I realized life was no joke when...

Yo, academic probation is the worst :smh:

I had a tough time in HS because I started following the wrong crowd. Skipping classes, not taking homework and studying seriously. I was an honor roll student as a child and once I hit about 8th/9th grade I started goofing around because that’s what the “cool” thing to do was.

Graduated on time with my class, but always knew that it was by the skin of my teeth. I got into college and promised my parents I was taking a changed mentality and was going to hit the books seriously to show them that it wasn’t a waste of money.

I made the deans list my first year and was living on a natural high.

Then I started ****ing around with the wrong crowd again my sophomore/junior years :smh:

Started getting high and hitting clubs/bars (went to school in the city) and found myself right back where I was in high school :smh:

Got put in academic probation and even had to write a letter to appeal why I shouldn’t be kicked out of school for my GPA dropping below university standards.

Got back in halfway through my junior year and separated myself from that crowd (half of them got kicked out anyway) and finished my undergrad career on a high again.

One of the biggest life lessons I’ve learned, and it was bigger than just grades.

Bro we’re the same person :wow: :wow:
It took Islamabad my daugher to saved me...

I lived that life x3. This is just one of the stories...


I hear that my dude

I recently beat a weapons case. Im supposed to be sitting in the pen right now.

2001 - 9/11. Still unreal to me to this day. Seeing the images is just as potent emotionally as it was 16+ years ago.
2007 - out of nowhere I was diagnosed with depression/anxiety. That will humble you real quick. I was so f****g ashamed of myself.
2012 - best friend died of an OD. Grew up with him and was supposed to be his best man at his wedding.
2014 - laid off from a job I planned on having for a long time
Got ran up on 4 times. Older dude who had beef with homies. Literally shot them up a few times, 8 times the first, 9 times the 2nd time around. but always dipped before anyone could find him & retaliate.

Late night stick in move type of situation. Always on point. You know one of those shady dudes who appears just around 2am when no ones around.. just ready to bring it. Let off and disappear. Yeah thats the type !!

Terrible life to live, always on edge. Brooklyn was a wild place. Thats when i realized how real life could get.

Long story short, i get caught up in the mix. 4 seperate times. Ran up on me, pulled up on me. Each time was a different excuse. Each time i felt the end. Each time something interferred with what was going down. ( blessings )

I’m not big on religion, but i know for a fact in my heart, something bigger was watching over me. As eventually dude got caught up for 12 bodies. He was notorious for being carrying out hits on opposing team & being paid for it.

Well known in queens.. & brooklyn. I might’ve said too much.

Be careful the crowd you keep, good people get lost all the time for the mistakes of others. As an adult im more aware of life as ive never really been wreckless but friends.. they’ve always been a bad bunch.

These days i walk a straight line, as i stay too myself. In hindsight you realize what matters at the moment, friends, relationships are mostly temporary. They are put in our lives to teach us a lesson. Thank goodness for me it worked in my favor.

Much luv, stay freshhhh !! :smokin :smokin
i realized it ain’t a joke when the light switched..not a situation nor moment truly sparked it..just life and maturing
DUI before I turned 18
(20 cops rolled on me because they thought I stole the 5 series I was in)

Birth of my son

Loss of my Mom to cancer. It’s going on three years and I’m still mourning her death. The cemetery is 3 miles from my work and I’ve gone there every work day since then, rain or shine I’m out there. I have this guilt within me that I wasn’t there enough.
When I got academically suspended for grades back in December 2014......Fast forward 7 months later and had to have major surgery for testicular torsion.
When my mother broke down living expenses when I was 8 outside of a laundromat. We moved from LA to Philly a few months before because gang violence got too real. We were super broke, sharing a bedroom at my Aunts. At that age I couldn't understand why our lifestyle changed from being comfortable to scraping pennies(literally). Moms broke down rent, taxes, hourly rates, expenses in the car that night so understood why we didn't have so much back then.
When I was in the 3rd grade our apartment caught on fire late night and our neighbor didn’t help. We knew this lady. She worked at the rec center I used to go to after school. When we knocked on the door she didn’t answer. My pops knocked on the door for a while. When the FD knocked on the door(lights going outside) this heifer opened the door fully dressed. She avoid me and my people the rest of the time she worked there.

Going to middle school in San Deigo, I was literally 1 of the 2 black people in my grade. The other was a girl who clearly perdido en la salsa. One day the school bully came over and started dropping N bombs. I checked him on it, he tried to get all in my face, I pushed him and he backed off(shot out to pops for teaching me never to back down to anyone). You know this girl got mad at me, talking about, "That was my friend. Now he's not going to talk to me.."

