How Would Vampires Go To College, Though???

Oct 16, 2006
So you know how vampires are nocturnal and all that, how would a vampire kid go to college? He would be asleep during all the day when they have classes.

 I guess he could take early morning and late night classes, that would be like going to bed late and waking up early for him. The early classes would be like after he should be going to bed already, and the late class would be like his early morning class because he just woke up.

Then he'd have to come home and study during the day so he'd have to pull some all-dayers in the basement because he's not too fond of the old solar machine if you catch my drift.

In conclusion, thank you based god!
So you know how vampires are nocturnal and all that, how would a vampire kid go to college? He would be asleep during all the day when they have classes.

 I guess he could take early morning and late night classes, that would be like going to bed late and waking up early for him. The early classes would be like after he should be going to bed already, and the late class would be like his early morning class because he just woke up.

Then he'd have to come home and study during the day so he'd have to pull some all-dayers in the basement because he's not too fond of the old solar machine if you catch my drift.

In conclusion, thank you based god!
So we're have based diatribes?

I posted this back on September:
I was fairly inebriated as I watched the end of Alien vs Predator on one of the Spanish channels about two hours ago.
Strangely enough "Alien" stays "Alien" in Spanish but "Predator" is "Depredador". Amazing.
Anyway, I was wondering why such an advanced species like the Predators, warrior or not, would opt not to rock pants.
Like, they have the technology to build a ship four times the size of the Titanic, that can travel in space, and hover on Earth without anyone detecting it, and yet they rock loincloths.
Do they all rock loincloths? I assume there are some Predators that aren't cut out for the cloaking-n-killing business, and would opt for a non-assuming profession that would not necessitate wearing a swag loincloth. Like, are there factory Predators that rock one-piece Dharma Initiative type clothes while they weld ships together?
Or is everyone on planet Predator rocking loincloths 24/7? Let's face it, an advanced species would utilize pants simply for the usefulness of pockets.
Why don't they rock combat, cargo pants? Seems tactically sound than your junk swinging in the bushes while your loincloth lazily follows.
So we're have based diatribes?

I posted this back on September:
I was fairly inebriated as I watched the end of Alien vs Predator on one of the Spanish channels about two hours ago.
Strangely enough "Alien" stays "Alien" in Spanish but "Predator" is "Depredador". Amazing.
Anyway, I was wondering why such an advanced species like the Predators, warrior or not, would opt not to rock pants.
Like, they have the technology to build a ship four times the size of the Titanic, that can travel in space, and hover on Earth without anyone detecting it, and yet they rock loincloths.
Do they all rock loincloths? I assume there are some Predators that aren't cut out for the cloaking-n-killing business, and would opt for a non-assuming profession that would not necessitate wearing a swag loincloth. Like, are there factory Predators that rock one-piece Dharma Initiative type clothes while they weld ships together?
Or is everyone on planet Predator rocking loincloths 24/7? Let's face it, an advanced species would utilize pants simply for the usefulness of pockets.
Why don't they rock combat, cargo pants? Seems tactically sound than your junk swinging in the bushes while your loincloth lazily follows.
. . . In other news, Kanye West is doing the halftime show at the ASG
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

So we're have based diatribes?

I posted this back on September:
I was fairly inebriated as I watched the end of Alien vs Predator on one of the Spanish channels about two hours ago.
Strangely enough "Alien" stays "Alien" in Spanish but "Predator" is "Depredador". Amazing.
Anyway, I was wondering why such an advanced species like the Predators, warrior or not, would opt not to rock pants.
Like, they have the technology to build a ship four times the size of the Titanic, that can travel in space, and hover on Earth without anyone detecting it, and yet they rock loincloths.
Do they all rock loincloths? I assume there are some Predators that aren't cut out for the cloaking-n-killing business, and would opt for a non-assuming profession that would not necessitate wearing a swag loincloth. Like, are there factory Predators that rock one-piece Dharma Initiative type clothes while they weld ships together?
Or is everyone on planet Predator rocking loincloths 24/7? Let's face it, an advanced species would utilize pants simply for the usefulness of pockets.
Why don't they rock combat, cargo pants? Seems tactically sound than your junk swinging in the bushes while your loincloth lazily follows.

