, to your favorite films. Don't think woman aint checking your friends friends. She prolly know the highschool and hometown of every chick on your profile. I put my middle name in my title so cats couldn't find me.

I have come to terms with the fact that social networking sites will be forever reduced to attention @#%$%% using it as an extended outlet because a blog, just takes too many connecting sentences. With FB not only can they flood your page with nonsensical updates that nobody cares about, but once you post something personal, ones who life comes crashing down. Should I really have to think whether or not I can add my girl if the site was as harmless as some claim? Facebook is for married people, and connecting people when you are 45.

this guy is mad for no reason
Originally Posted by Regal Black

Already deleted mines

Just deleted mines last week. Initially i joined facebook solely for the purpose of meeting and prospecting females. Since I have been in a 3-year relationshipall facebook has done is cause problems so I no longer see the purpose. My real associates know how to contact me, plus i prefer to stay low-key anyways.
Originally Posted by bboy1827

Yeah I didn't think it was a big deal to accept people to because it's an internet site, but everything that's on there, or not on there, becomes real suddenly. I thought of it as a fun thing to do, but in today's world it's become a burden, and will quickly be exploited to the point of no return. The only reason I used it was to talk to some people, then that quickly turned into me being on their all the time. I'm going about it in a dramatic fashion because I always thought that overly-dramatic acts were hella funny; but I don't' want to lose contact people I lost touch with, but I left my email address on there and I'm not deleting my account so If I get a message of some importance it'll be in my email and I'll always have those people just in case.
The thing is, this isn't the late 90's where internet social networking was seen as something you do just for fun. We grew up with thatand I understand that mindstate completely, I still mess around on my facebook. However, the internet has grown just as we have and facebook's success isprobably mostly due to it accepting the older generation as a legit audience. We should all have been made aware of this when the newscasters started talkingabout people getting fired because of their myspace/fb. Just do what Dirty said and get your filters straight, no harm no foul.
Originally Posted by bjamez20

limited profiles sir. i have a whole group of people i block from everything called "relatives"
this. not that hard to figure out
Originally Posted by J23S

Originally Posted by drsfinest72

Originally Posted by Dwadefan

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

pics of your aunt?

Crank you too fam.
cranks aunt

but a 50 yr old auntie..her days are over.
Nah they're just beginning

then it all depends. but dont front, once u hit ur 40's u would stop with jordans, nike, lacoste, levis, iphones, sidekicks, etc..
What I hate about Facebook is that people from no where add you. I haven't seen this ugly disgusting scene chick in my classes or hallway at school sincemaybe 8th or 7th grade. I've gotten like 5 requests. I should probably block.

I haven't accepted a friend request for at least a few months or so. I only have about 100-200 friends.
yeah that was my new years resolution, to stop going on facebook... it was too time consuming for me since i was always on it when i had nothing to do, i candef. be making myself better by reading books with that spare time
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