I realized life was no joke when...

  1. When my pops passed away of a heart attack in the hospital, it was due to asthma complications which I inherited from him (thankfully nowhere near as bad) and I was 8 years old. My mother is a strong lady but it hurt my soul to see hear break down on the floor like that. My dad made me a handmade card with Mickey Mouse on it with like 2 paragraphs on the inside that he gave me a week before he passed. Not sure he knew it was coming or not but I hang that letter above my bed till this day. He wasn't perfect but I still love him, last time I cried in my life
  2. When an older cat in my neighborhood was murdered at a mall we frequent, shot in head and chest over a chick no less :smh:, my older brother was particularly close with him and we all looked up to him. I was 10 and didn't understand why at the time, he was nice dude and would play ball with us and buy the younger kids like myself ninja turtles off the ice cream truck. Careful out here fellas
  3. When my second job, but first real full time gig, got raided by the FBI and seized by the government. I was intern for the IT department making great money compared to my first job and at the end of it they let me stay on as a full time employee. The first day not being an intern the FBI and sheriff department showed up with guns out and made us all go the conference room while they searched the place. Our CEO wasn't their at the time and it was never made clear to me until later but it turns out the CEO along with some executives were commuting high level insurance fraud. Stole millions selling insurance to nightclubs and concert venues, the jig was up when he tried to take the company public and his paper work was funny (false bank statements). Once he lost the company he did all types of foul **** like canceling the internet and phone service, driving the company cars up to the front door so we couldn't get inside without climbing over them (Aston Martin and an H3 hummer), and worst of all he had people on the inside hiding and disrupting **** including my old direct bosses. They hit me randomly one day and tried to get me too give them some hard drives at a local restaurant away from the building, I hung up and blocked they numbers. The CEO is currently serving 40 years for this among other things (He also was planning to get one of the judge's overseeing his case killed, had multiple sniper rifles in his crib). Shining light is I was forced to learn high level networking and computer stuff since I stayed on a year till everything was liquidated, they made the CIO for about 8 months and I got a raise.
**** is real out here
When my second job, but first real full time gig, got raided by the FBI and seized by the government. I was intern for the IT department making great money compared to my first job and at the end of it they let me stay on as a full time employee. The first day not being an intern the FBI and sheriff department showed up with guns out and made us all go the conference room while they searched the place. Our CEO wasn't their at the time and it was never made clear to me until later but it turns out the CEO along with some executives were commuting high level insurance fraud. Stole millions selling insurance to nightclubs and concert venues, the jig was up when he tried to take the company public and his paper work was funny (false bank statements). Once he lost the company he did all types of foul **** like canceling the internet and phone service, driving the company cars up to the front door so we couldn't get inside without climbing over them (Aston Martin and an H3 hummer), and worst of all he had people on the inside hiding and disrupting **** including my old direct bosses. They hit me randomly one day and tried to get me too give them some hard drives at a local restaurant away from the building, I hung up and blocked they numbers. The CEO is currently serving 40 years for this among other things (He also was planning to get one of the judge's overseeing his case killed, had multiple sniper rifles in his crib). Shining light is I was forced to learn high level networking and computer stuff since I stayed on a year till everything was liquidated, they made the CIO for about 8 months and I got a raise.

Bruh this like something out a John Grisham novel.

Thats wild af
Outside of births and deaths, there were nights I had to sleep in my car and shave and wash at my storage unit.

Was dating an older woman and moved in with her, we would get into a fight and she would kick me out/leave me locked out (refused to give me a key to have power over me) since at the time I was working the late shift. So I would go stay with my ex some nights and when I was on the outs with both of them I'd sleep in my car in my old apt complex that I just got evicted out of. I admit I made the mistake of going back n forth cheating and getting caught but I still did it. One night in particular I was living with the ex and the older woman and I went out and had drinks and I was out late and the older woman called and told her we were together. So we got into it and I ended up in jail cuz the ex and I's son got into it.

Was working two jobs so I decided I'm not gonna let them have that power over me so I busted my tail and moved out and got my own spot again and left them both looking stupid and sad.
Bruh this like something out a John Grisham novel.

Thats wild af

:lol:Your telling me, I was like 23 at the time and going to school part time at that point since I ran out of electives, thats why I asked to stay on full time and they were happy to have me. One of the funnest jobs of life
  • Happy hours every friday with homemade beer :pimp:
  • Annual catered picnics:pimp:
  • The office was full of 90s nostalgia, toys and movie props, concert posters including signed ones from the Roc the Mic tour (One Hov himself)
  • Unlimited sick days as long as you were actually sick
  • 20 vacation days to start the year and they all rolled over
  • Free breakfast twice a week
  • THE WOMEN, SO MANY FINE WOMEN (My direct superior was hater though, they aint even like our department till I showed up :pimp:)
I should known something was up since a day after they got raided the current CIO and they guy I interviewed with and hired me just stopped showing up and changed his number. It was crazy
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When dude put a knife at my neck at like 10 yes old.

