I mean, really? .25c for ranch? C'mon Wendy's...

carls jr. and jack in the box are they only ones that dont charge for extra condiments around my way.
one time i had some large fries from McD's and the lady asked if i wanted ketchup so i said yeah...get home and theres only 1 packet of ketchup
premium nuggets
This thread is comedy.  I'd be wilding out too if I had to pay extra for some ranch.  I remember went to McD's (mistake already) for a southern style chicken and asked for lettuce and tomato instead of pickles and they said it was extra.  How you gonna charge me extra for something that is included on most of the sandwiches on the menu.  
Originally Posted by HigherGround

i don't know who is cheap, you or wendy's?
but c'mon now, you're spending $6 for an overpriced meal and they still have the nerve to charge you for some sauce

thats part of the reason i stopped going to mcdonalds. i just ordered $15 in food, and you STILL wanna charge me for some sweet and sour sauce? *+%* outta here!
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

This is a cot damn joke. This female asked me if I want ketchup, ranch etc. and I asked for ranch and she said "that'll be 25cents". I smirked and said "girls stop playin" and she said "im not sir, it's 25 cent". I just
and she told me I'm holding up her line, if I want it or not. So I drove across the street and got my buttermilk sauce from Jack n' The Crack for FREE.
Haha, AND the buttermilk sauce comes with way more....but honey mustard for me all day. There are still spicy nuggets, right? 
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