I don't usually do this, but a GIRL thread Vol: Prego

i keep telling dudes that these females are grimy. she prolly forgot to take her pill and you got caught up. not only that and aside from that but:

she was cool with abortion at first right? BULL. 99% of girls aren't with it and it all comes out the min they find out that they're pregnant. the mostscandalous females tend to be the ones that really don't support abortion.

fornicate? cool.
doggy style all day? cool.
anal? cool.
69, put her mouth on anything anywhere? cool.
lie, cheat, steal, etc.? cool.

but abortion? oh hell na!!!

be extra careful with these females out here.
good luck with this situation, son. she thinks she wants to have it but lemme tell you, i don't know one parent that didn't want it to happen inadvance that is happy right now. i'm talking about our generation. mad single parents right now. mad females thought they wanted the child and are nowpushing the child off on someone else while they do their thing. mad neglected kids out here. smh.

not saying that you won't stay together and be successful but the statistics and odds are against you. all these other ppl saying keep it and all that butthey won't help you take care of it will they. nope. do you, son. good luck again.
and everybody i know with one young is extra poor. i mean can't pay rent, borrowing from everybody, lights about to be cut off, no internet having, nocable tv having single parents.
i can't emphasize that ppl need to wait when it comes to having children enough.

everybody on welfare.

everybody stressed the hell out because they don't know how they are going to make it.

you have jobs to consider. how do you pay for daycare while you try to find work? what jobs?? the job market is garbage.
how do you go to school?

relationship is done because the female is hormonal and stressed talking bull (as seen already) and you aren't in your right mind either because you'rethe most worried you ever been in your life.

she has all the power now, tho. your life, the kids life and her life are all in her hands. dudes don't realize that until stuff like this happens.
Just talk over her plans with her about what she expected to do with her life for the next 2 years, and explain that it's going to be a lot different, forthe both of you.

I dont know you or her but the right decision would be to suck it up and have the baby.

No hoover!
What's your support system like? If you two are fending for yourself with no help then you will struggle. But if you or her have a good family that'swilling to help that can ease a lot of stress you have about what the future holds. A good family in this situation can make a huge difference in the outcome.
OP your girl sounds very immature for saying she wouldn't want you in the baby's life. That shows that she really doesn't have the baby's bestinterest at heart. What's she gonna tell the child when he/she is asking where daddy is?
IDK. Doesn't sound like she's ready for a baby...but the fact is that she is pregnant and I don't think any guy can ever expect a girl to chooseabortion. Maybe it's just me but for some reason I feel like men can't even fathom what that would be like. Maybe you should consider adoption. Findadoptive parents who are able to provide for the child, and maybe even let you and the baby's mother play a role in his/her life. If that's notsomething she wants to do either...then I think you should just suck it up and tell her you support her and will be there for her regardless of her not wantingyou to be. You've made your opinion known, but it's her body and it's her pregnancy. Time to step up to the plate.
A woman becomes a mother when she's pregnant. A man becomes a father when he holds the baby for the first time.

Once your girl has the baby and you see it and hold it. You're going to feel a completely different way.
Originally Posted by KatieJade4

A woman becomes a mother when she's pregnant. A man becomes a father when he holds the baby for the first time.

Once your girl has the baby and you see it and hold it. You're going to feel a completely different way.

Preach, Juno
Originally Posted by KatieJade4

A woman becomes a mother when she's pregnant. A man becomes a father when he holds the baby for the first time.

Once your girl has the baby and you see it and hold it. You're going to feel a completely different way.
Pretty much.

I've been in your position before, my daughter is now about to be 8 months. I even made a thread about it on NT for those who remember.