Saw dead bodies, ducked gunshots, got robbed around the same age.

Parents broke up, and I found out some of the adult dirt on both ends.

Lost my homie at 16 to a crackhead.

Chick I had in hs who I thought I loved like crazy got smashed by dude she claimed she couldn't stand and was nobody.

Legit gang wars about to pop off and my colors not neutral.

Got suspended from college.

Etc, etc. Yeah basically life hit me in the face real early.
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Got ran up on 4 times. Older dude who had beef with homies. Literally shot them up a few times, 8 times the first, 9 times the 2nd time around. but always dipped before anyone could find him & retaliate.

Late night stick in move type of situation. Always on point. You know one of those shady dudes who appears just around 2am when no ones around.. just ready to bring it. Let off and disappear. Yeah thats the type !!

Terrible life to live, always on edge. Brooklyn was a wild place. Thats when i realized how real life could get.

Long story short, i get caught up in the mix. 4 seperate times. Ran up on me, pulled up on me. Each time was a different excuse. Each time i felt the end. Each time something interferred with what was going down. ( blessings )

I’m not big on religion, but i know for a fact in my heart, something bigger was watching over me. As eventually dude got caught up for 12 bodies. He was notorious for being carrying out hits on opposing team & being paid for it.

Well known in queens.. & brooklyn. I might’ve said too much.

Be careful the crowd you keep, good people get lost all the time for the mistakes of others. As an adult im more aware of life as ive never really been wreckless but friends.. they’ve always been a bad bunch.

These days i walk a straight line, as i stay too myself. In hindsight you realize what matters at the moment, friends, relationships are mostly temporary. They are put in our lives to teach us a lesson. Thank goodness for me it worked in my favor.

Much luv, stay freshhhh !! :smokin :smokin

After reading this, I appreciate your optimism and excessive use of emoticons

Keep being positive Koudie. :pimp:
Yup. Hella NY cats flooded SD/LA and Phx before 9/11 looking for that fish scale. Easy money for a juco FB player.
Omg *****. I know you died and was reborn on that flight. :lol:
Never dropped my balls so hard lol
Went on one more trip after though. Puerto Rock dude that was the connect ended up getting jacked/murked by some one3 cats. Last time I messed with the dope game.
9/11. I seen how peoples attitudes towards us changed and the stuff people started calling me and my family. Got in a lot of fights, suspended from school a lot.

Also remember when our apartment got broken into when i was like 7. We didnt have much being refugees, think that was around the time we had just got our landed immigrant status. I remember coming home from school and seeing my mom crying and her explaining to me that someone came while she wasnt home and took everything. **** ****** me up.
-When I felt my grandpa's hand while he laid in his casket at his funeral. The first time I had seen a dead body let alone it being family.

-When people I went to HS school with started passing away.

-Figuring out how manipulating my mother has been all my life and realizing she was never involved. I recently had to break this down to her in regards to our relationship (or lack thereof) and her reaction was everything I thought it would be.

tr1ll tr1ll what middle school you go to in daygo?
Damn..this thread is why I f with y’all NT. We all from different backgrounds but went through some struggles. Yet we survived and shoot the **** on a message board

Here’s mine:

- I got bullied everyday in junior high. I stood up for myself, got suspended 5 times. The last time the police officer threatened to send me to juvenile hall. I didn’t go to my first 3 days of high school

- my close Samoan homie from elementary school hung himself when we were freshman. I never knew why. He was one of the guys that protected me from getting jumped in jr high. Dude had respect for me b/c I didn’t snitch after he decked me for being quick and pulling his flag (in flag football) in elementary school :lol:. He came by my house after and let me borrow his dope sling shot

- my older sister passed away from a stroke after my junior year in high school. She spent 4 months in the hospital. It was Viet New Years when the ambulance came with stretchers to pick her up from our house. We would drive to SF and other hospitals wherever they took her to be with her. She “woke up” once after a few months, saw her smile for the last time, but after became brain dead until she took her last breath

- I turned down joining my cousins’ gang because I got accepted to college. About 2 years later they were all locked up and on the news

- had a gun pointed at me and my hall mates by some school cops b/c they thought we were stealing bikes.

- almost caught a couple cases in college, ultimately led to my grades being bad, got kicked out my 4th year. Got back in 2 quarters later and graduated eventually. Now I’m in grad school.
-When I felt my grandpa's hand while he laid in his casket at his funeral. The first time I had seen a dead body let alone it being family.

-When people I went to HS school with started passing away.

-Figuring out how manipulating my mother has been all my life and realizing she was never involved. I recently had to break this down to her in regards to our relationship (or lack thereof) and her reaction was everything I thought it would be.

tr1ll tr1ll what middle school you go to in daygo?

Hilltop JRH in Chula Vista
- Being caught in a drive by as a kid playing at a birthday party.

