I Almost died early this month.

Oct 13, 2006
Been riding motorcycles for 3 years now and finally had my first major accident. I was going faster than I probably should have and some guy crossed into my lane without signaling and I didn’t brake in time and i hit dude in the back, jumped the curb and hit one of those metal barriers head on. I was able to get right up without a scratch on my body and got sent straight to jail (won’t get into details)


My baby before the accident 2016 ZX10R


Bottom line is i feel lucky as hell and even more alive than ever. Not bragging at all but i also feel indestructible, for a lack of better terms but i miss the satisfaction of riding...**** was therapy for me. Anyways, whats good NT? What are yall up to and ****?

Edit: oh, btw. If anyone have used gen 5 ZX10R parts for sale, pm me. As you can see, i need most of the front end.
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Knew a few guys who passed away from motorcycle accidents,

The idiots weren’t wearing helmets, brake failed

Glad you alright homie, if my mother was sitting across the room from you with you telling her this story

She would tell you you have a guardian angel who looked out for you, do something nice for someone, anyone

Thank god every day for the next few weeks. Glad you good homie
Give thanks to God, youre alright.

Driver crossed into your lane without signaling? smfh.

Motorcycling is high stakes man. Always wanted one, need a different license. Always tempted to ride fast on them, but gotta brake asap.

Ride or die
since u hit him in the back
who at fault in the accident
according to the insurance company
They boys have it out for bikers heavy in NY, aint surprised at all they took you in. They have check points specifically for bikers everywhere now. Granted a lot act a fool on the real though.
Always wanted a motorcycle. Then one of my boys passed on one, slightly put a damper on my plans. Until another died on one, now those dreams are dead too.

Glad you're safe OP.
Glad you’re ok OP. Used to wanna ride, but then I saw some dude right in front of me crash his bike and the. I was like nahhh I’m good.

There’s a saying among riders that goes like “there’s riders who crashed, and riders who are going to crash.” Basically a motorcycle accident is inevitable
Most car drivers are either texting, drowsy, or just plain stupid. Glad you're alright. Good luck with your riding in the future.
Wow glad you are alive and not seriously hurt OP.

Give thanks everyday. Can definitely relate to almost checking out, enjoy everyday bro. Glad you are still with us.
since u hit him in the back
who at fault in the accident
according to the insurance company

If there’s BI on the policy, insurance company is gonna entertain the injury claim to protect the insured. Usually not gonna defend bike/motorcycle/pedestrian losses. Just pay out the limits depending on injury and keep it moving.
Ridin is like straight suicide to me I don’t understand it. I’m sure it’s a blast and relaxing, but unless you live Somewhere where there’s not much traffic I could never do it. One person you know that works in a hospital can tell you about all the accidents that involve motorcycles. And that’s not disrespect to riders, people in cars don’t look/see people on bikes. Havin kids makes me think that much more about it to I guess.
Glad u good OP.

I see you plan to continue riding. I’m genuinely considering calling it quits. I love my bike but some elements just ain’t worth it to me.
Always wanted to get into riding motorcycles, but there's just too many damn ignorant fools driving cars on these streets. Stay safe out there OP.
Glad u good OP.

I see you plan to continue riding. I’m genuinely considering calling it quits. I love my bike but some elements just ain’t worth it to me.

Not sure how long you’ve been riding but ive only been riding for 3 years so im still fresh. Still under 30 years old with no kids so im accepting the dangers. I just love the freedom/adrenaline etc.
Similar had a ducati for a about 20 months. Gave it in when a friend died doing nothing wrong. If he was in a car small as a fiat he wouldve been fine.

Cowokers recently lost her son on his dirt bike. Did everything right. a semi didnt seen him merge, homie body was demolished.

Aint worth it. Just to many bad drivers. Too many bad roads. And that power speed gives you on a bike is too tempting

May get a chopper when im older. But im antibikes for the moment being
I’ve actually been riding since 2016 so around the same time. I had a son 2 years ago to the day actually so ever since I’ve had second thoughts about riding. I bought a 2014 iron 883 last year and I haven’t got on it once this year.

I 100% think I will miss riding but I just know the risk isn’t worth the reward for me right now with such a young kid.
**** a motorcycle
I agree

If there’s something faulty with a car, atleast there’s some sort of shield around you in the car so if it’s an accident there’s still SOME chance you’ll be good

With a motorcycle, there’s no shield, and a helmet doesn’t count, one faulty issue with the bike and your at top speed in a highway or a public place, it’s over.
I don’t **** with bikes, while there super cool and thrilling to ride, I don’t mess with bikes
Forgive me in advance if any of this comes off a little bitter or inconsiderate.
Obviously I'm glad you're okay OP, but incidents like this just make me think about how lucky others have been and how unlucky I am. I'm not dead, but am surviving with a limp arm and chronic nerve pain as result of a motorcycle accident I was involved 7 years ago (April 2012). It was an incident in which I was cutoff by and collided with a van. It sucks because, I (think) I DID everything right: riding at the appropriate speed, lane, not swerving, not doing tricks...but the driver of the van didn't see me and pull out of a driveway into my lane (illegally) cutting me off and causing the collision. Supposedly a semi truck was turning in the intersection blocked our vision.

I say "I think" because I was knocked out immediately as result of the collision. I don't remember anything from that day, days leading up to it, or the 2-3 days afterwards. I only can go off of the police report and what others have told me.

The resulting injuries included a fractured pelvis, fractured tooth, broken wrist/hand, bruised ribs, traumatic brain injury, and a brachial plexus avulsion. I spent a month in the hospital, had 5 surgeries, 6 months in occupation, physical and cognitive out-patient therlapy. Flew out to the Mayo clinic twice for treatment. And had numerous xrays, CT Scans, MRIs, EMGs...all in all to date, over $500,000 was been spent on treatment for the injuries I sustained from the collision. Only $15K if which was covered by her INS. :angry:

The worst part if it is, the affected arm was my dominant (right) arm and remains inoperable. Nerves from my spine were torn and cannot send signals to the arm/hand. I had to learn to do everything over again, using my left hand ONLY. Adding to that, I still have sporadic nerve pain, so I'm forever on meds 3x a day to "manage" the pain.

I'm grateful that I can walk, speak, and still have a normal life (for the most part) but so much MY life style was taken from me as result of the injury. I used to play (competitive) basketball regularly, maintained physical conditioning, drove a standard/stick shift car, was pursuing a career no longer optional, and my planned to move to California which was sidelined indefinitely; due to financial setbacks. It's still really hard to accept this and move forward with my life.

I know it doesn't sound too bad to y'all, and I know it could be way worse, but for me; it's been Hell. Plenty of days I've been depressed, mad at the world. I've cried, cursed out my loved ones, thought about suicide, etc. I always knew the dangers of riding motorcycles and had prepared to either die on one or be paralyzed from the waist down. What I didn't prepare for was the paralysis or my dominant arm. This totally threw me for a loop.

I've got nothing against bike or bike riders, but I agree with the sentiments of the posters above. People don't pay attention (enough) while driving; adding to the risks of being out there on two wheels. To those who still ride, be safe and just know that despite all you do to be safe, ishh can still happen and you must be prepared to live/die with the consequences. Sorry for the rant.

tl;dr - motorcycle accident in 2012. Lost use or right arm. Life altered and has been miserable since.
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