You need to make a decision and you need to make it rather quickly. You need to determine if you really want her to have an abortion. I DID, but the mistake Imade is the same one your making. She wouldn't be entertaining the conversation with you about having it done or asking what you think when she alreadyknows your answer. You need to start being honest and telling the truth. All the "I don't know" "this is so hard" etc. Talking likethat your on your way to being a father. She is asking you these things for reassurance that what she is doing isn't wrong and it's your job toconvince her of that. You need to knuckle up and explain to her why this is the best decision for US and not just you and give her the reasons. Your soundingreal selfish right now. You need to tell her how this can affect her life also. If you can't be honest about wha you want to her an keep beating around thebush that 13 week window will be gone before you know it.

Thing is, Women are carrying the child so it's always going to be harder for them. That's your girl for 2 years fam she cares about you. You need to behonest with her and she will do what you want because of the fact that she partially wants it too.

In all honesty I was frantic just like yourself at the time for the very same reasons aside from being in a better financial situation. Now that my daughter ishere I never thought being a dad at 23 would be this much fun and exciting. It comes with a lot of drama on my end going to court arguing etc, but it soundslike you all will be together and not separated.

Use your brain a bit man I can tell your young. She isn't going to break up with you over this she is just looking to you for direction and to be strongand your being real weak right now. Like I said I've been through it and know how tough it can be. If you want to shoot me a PM or something just to ventan chat it up hit me up. Good luck G
Originally Posted by I D0NT PASS

My dude Im going to the same thing esp shes not my girl she a JO
x 10000
sometimes I swear were the same person!

edit: I remember I couldnt stand LilStarZ07 inhis newb days, but this dude has come a long way.
you, op, are the downfall of America ... you are a microcosm of why this country is !#*%!@ in terms of crime, education and poverty ... i hope your gf, ex gfor whatever she is keeps YOUR kid and sucks every last dime from you for 18 years ...

tis all ... punk %@#+# ...

throwback1718 wrote:
its pretty much
A: have the baby, love it and work as hard as possible to get my life on track and provide for it or
B: kill it, prevent my child from taking a breath in this world, have the baby a few years from now and everyone is pretty comfortable.

Obviously B was my choice.

fixed ...
Originally Posted by Uptown Roamer

Originally Posted by htwn hitman

man enough to do it be man enough to take care of it IMO


Time to grow up, OP...
you can do it man, if you really love her or if you value what the two of you have then support her.
i had some friends ( and about a dozen more that i know of ) that were in a similar situation a couple years or months back, and they were able to getthrough. i mean, it wasnt easy and they sacrificed a lot, but now they got through and it aint too bad anymore. think really hard though, and if you alreadymade a decision then disregard think of what i just said.
you my friend fail...for starters you should have been supportive from the beginning. I just became a father last month and believe pregnancy is the hardestthing a woman has to do.

I wont lie at first we considered having an abortion too because we didnt think we could make it work, but we stuck it thro with the support of our family andwith faith that it will work out because having a baby is a blessing.

With that said I can tell you having an abortion is the hardest decision a woman has to make. Of course it easy for men because we don't lose a part of us,but they do and that is why they take it so hard. A lot of women get depressed after an abortion and they usually have nobody to talk to because they'reashamed.

Therefore, you should have been nice to her and made sure she knew you were going to be there for her no matter what. The better way to have made sure she gotan abortion was for you to talk to her about everything that is going on your lives and not just pressuring her into getting one.

Now she can decide to keep the baby and there is nothing you can do about it. But had you been supportive you could have made sure you she got it by going withher and holding her hand through it.
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

you, op, are the downfall of America ... you are a microcosm of why this country is !#*%!@ in terms of crime, education and poverty ... i hope your gf, ex gf or whatever she is keeps YOUR kid and sucks every last dime from you for 18 years ...

tis all ... punk %@#+# ...

Originally Posted by htwn hitman

Originally Posted by Brandon3000

Originally Posted by Uptown Roamer

Originally Posted by htwn hitman

man enough to do it be man enough to take care of it IMO


Time to grow up, OP...

