how were humans made?

How many dachshunds would it take to take down a full grown tiger is a better question!!!?
Nice try bud.

Your modern human is older then any homo-x you wanna throw in for convo.
Get out side of what the smithsonian is preaching. They're just an extension of the corrupt powers to be.

Waiting for your outside of migration from Africa disclaimer
What is this even based on? 
Anatomically modern human beings( homo sapiens sapiens) being alive 300,000 y/a? A slim chance.

500,000 y/a? Nope

1million years ago? There is no longer a discussion.

And whoever said something about white skin evolving in cold regions over millions of years should brush up on the "Out Of Africa" migration.

can you explain what you mean

are you talking about the sunlight-vitamin D stuff I mentioned earlier?
a theory =/= a scientific theory....

so including religion alongside gravity etc. is disingenuous when trying to prove a point.

the only point you can say is that the existence of everything is not understood... but there are scientific laws and theories that prove themselves viable. Evolution is a mechanism that has been proven... the lineage of humans is not completely understood... but the effect of "survival of the fittest" and "natural selection" ,in respect to reproductive lifeforms, has been documented repeatedly throughout history

I just reread your initial post... and i just didn't pay attention to your wording. We both agree on the same thing. my bad.

Ya know, I was gonna ask...
Only truth in this whole thread :smokin


Not sure if trolling but I love it when people post these type of conspiracy theories and acknowledge the govt is hiding it from people, but won't provide any proof of how they got ahold of this information.

It's a secret, the govt has installed microchips in us from birth to control our every action. People just don't know about it....

can you explain what you mean

are you talking about the sunlight-vitamin D stuff I mentioned earlier?

The most recent Out of Africa movement done by anatomically modern humans (homo sapiens sapiens) was done as early as 60k years ago. The modern human evolved to our complete form in Africa irrelevant of homo sapiens Neanderthalensis' conditioning due to colder climates in Eurasia. The archaic human sapien in Africa was black and only needed 20k to 40k years (at most, some think it was much less) to condition itself to increase the amount of vitamin D in our bodies in colder climates due to less violent UV rays and more/heavier clothing.

Some even think that the lighter skin came due to our implementation of agriculture, some 10k years ago. The change of diet also lead to an increase in adverse skin color. In west africa it made some of the darkest people in human history while in northern europe, some of the lightest.

So earlier genus homo species in other regions of the world ( i.e. Ergaster, erectus, etc..) probably changed skin color 300k to millions years ago in Eurasia but that technically had no barring on our own skin change as our direct ancestors resided in Africa.
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dudes ain't know lighter skinned people were a relatively new thing? well all right then.

I've said this plenty of times on here but my boy SWEARS white people are the result of DNA altering by a species of higher intelligence or a straight up hybrid.
dudes ain't know lighter skinned people were a relatively new thing? well all right then.

I've said this plenty of times on here but my boy SWEARS white people are the result of DNA altering by a species of higher intelligence or a straight up hybrid.

It's in all the good books, fairys, Frankenstein, Gilgamesh etc
Epic of Gilgamesh :pimp:

I would also like to add that no species of any sort is finished evolving, because it doesn't stop until extinction. 100k years from now, we would undoubtedly look different from now.

For example, I read somewhere, I dont remember where, that our pinky finger is becoming more and more useless.

Humans without pinky's? Interesting.
can you explain what you mean

are you talking about the sunlight-vitamin D stuff I mentioned earlier?

The most recent Out of Africa movement done by anatomically modern humans (homo sapiens sapiens) was done as early as 60k years ago. The modern human evolved to our complete form in Africa irrelevant of homo sapiens Neanderthalensis' conditioning due to colder climates in Eurasia. The archaic human sapien in Africa was black and only needed 20k to 40k years (at most, some think it was much less) to condition itself to increase the amount of vitamin D in our bodies in colder climates due to less violent UV rays and more/heavier clothing.

Some even think that the lighter skin came due to our implementation of agriculture, some 10k years ago. The change of diet also lead to an increase in adverse skin color. In west africa it made some of the darkest people in human history while in northern europe, some of the lightest.

So earlier genus homo species in other regions of the world ( i.e. Ergaster, erectus, etc..) probably changed skin color 300k to millions years ago in Eurasia but that technically had no barring on our own skin change as our direct ancestors resided in Africa.

we're on the same page nvm. question though, what do you think about the agriculture theory? doesn't the vitamin D-sunlight connection make more sense since we see the pigment gradient as we move away from the equator?

I think not having a pinky would probably hurt one's fitness in the sense that it'd scare chicks away :lol:
we're on the same page nvm. question though, what do you think about the agriculture theory? doesn't the vitamin D-sunlight connection make more sense since we see the pigment gradient as we move away from the equator?

I think not having a pinky would probably hurt one's fitness in the sense that it'd scare chicks away :lol:

I certainly agree with you. I personally feel that our diet had much less to do with our natural reaction to human nature. In a scale of importance, im leaning towards a 65-35 percent that it was more due to us possibly adapting rather than choosing the easier way out (agriculture) :lol:

And those chicks wouldnt find anything wrong with 4 fingers because they would also have them.
^ :pimp: we aint gon be around for that so im chillin.

But like i said its a random theory shared by few scholars, just an example.

Now Hawaii, Cali and Florida sinking into the abyss, its only a matter of time.
As soon as you realize how insignificant, and how short lived the human race is, the more your mind opens to possibilities
We will never know the whole story, so either way it's a worthless post. I do however believe that there is a God(creator) and I would much rather live like there is one than believing what another man has told me. It's been proven that we can't have all the answers to every question, so something or someone must have it all.
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IRONY :rofl:

Do you people even think before you post?

I took it as he believes in there being a higher power, not necessarily a God from a religion.

I don't care what anybody believes in but there's no denying scientific evidence and if we are on the path to finding more answers, why would we stop looking for more? The thing with theories is that they can change with new scientific evidence.

Now, if creationists bring us factual proof of a higher being or their religion being the true one, I would believe it. Not some book. Not some story about how they were saved when on drugs. Factual evidence. The burden of proof is on them.
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Damn. Wouldnt that make the basis of monotheistic religion a theory also?
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