One of my boys got life for robbing a Popeye's and beating a girl to death.
smh this thread is too real

@ the age of 20 drank 2 1/2 blue moons and got pulled over on the highway for speeding. Breathalyzed me i blew a .03. Cop couldve ended my life right there. Also had stuff in my trunk im glad he didnt search my vehicle, which he definitely had the right too. Life changing moment.

California rolling a stop sign with my homies LBs in the trunk, I didnt know until he said why didnt you completely as we were at the red light ahead. Undercover cop was pulling out of the neighborhood right behind us. Followed us about 50 yards, longest 50 yard drive of my ******* life. I could've been in prison for a long time for something I genuinely didn't know about.

Sleeping in my hoopty for a night.

Scrapping up coins to purchase chicken to cook for the night. Going through the self check out with all those coins were real AF
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Getting arrested/going to court (annoying)

Being in situations where I could be in jail for a long time or dead and see a blessing come out of no where

Losing friends/family

Spending money in my younger days on bull and not taking care of bills first

2yr 2000 on a jet blue flight from Ontario to jfk with 2 birds. Police dogs came on flight and took another dude off.

Woah - Black Rob
there wasnt really one specific moment for me, but years of drug abuse and other general ******* and ******** eventually cemented it into my head.
You in Canada?
I hear that my dude

I recently beat a weapons case. Im supposed to be sitting in the pen right now.


Now that’s your family praying over you fam :lol:

I’ve been homeless twice (sleeping a car and bathing in truck stops) none to say...I am glad I went through all my adversaries...

Life is as real as it gets...and so is God.

We’re living proof, G.
You in Canada?

Now that’s your family praying over you fam :lol:

I’ve been homeless twice (sleeping a car and bathing in truck stops) none to say...I am glad I went through all my adversaries...

Life is as real as it gets...and so is God.

We’re living proof, G.

Ya, Toronto.

They had me waiting 8hrs or something crazy for a lawyer and kept interrogating me after i asked for one but before i spoke to one.

They ****** it up all the way, thank god. They were in court telling bold faced lies too :smh:

One of the *******s in charge of the case got demoted tho :lol:
When I was 11(1989), my father and my uncle went fishing and never came back. They were killed in a head on collision with a kid who fell asleep at the wheel on a two lane road. My uncle was killed instantly and my dad passed in the hospital. Been scarred ever since...
- when I was like 7 I was riding with my family leaving my grandmothers house on the chicago southside. We were in the middle lane going north. A car on the east side of the intersection going west started dumping over our car at the black SUV to our left. the dudes in the SUV dipped out the driver side of the truck. the glass on the passenger side was falling right in front of my window. My fams car was not hit.

- Walking home from a new years party as a sophomore in high school, I was with a good friend, and we got rolled up on. One of the dudes in the car recognized my friend and offered us a ride. Got in the car and they said "aww man we were finna rob you fool".... Dude had a crowbar in his lap wearing gloves. :sick:

- Same year was getting in petty arguments with moms. in one incident she unplugged da ps2 mid game. i went and did the same to her computer. she went crazy trying to fight me basically and I had to do a jay z mush. she called the cops on me. I was gonna wait on em but she wouldn't leave me alone so I left and went to a nearby park. While I was laying on the bench the street was visible and I saw my moms in the police van roll by looking for me. Slept in the park that night and at a friends the next day. Snuck back after she went to work and my stepdad said he would talk to her.

- When I was 20 I was gambling for a living pretty much and took all my student loan to the MGM Grand because I wanted to try and win enough to buy a car. Cashed in for 10 black chips and started playing red or black in roulette. Lost 9 rolls straight so I said eff it and cashed in all of it. Played there for like 5 hours and was down to my last 600 bucks. Put a chip on a chip on 4 numbers and one hit for 3500 and with the 800 i had on black I got back to 4300. tipped the dealer 2 bills and went and bought my beater acura. Almost lost everything that day.

- Last year I was cruising down the freeway in my Golf R. Streets were wet from rain but I was feeling pretty confident with AWD. Hit a bunch of standing water at about 90-95 mph going around a curve (section with no guard) . tail immediately kicked out and i slid 4 lanes from the left lane in front of other cars to the right shoulder before the rear traction caught and saved my life.
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