$+%#$+ is sayin that but IN THAT SITUATION a lot of these dudes wouldn't be practicing what they preach. I think before yall start takin ya stances you need to realize that you can never know how you would react in any situation until your actually in it. but whatever. a lot of yall stay frontin
BEEN THERE i talked her out of the abortion
I dislike abortions, but I respect your unselfish reasons why you don't want a child yet.

That being said, here's the unfortunate truth, even though you care for her ect, she is NOT the female you should have a child with, she even said shewouldn't let you be a part of his/her life already . She has what it takes to be a baby mother from HELL, even though it didn't seem like it before..
Well don't you have some money because you were saving up for GS?

Put that money towards the kid.
OP obviously isnt ready. People would say that hes selfish for trying to abort it. What about him knowing its going to be tough for him, her and the child andaborting it to prevent the unfavorable life all three of them would have? I think its more selfish to have a baby you're not ready for. Dont become anotherstatistical family receiving government money to help raise your children. We are men. Every ounce of money that child eats from better come from your pocket
She's being emotional cuz it's an emotional topic. She doesn't really mean she doesn't want you around or that she wants an abortion. She wastesting youn to see what you'd say. Just bethere for cuz at the end of the day it is her decision. Good luck in whatever yall decide.
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

you, op, are the downfall of America ... you are a microcosm of why this country is !#*%!@ in terms of crime, education and poverty ... i hope your gf, ex gf or whatever she is keeps YOUR kid and sucks every last dime from you for 18 years ...

tis all ... punk %@#+# ...

throwback1718 wrote:
its pretty much
A: have the baby, love it and work as hard as possible to get my life on track and provide for it or
B: kill it, prevent my child from taking a breath in this world, have the baby a few years from now and everyone is pretty comfortable.

Obviously B was my choice.

fixed ...

People with opinions like you make me sick to my stomach.

When it comes down to it, it is ultimately her decision. I am in the same situation and we were both 100% for the abortion, but due to complications it wasdelayed. Then she saw the songram and some switch turned on and completely changed her mind. Nobody is ready to be a father in this situation but $(%#happens unfortunately. There's no point in people saying "you should've been supportive" and all this bs. Dude is 21 (I'm 23) andnobody knows how they are gonna react in a situation like this, so they shouldn't tell others how they should've. What's done is done. I reallyhope everything works out for you fam. My girl is due in feb (Superbowl sunday
Originally Posted by champ305

I dislike abortions, but I respect your unselfish reasons why you don't want a child yet.
OP is being more than selfish. Sure, OP, you can front all you want and talk about how you're not ready for a child - which is true - but youtook the chance of havin sex outside of marriage without a condom and got her pregnant. The real unselfish thing to do would be to man up and take care of herand the child.
Originally Posted by M1dnightMobster

Originally Posted by champ305

I dislike abortions, but I respect your unselfish reasons why you don't want a child yet.
OP is being more than selfish. Sure, OP, you can front all you want and talk about how you're not ready for a child - which is true - but you took the chance of havin sex outside of marriage without a condom and got her pregnant. The real unselfish reason would be to man up and take care of her and the child.
I agree with this, dude is being everything BUT unselfish. I understand the concern about having a child young but he is not being considerate ofthe other person's feelings and what she is going through. I hope everything works out for you OP.
Originally Posted by M1dnightMobster

Originally Posted by champ305

I dislike abortions, but I respect your unselfish reasons why you don't want a child yet.
OP is being more than selfish. Sure, OP, you can front all you want and talk about how you're not ready for a child - which is true - but you took the chance of havin sex outside of marriage without a condom and got her pregnant. The real unselfish thing to do would be to man up and take care of her and the child.

I'm married, still wouldn't be able to support a child and would elect to have the abortion. Marriage doesn't make things magically OK. Thebottom line is that the woman is the one who can get pregnant, not the man, so at the end of the day it is MY responsibility to make sure that doesn'thappen and if it does happen then it's my responsibility to handle it in whatever manner that may be.
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