- Watching a man get his head blown off close range from the balcony of my apartment as a teen. Dude was running down the street for his life and just wasn’t fast enough.

-9/11 I was watching live when the 2nd plane hit. Unreal.
Where did you sleep?
Damn mind telling the story on this
Like how long ago
What happened
How did it happen
How u pull through
i was smoking ice daily, super addicted and it got real bad. ended up completely homeless living in the park. all my stuff was in a plastic bag that i stashed each morning. i used to boost to eat and get high. ended up going to rehab and now i'm married, have a beautiful 5-year old son, paying a mortgage, and i'm more broke than when i was homeless :lol:
i tell you what though, i see almost everything in my life as a blessing man, even eating at mcdonalds. i'm excited for life everyday.
One of the things I experienced was when I was 16 and worked in a hospital for my first summer job. I worked in an ICU and watched a person die on one of the monitors from the front desk.

That same summer I also saw a patient in one of her rooms (she was 15), and she was changing her gown not realizing she was on the monitor, while I was doing the birdman hand rub watching, I look to my left and see a doctor doing the same thing I was doing. I was disgusted and didn't even look up at the monitor anymore.
9/11. I seen how peoples attitudes towards us changed and the stuff people started calling me and my family. Got in a lot of fights, suspended from school a lot.

Also remember when our apartment got broken into when i was like 7. We didnt have much being refugees, think that was around the time we had just got our landed immigrant status. I remember coming home from school and seeing my mom crying and her explaining to me that someone came while she wasnt home and took everything. **** ****ed me up.
Black folks were trippin on u???
We usually show other races love
One of the things I experienced was when I was 16 and worked in a hospital for my first summer job. I worked in an ICU and watched a person die on one of the monitors from the front desk.

That same summer I also saw a patient in one of her rooms (she was 15), and she was changing her gown not realizing she was on the monitor, while I was doing the birdman hand rub watching, I look to my left and see a doctor doing the same thing I was doing. I was disgusted and didn't even look up at the monitor anymore.
This was :smh: and :lol: at the same time
i realized life was no joke when I had my son. I live my life to make the best possible human being now. there isn't anything I wouldn't do for that young boy. he is only 4 and has a lifetime to go.
I was getting home from work, living with the parents at the time, when I discovered my mother dead on her bathroom floor. Called the paramedics to the house and they had told me that she had passed away several hours before... My father was at work ( 30 minutes or so from coming home) and I had to tell him but I didn't know how. He arrives home and sees the paramedics around me as I proceed to tell him that mom had died. I held him in my arms because it seem like he wanted to fight. Can't explain it... That was hard to see and I don't know man. One of the hardest things I ever had to do. They were married for 25 years. She was incredibly selfless and caring. We both still struggle over it. I miss that lady so much....so much..
Oh yeah. As far as relationship goes, back in 2012. Was my. First time being on my own. Was broke as hell, but I wasn't living at home anymore. Moved down south. Anyways, started talking to this joint that I worked with (crappy retail job). We go on a few dates whatever. Thought we were exclusive. But I had never been to her crib (had quit that retail job and moved into another spot with a roommate. That ***** was shady too). She woukd tell me about her roommate and stuff blah blah blah. Turns out it was a guy (red flag número uno uno but i was young and dumb and ***** whipped). I say whatever and keep seeing her. She goes on a weekend trip to ATL out the blue with her "roommate". She posted up this pic on Twitter and Facebook makeup done. Chilling in the hotel bed. My dumb *** thought she was just going out for drinks or whatever. Nah. Found out the roommate was in them guts. Not just that weekend but the entire time of our relationship. She confessed when she got back because "it was killing her". Also turns out.... That roommate was her ex. *****. WHAT?! She couldn't move out on her own because she was so in debt with student loans and he helped keep a roof over her head. All. Of this happened when I became homeless wandering the streets of bum **** Alabam without a dollar to my name. Bros, I was hit hard. Felt like such an idiot. Wasted about 6 months of my life with that joint. I went through probably the deepest depression of my life after that for about a year. I'm taking about couldn't eat. Couldn't sleep. Didn't care that I was sleeping on a pissy floor in the projects. Learned young, these women ain't ****. I can laugh now, but I was hurt for a minute.
9/11 changed our country so damn much, and the effects of it are still felt to this day (One example being the militarization of police). I was in the 6th grade on my way to the last class for the day. I was in their for about 10 minutes then the teacher told us all to stop what we were doing and sit at our desk while she went in the hallway, she was out their talking with other teachers, 7 minutes later they tell us to go home immediately. Me and my dumbass classmates were happy as **** thinking we get to skip class and go home, then when we get outside its mad parents acting all hysterical. I lived about 8 minutes from school so I normally walk home with friends but half way their my mom picked me up. She wouldn't even tell me what happened, then I saw the news when I got home. I was in utter shock
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