I never knew that......

You know those big blue signs you see on the highway with a bunch of logos on them?


Businesses pay a small fee to place their logo on them. A few thousand a year at most. It's a pretty good deal.

If you want to read more about these service signs, read here:

it makes us sound so old saying 'kids today have no clue' but in all honesty the shows i grew up on (im 30 so early 90s/mid 90s) were really the ****. shows aimed at young adults today are all the same. we had cartoons and game shows like nick arcade and double dare and guts and all of those shows. stick sticky after school. man we had it made.. if i had a time machine id live steady from 92-98 f the rest
You know those big blue signs you see on the highway with a bunch of logos on them?


Businesses pay a small fee to place their logo on them. A few thousand a year at most. It's a pretty good deal.

If you want to read more about these service signs, read here:


Dont need this in CA, I just look for the In N Out. However, I wonder if the price dropped since you could find these places via smartphones and tablets.

it makes us sound so old saying 'kids today have no clue' but in all honesty the shows i grew up on (im 30 so early 90s/mid 90s) were really the ****. shows aimed at young adults today are all the same. we had cartoons and game shows like nick arcade and double dare and guts and all of those shows. stick sticky after school. man we had it made.. if i had a time machine id live steady from 92-98 f the rest

I'm same age and couldn't agree more. The innocence of being a child and young adolescence is for the most part removed from the kids now. Kids have so much content at their finger tips that they dont even value anything. I would look forward all week for Saturday morning cartoons or to catch TGIF on ABC, now kids just hop on my iPad and click play.

pissdrunxdunks pissdrunxdunks repped.
U see in & outs up and down the 99 & 5 :smokin

Pimp game strong at some of these truck stops. Broads b choosing like a mf
it makes us sound so old saying 'kids today have no clue' but in all honesty the shows i grew up on (im 30 so early 90s/mid 90s) were really the ****. shows aimed at young adults today are all the same. we had cartoons and game shows like nick arcade and double dare and guts and all of those shows. stick sticky after school. man we had it made.. if i had a time machine id live steady from 92-98 f the rest

I'm 32 with a kid, I've accepted I'm an old man :lol:
Dont need this in CA, I just look for the In N Out. However, I wonder if the price dropped since you could find these places via smartphones and tablets.
I'm same age and couldn't agree more. The innocence of being a child and young adolescence is for the most part removed from the kids now. Kids have so much content at their finger tips that they dont even value anything. I would look forward all week for Saturday morning cartoons or to catch TGIF on ABC, now kids just hop on my iPad and click play.

Repped for the TGIF reference :smokin
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I'm same age and couldn't agree more. The innocence of being a child and young adolescence is for the most part removed from the kids now. Kids have so much content at their finger tips that they dont even value anything. I would look forward all week for Saturday morning cartoons or to catch TGIF on ABC, now kids just hop on my iPad and click play.

I'll take it a step further...

when i moved my family from an apartment to a house, my BIGGEST/happiest thing about it was having a garage and having my girls able to open it at anytime and hop on a bike or scooter or whatever and just run amuck.

those of you remember how it was...

you get home from school, some of us did homework first, some of chose not to. :lol:
hop on your bike or skateboard and meet up with your friends
get scrapes, bruises, cuts... get in to mischief... get into trouble
come back home for a little snack, then go right back out again (summers were THEEEE best)
come home after curfew... or come home when everyone was dead tired.
then do it all over again the next day.

i actually feel bad for the youth nowadays cause that's exactly how we made friends. we actually went out and made them. those scrapes and bruises, those are stories for us. those are memories. hell, i have scars on me that i'll never, ever forget how i attained them.

of course TV shows/cartoons would have evolved from our time to now, but one thing that stays constant is being able to just go outside. my girls are a little older now, but when they were smaller... i'd literally turn off the TV or take the iPad away from them and literally tell them to go outside. I didn't care if they chased ants or kicked the ball around. as long as they were outside.
Mike Epps and his goons beat up Another comedian for making a parody video about him. The news report is on YouTube. Hilarious to me because he's the last comic I'd expect to have vengeance seeking goons.
I'm same age and couldn't agree more. The innocence of being a child and young adolescence is for the most part removed from the kids now. Kids have so much content at their finger tips that they dont even value anything. I would look forward all week for Saturday morning cartoons or to catch TGIF on ABC, now kids just hop on my iPad and click play.

I'll take it a step further...

when i moved my family from an apartment to a house, my BIGGEST/happiest thing about it was having a garage and having my girls able to open it at anytime and hop on a bike or scooter or whatever and just run amuck.

those of you remember how it was...

you get home from school, some of us did homework first, some of chose not to. :lol:
hop on your bike or skateboard and meet up with your friends
get scrapes, bruises, cuts... get in to mischief... get into trouble
come back home for a little snack, then go right back out again (summers were THEEEE best)
come home after curfew... or come home when everyone was dead tired.
then do it all over again the next day.

i actually feel bad for the youth nowadays cause that's exactly how we made friends. we actually went out and made them. those scrapes and bruises, those are stories for us. those are memories. hell, i have scars on me that i'll never, ever forget how i attained them.

of course TV shows/cartoons would have evolved from our time to now, but one thing that stays constant is being able to just go outside. my girls are a little older now, but when they were smaller... i'd literally turn off the TV or take the iPad away from them and literally tell them to go outside. I didn't care if they chased ants or kicked the ball around. as long as they were outside.

