I get made fun of for being a "sneakerhead"

First....Put them in the place! You work for you stuff, so you should also fight for what's yours....with words first, then fist next!!! Remember nothing more impotant than life...So if it get to a point where there are to many enimies...Let your parents know. Second if you teacher puts his hand on you yell "RAPE" LOL, but for real, I'd tell my teacher to keep his hand to hisself unless he want to get trashed by a student. In the end stand up for you Kicks....You work hard to be a Hypebeast. lol SN: If you're getting bullied by girls.....Lawd help you, because that just bad....Man up!!!!
Originally Posted by Wilroc

Son .. I would just tell you to ignore those clowns' opinions and just keep doing what you do but they're straight up disrespecting you if they purposefully step on your shoes and rob them from you.

Start making shoulders clap.

Making shoulders clap? Shoot, that move sounds to advance for this guy, start with a Haymaker or two.
Originally Posted by jhobson5

Man this isnt true. This guy is trolling. No person(male or female) would allow someone to take their shoes they worked hard for without a fight. Or let a teacher take their shoes. OP is trying to get attention.

I KNOW dude isn't getting daily punked by some girls. I just know it. I can't fathom.....naw B.

If it is true, you shouldn't be calling yourself a sneaker head. Just out of principle. If it's something you care about, and it's a hobby you love, you aren't going to just let anyone walk over it and you. Have some dignity, self worth, and self esteem.
43 posts? "im asian so i dont even thing about retaliating back"? acid on shoes? jeremy lin? what a joke. this troll is just taking shots at asians for the lulz. ban this idiot.
This is a troll. Come on man, teenagers not liking you for being a "sneakerhead"? That's such a popular buzzword right now. I hate it in fact, but anyway I don't believe this BS. Even for those that don't like shoes, I doubt they care enough to tease you about buying Jordans? My how times have changed. Usually, you get teased for NOT having Jordans and have on some rejects or something or other. This is complete BS, OP. Get outta here.  

Jeremy Lin has no relevance to your point OP. If you're gonna troll stay on topic. Damn kids...smh
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by sneakerocity

I was gonna post this in the Jordan/Nike Forum, but with all the hectic releases and such, I knew that my post would get blocked. So this is my situation:
The people at my school often refer to me as the "shoe freak" at school. I often get smart alec remarks like "go @+%% and camp for shoes you hobo" or "your such a %@#*@+% for collecting shoes" and so forth. I'm pretty much the only sneakerhead in my high school, so no ones there to back me up at times. Every time I wear my J's, they end up stepping on them, and stealing them from me. So far, I've had my BC3's and my Cardinals stolen. Also keep in mind, that I actually do WORK for my shoes. My parents aren't "rich," and I ONLY get paid for helping my uncle at his restaurant on weekends. However, ever since that incident, I have always worn vans to school.

My teachers often "mimic" themselves trying to step on my shoes. Yes, TEACHERS even make fun of me. One of them took the shoe RIGHT OFF OF MY FOOT and tried pouring acid to show a "chemical reaction" during biology class. If thats not publicly humiliating, I don't know what is. Also keep in mind, I'M ASIAN. So I don't even think about retaliating back, or else I end up with a +%@% grade. I think you guys know what %@!!!$ grade + angry asian mom means. YEAH.

This problem followed me ever since Freshman year, but its starting to get worse. It started off as being "for fun" and "playful," but now I even hear rumors about me getting beat up for my shoes. (That I don't even wear to school after getting them stolen.)
Its never really bothered me to the point where I need to talk to the administrators (until my shoes got stolen), but I just feel like getting someone back just because they insulted me for buying shoes is stupid. I don't wanna beat someone up and get suspended just because of a bunch of shoes.

I consider myself a strong dude, so I don't take it as BAD. But, I also feel like when they insult me, they insult each and every one of us on NT. The passion for shoes that we as a community have, that most people wouldn't understand. Like, seriously what normal person would wait 2-3 hours for shoes? 

They would think its absolutely ******ed. But for us. it wouldn't sound AS crazy. Thats what makes the family of NT.  No matter what race, social class, religion we are a part of, we all share a common passion. I think that's the beautiful thing about this site.

So, I'm not telling you to send death threats, but if you could please give them a PIECE OF YOUR MIND, and show them that throughout this world, there is truly a HUGE COMMUNITY of "shoe freaks," that resides in NT which I am ever so proud to be a part of.  I would REALLY appreciate it. Their facebook pages are below. 



Let me also mention, that they are also JEREMY LIN BANDWAGONERS. If that doesn't piss you off, I don't know what does.

Again, please do not send death threats. I don't want to get arrested/face legal action. I need my Cement IV's and my Playoff 12's before I do. 

Thanks NT, I really appreciate it. I really do. 
Have a good day.

- Jeremy

nah just you...

!$% did I just watch in that WSHH video posted on page 2.


Son I am all types of dissapointed
Yo, why is everyone still responding to OP's OBVIOUS trolling. 5 pages and he hasn't responded once.
Originally Posted by ceemcee

Yo, why is everyone still responding to OP's OBVIOUS trolling. 5 pages and he hasn't responded once.
 Was just about to say this 
He's trollin and he hasn't posted since.
If this is Real then OP you a @#$%^
go stuff Charmin toilet paper in ur shirt you lil @#$%^
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