HUARACHE LE RETRO 30th anniversary release this year???


A slightly better shape and superior cushioning. New models should not have the strange toebox that plagued the 91 pairs. Hoping that they are white rather than sail.
Do you feel like we were cheated with the 91 pack? I was satisfied with them until I knew better.
I ended up selling my Purple Punches once I compared them to my Scream Greens. It really showed how off the shape was. Nike also skimped on a few other details which dates back to the 2000 retros. Looks like they are trying to improve with these recrafts but it makes you wonder why they couldn’t get it correct the first time.
I ended up selling my Purple Punches once I compared them to my Scream Greens. It really showed how off the shape was. Nike also skimped on a few other details which dates back to the 2000 retros. Looks like they are trying to improve with these recrafts but it makes you wonder why they couldn’t get it correct the first time.

Nothing to wonder, it all comes down to the employees involved with the shoes return. If the person or people in charge of the shoe don’t have the same attention to detail or believe that a change should be made then that’s exactly how things get screwed up. Also, sometimes there are factory errors and it’s up to the brand to decide how to proceed. On a side note for everyone dumping off their purple punches and dynamic pinks you may want to reconsider, I have a gut feeling neither of them are coming back
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I personally couldn't keep the Dynamics after getting them in behind recrafts even if they don't come back and I'd put those 2nd next to SG's.
I think one of the best changes from the dynamic pink release to this year is the heel strap. This years release is a little thinner (top to bottom) and longer, to where my heel pushes the strap on the Dynamics but doesn’t touch on the SGs.
It was easy to cop off of this morning and they have a half sizes, but such a ****** website, its slow and freezes constantly. Those stateside, offspring is probably best option, but ill add links to other stores incase you all don't find your size.



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I’m guessing aqua tones drop stateside at some point, but my impatience is getting the best of me. :lol:

May have to pay that small tax for a euro pair…
They’re on Size? too. Could’ve copped this morning but I’m going to wait it out this time
The Aquatones look beautiful!! 👍👍 Just hope Nike doesn't do us dirty and not release these here. It's the only other color I want. My GC for NDC is burning a hole in my wallet, lol.
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Footpatrol has the aquatones for $160 shipped to the US. Not bad compared to some of the other options right now.
I’m really trying to be patient and resist the urge but that DF option is calling me lol
I bought the Scream Greens from Dope Factory and they came in the wrong box...

I’ll pay that extra $10 to not have to mess with DF on these.
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