Man...summer days when I was 7-13. Wake up, meet up with the neighborhood kids. Play football, tag, hide n seek, cops & robbers, bball, baseball, race, water balloon fights...it didn't matter. Go back in when mom said you had to come eat. Then go back out and play some more. Till the street lights came on.

Wake up the mext day and do it all over again. :pimp:
I just saw on the iOS app for YouTube,when you are watching a video, if you double tap left or right it rewinds or fast forwards the video 10 seconds at a time.
I'm same age and couldn't agree more. The innocence of being a child and young adolescence is for the most part removed from the kids now. Kids have so much content at their finger tips that they dont even value anything. I would look forward all week for Saturday morning cartoons or to catch TGIF on ABC, now kids just hop on my iPad and click play.

I'll take it a step further...

when i moved my family from an apartment to a house, my BIGGEST/happiest thing about it was having a garage and having my girls able to open it at anytime and hop on a bike or scooter or whatever and just run amuck.

those of you remember how it was...

you get home from school, some of us did homework first, some of chose not to. :lol:
hop on your bike or skateboard and meet up with your friends
get scrapes, bruises, cuts... get in to mischief... get into trouble
come back home for a little snack, then go right back out again (summers were THEEEE best)
come home after curfew... or come home when everyone was dead tired.
then do it all over again the next day.

i actually feel bad for the youth nowadays cause that's exactly how we made friends. we actually went out and made them. those scrapes and bruises, those are stories for us. those are memories. hell, i have scars on me that i'll never, ever forget how i attained them.

of course TV shows/cartoons would have evolved from our time to now, but one thing that stays constant is being able to just go outside. my girls are a little older now, but when they were smaller... i'd literally turn off the TV or take the iPad away from them and literally tell them to go outside. I didn't care if they chased ants or kicked the ball around. as long as they were outside.

31 year old checking in. I co-sign ALL of this. We were running a damn muck growing up being outside from sun up til sundown, terrorizing the neighborhood. Come home to eat a bit and sleep, maybe catch your favorite tv show for a lil bit, then be out all day again.

Kids these days :smh:

I will say this though. I do know some kids that have a lot more access to activities than I did as far as structured stuff. For instance there are a million more boys and girls clubs now then when I was younger. Just a ton more places to drop your kid off and have them be active. Don't have to give them $5 to last the whole day, ******* have their own debit cards lol
Yeah, what happened to kids playing street football or getting on a bike and riding with your friends to random places in the city? 

I loved doing that growing up. I remember when my dad allowed me to ride my bike to school, I couldn't sleep. 

When Summer Break hit, I'd be out the house by 11AM and go to the creek with some friends to catch some crawfish or frogs. 

The good ole times.
Sorry for the slight thread derail. But i'm glad to see the convo going. :lol:

mike23theking mike23theking Repped. It was the simplicity that made it so great.

Exactly! no electronics, no gadgets. just concrete, a decent pair of shoes and your friends. :nthat:

Man...summer days when I was 7-13. Wake up, meet up with the neighborhood kids.

for me, this was the best. this is literally how we made friends back then. I met the majority of my friends at the park that was right behind my house and we're all still tight till this day.

I will say this though. I do know some kids that have a lot more access to activities than I did as far as structured stuff. For instance there are a million more boys and girls clubs now then when I was younger. Just a ton more places to drop your kid off and have them be active. Don't have to give them $5 to last the whole day, ******* have their own debit cards lol

and i'm totally OK with this. it's just different and that's how it is nowadays. and it's totally fine.

however, no one from this generation can convince me how they have fun now is better than how what we did. no way, no how.

i'm tellin you. i really feel bad for this generation. back then we didn't need ipads or netflix. gimme my bike and you take your skateboard and let's run the town. :lol:

Yeah, what happened to kids playing street football or getting on a bike and riding with your friends to random places in the city? 

I loved doing that growing up. I remember when my dad allowed me to ride my bike to school, I couldn't sleep. 

When Summer Break hit, I'd be out the house by 11AM and go to the creek with some friends to catch some crawfish or frogs. 

The good ole times.

i think a lot has to do with how society is nowadays. with all the kidnappings, amber alerts and creepers out there, it's made it hard for parents (even myself sometimes) to say go ahead and run around.

i remember not coming home in an entire day. leave in the morning and come back at night. :lol:
i'd be scared to even let that happen with my daughters now.

different times now man.. it sucks.
i think a lot has to do with how society is nowadays. with all the kidnappings, amber alerts and creepers out there, it's made it hard for parents (even myself sometimes) to say go ahead and run around.

i remember not coming home in an entire day. leave in the morning and come back at night.

i'd be scared to even let that happen with my daughters now.

different times now man.. it sucks.
And I understand that and it's completely reasonable to think that way. It's just crazy that majority of these kids are all about the e-fame and being trolls online. No one plays pick up ball or suggests to go to a park and play football. No one gets on their bikes and explore the city anymore. It's just different.

I miss playing basketball on my driveway too. Now you can't do that because of HOA.
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