Hurricane Irma, FL Nters We May Be Next

Man I currently live in Atlanta. Majority of my family lives in Orlando, Apopka, Mt.Dora (Central Florida). Contacted most of em and they all stayed. Offered my parents and they declined. Born and raised in Orlando area and never feared a hurricane. But this one is like the “perfect storm”. Based on the current trajectory it’s hitting straight through the middle of the state. I’m shook

Our initial plan was Georgia as well, but at the rate traffic is flow northbound I'd fear running out of gas. I drove up from S.FL to the Orlando area now it looks like it's shifted left heading down the middle of FL and passing Atlanta... I really hope this thing takes another massive shift, since yesterday morning it was still pretty close to the eastern coast.

I wasn't nervous at first but now I am starting to feel a little shook myself. I'm just praying it's not as bad as they're saying!
I work down the block from Due South. Love their beer :pimp:

Made it to Orlando finally
They make some good brews, I definitely give them props for this one considering that you could barely find any bottled water. Hope you and your fam remain safe. Let's just hope it makes another shift and heads further west!
Don't let it dropping down to a 4 fool you this thing is still a beast. It's got a really good shot and picking up steam once it passes Cuba and potentially getting back to a 5 with all the hot water around the area but hopefully it doesn't.
Be safe everyone. Here in Atl traffic been hell. I stay on the southside off I-75 & they have made the peach lane free.
Just curious how many of you are natives and how many are transplants ? Team Native myself :pimp:
I wasn't born in the US but I have been living in MIA for about 15 years, so I might as well be a native.

Man I hope none of you Florida dudes still in Miami lol
I'm still here, me and my fam have nowhere to go.
i have been speaking specific to mia.i for two days as they are 6 feet above sea level. my in laws and cousin are in Tampa. my parents own a condo in Kissimmee

So no. You're not in Florida.

I live on a barrier island on the east coast of the state. Within a hundred yards each way down the street are intracoastal waterways that rise and fall in storms. Yesterday after hearing projections about a 9-10 foot storm surge, I spent several hours barricading possible points of entry for rising water as a result of storm surges, knowing that even if the water did get that high, all of my neighbors and I would have nothing to come back to. To me, and the millions of others in my exact same situation, Irma being downgraded and those projections dropping is good thing and a really big deal. The difference between it hitting the entire state as a potential 4/5 and a 3/2 is huge. It can literally mean the difference between having a house and not having one. I've got family in Miami, trust me, they feel better today than yesterday too.

The only thing more obnoxious than all of the prep for this storm is all of the people online who are not living it, but feel the need to tell everyone how bad it is going to be. Don't know how many relatives/friends from out of state I see posting on Facebook telling people how bad the destruction is going to be. If you want to help, pray, ask how you can help, or keep your mouth shut.

Hope your family and their homes are safe!
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were riding it going to work in the heart of the city until noon tommorow or if it starts raining earlier and then im out
were riding it going to work in the heart of the city until noon tommorow or if it starts raining earlier and then im out

bruh work is not even worth it in that area after today. seeing you still down there you should use that time to make sure you got what you need and your house is ready to go.

Man they just updated the track check out the first page. Looks like more west
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