HS Girls Basketball team loses by 93

Girls Basketball
How did they allow the 1?

What do you tell your team when it's 50-1? 75-1? Are you still trying to teach or are you asleep on the bench at that point with an empty bottle underyour chair?
Heres another story of a blowout. score was 112-16 but this coach was forced to apologize.


from article:
The last high-school slaughter to make headlines came last spring when Woodinville beat Franklin 64-0 in a fastpitch softball game. The last girls basketball game to raise eyebrows across the state was Chief Sealth's 87-3 win over West Seattle in December 2005.
HS Girls basketball is one of the most entertaining events I've seen. How do you let your team lose by 93 with no field goals made?
you're telling me that in the time span that it took your opponent to score 94points on you... you couldn't randomly chuck the rock in the vaguevicinity of the rim atleast 40 times and get a single basket??

dudes at oxford dictionary are going to work right now, theres bad then awful and utterly pathetic... then there's losing 93-1
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