I never knew that......

Gold Codes

The nuclear launch codes carried on by the president at all times is about the size of a credit card and before they use it the plastic covering must be snapped in two. Some letters and codes must said on the phone with someone on the other end of the phone to verify it’s the Prez. The other person would be at one of the various missile command systems.

Another step forward a first Lieutenant Roger Fischer suggested that the launch codes should be inside a volunteer and they must be killed to get the nuclear codes. Exact words were

“The President says, "George, I'm sorry but tens of millions must die." He has to look at someone and realize what death is—what an innocent death is. Blood on the White House carpet. It's reality brought home. “

now what if you wanted to go straight to missile command and launch them yourself? Well for a long time they were a series of locks. Literally.

On top of that later in the 70s all missile launch Control centres at one point had their codes 00000000.

All digital? That sounds hackable right? Wrong. The systems that were put in place at the time were technologically astute but now they’re beyond ancient. And they were built on a closed circuit mainframe that is Very limited. Imagine a modern computer trying to hack into an Atari 2600 thousands of miles away. Bad guys can’t reach it so why bother updating the whole thing?
Look what 4 years of war does to a young man

Evgeny Stepanovich Kobytev. In 1941, he was a young man who had aspirations of becoming an artist as he loved painting portraits and landscapes. He had just graduated from the Kyiv State Institute in Ukraine and was looking to embark on his career as an artist when Germany invaded the Soviet Union.

Kobytev spent two brutal years in a prison camp where approx. 90k civilians including Jews died. he finally managed to escape. He then quickly rejoined the army and served out the remainder of the war fighting in battles to liberate German-occupied cities in Ukraine.
homeless people don't live that long either, I used to know a whole bunch working downtown back in the day doing valet.

I knew them all by name just because I'd always shoot the **** with them. I was talking to my homie who's a security guard and paramedic so naturally she knows them all too. a lot of them are dead now 10 years later.
In SF when my brother worked at a fancy restaurant his coworker would say “aye you want to stick around the block to see the cops and ambulances pick up frozen bodies on the street?” Winter in SF past midnight :sick:
I had a homeless dude sit down at a table on the patio before. order a burger knowing damn well he wasn't going to pay for it. owner of the restaraunt was just like "bud, idc I'm not going to stop you from eating."

then the homeless dude got mad the cops weren't called so he could go to jail. :lol:
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