I'm not talking from experience here (I wish I was), but I can predict with GREAT confidence that there are no advanced predators living on pretador island (home of the mighty pretadors! grrrr) dressed like some Dharma Intiative foot-soldiers. These guys are the #%@!$@+ ELITE of the #%@!$@+ GALAXY! They took the guy from the pianist and ripped his @*+ to shreds! Those fools can wear whatever the $@#! they want, and you know what I would do in that situation?! Swag out in as little clothes as possible. I'm not saying I'd be nude, that's just tasteless son, thats why I'd rock my swag loincloth though. Para final, gracias dios de base!
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

So we're have based diatribes?

I posted this back on September:
I was fairly inebriated as I watched the end of Alien vs Predator on one of the Spanish channels about two hours ago.
Strangely enough "Alien" stays "Alien" in Spanish but "Predator" is "Depredador". Amazing.
Anyway, I was wondering why such an advanced species like the Predators, warrior or not, would opt not to rock pants.
Like, they have the technology to build a ship four times the size of the Titanic, that can travel in space, and hover on Earth without anyone detecting it, and yet they rock loincloths.
Do they all rock loincloths? I assume there are some Predators that aren't cut out for the cloaking-n-killing business, and would opt for a non-assuming profession that would not necessitate wearing a swag loincloth. Like, are there factory Predators that rock one-piece Dharma Initiative type clothes while they weld ships together?
Or is everyone on planet Predator rocking loincloths 24/7? Let's face it, an advanced species would utilize pants simply for the usefulness of pockets.
Why don't they rock combat, cargo pants? Seems tactically sound than your junk swinging in the bushes while your loincloth lazily follows.

I'm not talking from experience here (I wish I was), but I can predict with GREAT confidence that there are no advanced predators living on pretador island (home of the mighty pretadors! grrrr) dressed like some Dharma Intiative foot-soldiers. These guys are the #%@!$@+ ELITE of the #%@!$@+ GALAXY! They took the guy from the pianist and ripped his @*+ to shreds! Those fools can wear whatever the $@#! they want, and you know what I would do in that situation?! Swag out in as little clothes as possible. I'm not saying I'd be nude, that's just tasteless son, thats why I'd rock my swag loincloth though. Para final, gracias dios de base!
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

So we're have based diatribes?

I posted this back on September:
I was fairly inebriated as I watched the end of Alien vs Predator on one of the Spanish channels about two hours ago.
Strangely enough "Alien" stays "Alien" in Spanish but "Predator" is "Depredador". Amazing.
Anyway, I was wondering why such an advanced species like the Predators, warrior or not, would opt not to rock pants.
Like, they have the technology to build a ship four times the size of the Titanic, that can travel in space, and hover on Earth without anyone detecting it, and yet they rock loincloths.
Do they all rock loincloths? I assume there are some Predators that aren't cut out for the cloaking-n-killing business, and would opt for a non-assuming profession that would not necessitate wearing a swag loincloth. Like, are there factory Predators that rock one-piece Dharma Initiative type clothes while they weld ships together?
Or is everyone on planet Predator rocking loincloths 24/7? Let's face it, an advanced species would utilize pants simply for the usefulness of pockets.
Why don't they rock combat, cargo pants? Seems tactically sound than your junk swinging in the bushes while your loincloth lazily follows.

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

So we're have based diatribes?

I posted this back on September:
I was fairly inebriated as I watched the end of Alien vs Predator on one of the Spanish channels about two hours ago.
Strangely enough "Alien" stays "Alien" in Spanish but "Predator" is "Depredador". Amazing.
Anyway, I was wondering why such an advanced species like the Predators, warrior or not, would opt not to rock pants.
Like, they have the technology to build a ship four times the size of the Titanic, that can travel in space, and hover on Earth without anyone detecting it, and yet they rock loincloths.
Do they all rock loincloths? I assume there are some Predators that aren't cut out for the cloaking-n-killing business, and would opt for a non-assuming profession that would not necessitate wearing a swag loincloth. Like, are there factory Predators that rock one-piece Dharma Initiative type clothes while they weld ships together?
Or is everyone on planet Predator rocking loincloths 24/7? Let's face it, an advanced species would utilize pants simply for the usefulness of pockets.
Why don't they rock combat, cargo pants? Seems tactically sound than your junk swinging in the bushes while your loincloth lazily follows.

How would a vampire have sex? Their lack of blood flow isn't conducive to a strong fulfilling erection suitable for penetration.
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