I have a warrant in The county for failure to pay a fine....should i pay it first??

Dec 9, 2001
I currently have a warrant for failing to pay a fine from about 2-3 years ago.

I am scheduled to go in for fingerprinting processing and other things with the IRS for a job today and im not sure if it will negatively effect me ornot.........or if they will call them and have them pick me up or something.

I know they said this process will take about 3 hours total and it isnt a job offer, so i dont know what would be going on during that 3 hours.

P.S...............The other thing is that the fine is $299 and i would be sick if they dont even check on the warrant or worry about it. I got my current jobwith the same warrant (Pretty large corporation dealing with Sears portrait studios and Picture me studios in wal-marts.) and they never mentioned anythingabout it. (I dont have $299 sitting around)

EDIT*************** The warrant is in saint louis county and the IRS building is in downtown saint louis, which is about 30 miles away
A warrant will definitely be an issue with the IRS. I know for a fact that they have a pretty stringent screening policy. Your warrant will come up in thebackground search.

Your best bet is to call/write the court to see if you can settle up. If it's for a traffic/moving violation, you may be able to write the courtcommissioner.

Paying it off may help, but it wont get you off the hook by itself. You're going to need to speak to someone/write the courts to get it resolved.
I don't get it....$300 dollars can lift all this worry and you're not willing to pay it?
why take the risk of going to jail if you ever get pulled over by the cops for a speeding ticket?

I dont have $299 sitting around
didn't see this...
how do you not have 300 lying around if you have a job now?...surely you could put SOMEthing away for a rainy day like this?
nice job and not an ounce of savings for the fine over a 3 year span? I don't get it.

looks youll post bail to avoid staying in jail, get a court date hearing, and get it resolved that way. so really, $300 turned into $600 or more with courtfees and bail fees
I got a warrant for a unpaid parking ticket which I never even knew I had!! Anyways same boat as you, didn't have all the guap at time cause I was 16, butanyways they have payment plans so you might want to check that out.
You need to make a payment plan, but don't go to the courthouse yourself cause there's a possibility they'll arrest you. Make a payment plan, payit & you'll be worry free
if theirs a warrant, how hasnt anyone been in contact with you about it?
unless having a warrant isnt that big of a deal. i dont get it
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I dont have $299 sitting around
didn't see this...
how do you not have 300 lying around if you have a job now?...surely you could put SOMEthing away for a rainy day like this?

I think he is getting married or just did, maybe funds ran low.
go to Mexico for a while and came back home once you come up with $300. problem solved
Originally Posted by StarkyL0ve

How do you check and see if you have a warrant in your name?

Going to the courthouse & checking. Where I'm from if you get someone cool on the phone (courthouse or county office) they'll tell you but usuallythey won't. They want you to come in to see because if you do they'll cuff you on the spot
Originally Posted by DocDoon

if theirs a warrant, how hasnt anyone been in contact with you about it?
unless having a warrant isnt that big of a deal. i dont get it

Depends on what you have a warrant for. If it's something serious w/ an ongoing investigation they'll come to your house, job etc. But if it's justa fine or something petty, they'll wait to catch you driving. So they can take you in & tow your car $$$$$$.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I don't get it....$300 dollars can lift all this worry and you're not willing to pay it?
why take the risk of going to jail if you ever get pulled over by the cops for a speeding ticket?

I dont have $299 sitting around
didn't see this...
how do you not have 300 lying around if you have a job now?...surely you could put SOMEthing away for a rainy day like this?

you act like we all have rainy day funds.....I lucky if my paycheckcovers all my bills, let alone have money leftover....on that note on im gonna spend my last $8 on a burrito!
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I don't get it....$300 dollars can lift all this worry and you're not willing to pay it?
why take the risk of going to jail if you ever get pulled over by the cops for a speeding ticket?

I dont have $299 sitting around
didn't see this...
how do you not have 300 lying around if you have a job now?...surely you could put SOMEthing away for a rainy day like this?

Sorry......I should have stated whats been going on with me lately.

Im broke because i just got married on the 19th and we are moving into a loft next week.....Thats why i dont have $300.

3 years is a long time..........But i only owed them $150, i honestly forgot about the rest of the fine that i owed and they charge you $150 for the warrant(They take the $150 away if you spend 2 days in jail, but i have to work so the 2 days is a no no)

Its from a misdemeanor Littering charge.............I didnt even do anything, my son (3 years old) threw a mcdonalds bag AND cup out of the back window on thedrivers side........but the police officer said it came from the drivers side window.
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