I kind of laugh when I see people post cars they're buying and that "yambs will be had"

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 @ the replies
One thing I want to hit on is that flashy car you drive may not just entice the shallow girls you want to stay away from, it can also put off the really quality girls. Part of the reason is that these wealthy girls immediately take you as some superficial materialistic guy they could never trust. That's kind of where the "My girl will laugh at guys in a Range Rover" came from. It's more of a "HA, I would never even talk to a guy like that because he's probably obnoxious and only cares about money."
One thing I want to hit on is that flashy car you drive may not just entice the shallow girls you want to stay away from, it can also put off the really quality girls. Part of the reason is that these wealthy girls immediately take you as some superficial materialistic guy they could never trust. That's kind of where the "My girl will laugh at guys in a Range Rover" came from. It's more of a "HA, I would never even talk to a guy like that because he's probably obnoxious and only cares about money."

Ah. I see.

So you AND your girl are judgmental vaginas.
Dis ***** here..

First of all OP acting like ******* don't like the Fiat. Secondly, he acts like its not a 2012.

I could see if you pulled her in a 1986 Pontiac Parisienne with 3 different colored doors.
Not sure where all the hate is coming from. I'm just putting y'all up on some game. You want to attract shallow girls be my guest. I'm off that.
Dis ***** here..
First of all OP acting like ******* don't like the Fiat. Secondly, he acts like its not a 2012.
I could see if you pulled her in a 1986 Pontiac Parisienne with 3 different colored doors.
Girls actually LIKE that car? It was a beat up test car, bumpy, hard non-powered seats, cramped, crossed yellow lines when it was windy and by far the crappiest car valet touched when I went to dinner or whatever. I ran the VIN last week and it sold for like $9,000 -- a far cry from a newer BMW or Escalade or Infiniti. Zero frills. Funny, it couldn't even scroll through my iPod songs, had to go thru every song in alphabetical order to play something you wanted.
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Not sure where all the hate is coming from. I'm just putting y'all up on some game. You want to attract shallow girls be my guest. I'm off that.

You serious? You just came on NT and said "I pull yambs in a smart car why you need those M3s to get yambs...you failing" what did you expect? Then spent half the thread backtracking trying to make it seem like you were enlightening us to something we didn't know on some money can't buy happiness steez.
U r a fool if u think the ******* dont choose off whips. Im not saying the ones u wanna cuff, but if u r single and going to the club to look for something too smash, yes. If u were at the gas station in your fiat and I pull up in my drop top(insert expensive sports car here) I guarantee she looks my way first. U can have the better credir, job, hell even look better but I bet I **** her that same night n never call again. Once again when it comes to gf material/wifey this is not the route u wanna go but jus straight bad yambs, material things can make it wayyyytt easier
Not sure where all the hate is coming from. I'm just putting y'all up on some game. You want to attract shallow girls be my guest. I'm off that.
You aren't putting anyone on to any game. While you have some valid points regarding purchasing a particular type of car, the manner you decided to "preach" about in makes you come off like a complete douche. The fact that you & your girl will judge someone based off the type of car they drive speaks more about you and your girl than anything.
U r a fool if u think the ******* dont choose off whips. Im not saying the ones u wanna cuff, but if u r single and going to the club to look for something too smash, yes. If u were at the gas station in your fiat and I pull up in my drop top(insert expensive sports car here) I guarantee she looks my way first. U can have the better credir, job, hell even look better but I bet I **** her that same night n never call again. Once again when it comes to gf material/wifey this is not the route u wanna go but jus straight bad yambs, material things can make it wayyyytt easier

chicks choose off the smash/finesse game too.

just ask yo pops.
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OP is a clown. Take your hypocritical nonsense elsewhere.

Nobody care that you insecure.
u right but what im saying is how do u get to smash? If I had a range I wouldn't need game. I could be boring as ****, dress like charles hamilton, ugly as **** but I could still pop a very high % of the **** at a club. Now sure enough I could make her choose in other ways but to say a car doesnt put u in the instant smah category wit the **** is a lie
Hypocritical? You spelled enlightened wrong.
You cry about people judging others on their "unaccepted" whip but then judge others on their "accepted" whips by saying they are materialistic. Maybe one just likes the Range just as the other dude likes the Civic.

I honestly don't care about one's car or lack thereof. I don't like when people judge others based off their material possessions and this goes both ways.
u right but what im saying is how do u get to smash? If I had a range I wouldn't need game. I could be boring as ****, dress like charles hamilton, ugly as **** but I could still pop a very high % of the **** at a club. Now sure enough I could make her choose in other ways but to say a car doesnt put u in the instant smah category wit the **** is a lie

Slow down, turbo..

Please don't think just because you got a nice whip, ******* waiting at the bus stop are just gonna be jumping in you car.

From experience, I've learned that if your car is too nice and your too young and not a celebrity, females will be taken aback by it. Almost intimidated, especially if they don't have a whole lot going on themselves.
Op must have some masculinity issues. In One thread he's attacking a female that he's never even met, calling her "bimbo, air head, too stupid to get into Auburn so she started at a community college etc".

Now he's going at dudes with nice cars As if the only reason people buy them is for women. Preposterous

Next thing you know he's gonna make a thread claiming well endowed men are pathetic and have no true understanding of life due to their oversized genetalia. Women love smaller penises just fine.
Preposterous? I think you mean presumptuous. It pretty clear you guys are too immature to understand what I'm saying. Whatever. I tried to help. Carry on with your big dreams of pushing a luxury car to attract some equally empty girl, while inadvertently pushing away girls that are completely unimpressed at best and put off at worst, by such tacky displays of "wealth."
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like i said earlier. OP does make a good point. a dude whose main life goal is to buy a car for some yambs is lame. why the hell would you sacrifice living comfortably just to get some yambs. if you got game yambs will always come. having a nice car alone (with no other great qualities) will only get you materialistic girls that are only good for smashing.

but hey if you really have nothing good for you, then by all means save every penny for that drop top, eating ramen noodles at night

on a sidenote though this doesnt apply to everyone. if you really love the car and you can afford it then
to you
What can we take away from this NT?
No matter what car you post, if you make a car thread on NT, jimmies will be rustled.
More like if you make threads/post in threads purely to antagonize people, like the OP has been doing, people will justifiably attack you in return.
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