I never knew that......

That's nuts! I don't even like the cold that much to be interested :lol:

Man, I HATE the cold :lol: but I've worked in some cold places in ND doing oil work and as long as you keep moving you'll be ok. With Everest it's the altitude. The death zone near the summit only has 1/3 of the oxygen compared to sea level. They have this thing called summit fever where people get close to the top but if the conditions are not good and they are told to go back and they refuse because they HAVE to reach the top. Wouldn't be me :lol:. If they tell me to go back down, I'm listening to the experts :lol:.

It's a wild experience but I think it's more of a mental challenge. Especially when you dig into who have completed the summit. Blind people have done it, elderly people have made it, people with major physical disabilities have accomplished this feat. I think as long as you listen to your guides and are determined and take it seriously than most people can do it as it's not too difficult of a mountain to climb compared to some of the other ones in the area.

I saw a documentary about a Canadian woman (born in Nepal) who went there with no experience. At first, they were showing her and teaching her but it became clear that she wasn't going to be able to make the trek. The expert guide refused to help her so they gave her a junior guide because she still said that she could do it. She managed to reach the summit but with no oxygen because the line to the top was too long and she was extremely slow. On the way down her brain was fried, couldn't walk or talk, they tried to help her go down but they just couldn't do it. She had the summit fever...she didn't listen and it cost her her life.
As far as Mt. Everest goes just a permit alone will be $11k. Total prices to hike can be $20-115k. Now if you are climbing Everest money may not be an issue to you but can you imagine getting close to the top and being told to turn around because of weather. That would be an awful feeling not to mention a lot of money just gone away.
As far as Mt. Everest goes just a permit alone will be $11k. Total prices to hike can be $20-115k. Now if you are climbing Everest money may not be an issue to you but can you imagine getting close to the top and being told to turn around because of weather. That would be an awful feeling not to mention a lot of money just gone away.

I'd rather tell the story of how I almost made it to the summit, than to pay that much for my own funeral :lol:
didnt know mount everest was that much to climb... forget that... its crazy how many bodies just chillin there like its nothing :lol:
I would see on news programs, stories about teenagers who climbed everest. I would be skeptical because they would look fine while other stories showed adults missing their nose or fingers because of frostbite.
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