I never knew that......

heaviest girl I've been with was 140ish.

still managed to toss her around 
Ive smashed a girl who was approaching/was probably heavier than 2 bills. Sub 5 ' 5 too. Not proud of it.

I prefer my women short and thin with big cakes. I'll leave them sumo joints to yall :lol:
5'9 205 is overweight for a man though LOL
thats not the argument, the argument is if thats legit wildebeast/hippo status, and its not

edit: @LIONBLOOD, cmon cuz, we all already know bmi dont mean nothin

im 6'2 210, with 27.0 BMI, hardly obese/fat but i am out of shape
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I'm 235/240 and 6ft4 and I'm a big dude....I can't even imagine what 5ft9 205 looks like. Dudes in here having sex with wildebeasts and wondering why some people might find that disgusting.

Oh I smash women with ham hocks and "YAMS", I just call it what it is. Dudes in here glorifying that nonsense, it's gross.

There's nothing attractive about a short woman that weighs 200 lbs.

how you smash girls that weigh more than you? :lol:

as someone who is 6'1'' 185 I couldn't imagine wanting to smash a girl 5'9'' 205 :lol:

they not hearing you. 




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thats not the argument, the argument is if thats legit wildebeast/hippo status, and its not

I already gave you the BMI chief. That's clinically obese.

I go through phases, every now and then I crave love handles. But it's not ideal.
bmi is extremely flawed albeit still a tool used today for whatever reason, physicians have told me bmi is essentially pointless

i honestly dont care what makes you hard fam, my only point is you wrong
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