how were humans made?

Damn. Wouldnt that make the basis of monotheistic religion a theory also?

I would say it is true for all BELIEF systems.

People get too caught up in belonging to a certain school of thought. Being a member of a given belief system is enough to stop ppl from researching what they worship any further than what they are told.
No, even someone planted those seeds in his one is born with those ideas. :lol:

The idea of a creator being "a God" is drilled into our heads from different sources. So even if I were raised Christian and all of a sudden became agnostic holding on to the belief that God is a creator, it's still a learned idea.

Some people (not I) believe in a higher power w/o being religious. That's their answer. That's how our 'evolution tree' and/or world was started to them. Not Adam n Eve talking bush ****. Just that their was a magical hand that somehow played a part in it.

Trust me, I know first hand how it is to be spoon fed religious **** from birth. I questioned so much at catholic school that i spent most of my days in the hall.
Creationist and evolutionists are equally clueless about the origins of the universe and man.
All of that "burden of proof" b*******t is just deflecticting from the fact that their theories are also unproven.
always fun seeing random guys come here to post "evolution is not real!" and leave without providing any info thinking they just said something revolutionary 
Creationist and evolutionists are equally clueless about the origins of the universe and man.
All of that "burden of proof" b*******t is just deflecticting from the fact that their theories are also unproven.

You can't be serious.

The fact that you're equating the religious writings of some guy (Moses) to the works of academics (the astrologists, the chemists, the biologists, the physicists, etc.), whom has all worked tirelessly through centuries building upon each other's findings, is humiliating.

I just saw this statistic on wikipedia:

Since 1982, between 40% and 50% of adults in the United States say they hold the creationist view that "God created humans in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years" when Gallup asked for their views on the origin and development of human beings.[8] A 2011 Gallup survey reports that 30% of U.S. adults say they interpret the Bible literally.[9]

:x :smh:
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Im not equating anything. You did that all by yourself.
I said they are equally clueless. Meaning neither group really knows the truth.
After all if evolutionists KNEW and their theories were PROVEN we wouldnt be having this debate now would we?
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Im not equating anything. You did that all by yourself.
I said they are equally clueless. Meaning neither group really knows the truth.
After all if evolutionists KNEW and their theories were PROVEN we wouldnt be having this debate now would we?
You might have a point if the debate was between biologists. 
Are you saying scientists have found the missing link and solved the mystery of evolution once and for all?
I pretty sure they have not. Just a few months ago they found a human skull that dated back to 1.8 million years ago that basically turned the classification of human species upside down.

Just like pretty much all scientific theories a new discovery can come completely debunk a theory widely considered as scientific truth.
Of course things like gravity, motion, modern medical science etc ARE known in great detail.

But things like the beginning of the universe, the origins of man, etc are things that they dont know and may never know.

I respect their quest for knowledge, but when they say things like they know how many protons are in the universe thats where I stop believing anything they say.
Are you saying scientists have found the missing link and solved the mystery of evolution once and for all?
I pretty sure they have not. Just a few months ago they found a human skull that dated back to 1.8 million years ago that basically turned the classification of human species upside down.

Just like pretty much all scientific theories a new discovery can come completely debunk a theory widely considered as scientific truth.
Of course things like gravity, motion, modern medical science etc ARE known in great detail.

But things like the beginning of the universe, the origins of man, etc are things that they dont know and may never know.

I respect their quest for knowledge, but when they say things like they know how many protons are in the universe thats where I stop believing anything they say.

theres no mention of a human skull in that article, its a hominid, homo erectus skull but i agree that a lot of so called 'scientific' theories is pure conjecture simply due to a lack of solid evidence
You're right.
What I meant to say is that the classifications that have been used for that time period, are being challenged with the discovery of this skull.

Where they once thought that Homo Habilis, and Homo Rudolfensis were different homo species of the same period, some now think that a single evolving Homo Eretus species came out of Africa and spread to Europe and Asia.

I was really just using that as an example of how frequently scientific theories run into snags to say the least.
always fun seeing random guys come here to post "evolution is not real!" and leave without providing any info thinking they just said something revolutionary 

I may not agree with every video this guy posts but for this subject, his words are golden.

Notice: no drug props
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Are you saying scientists have found the missing link and solved the mystery of evolution once and for all?
I pretty sure they have not. Just a few months ago they found a human skull that dated back to 1.8 million years ago that basically turned the classification of human species upside down.

Just like pretty much all scientific theories a new discovery can come completely debunk a theory widely considered as scientific truth.
Of course things like gravity, motion, modern medical science etc ARE known in great detail.

But things like the beginning of the universe, the origins of man, etc are things that they dont know and may never know.

I respect their quest for knowledge, but when they say things like they know how many protons are in the universe thats where I stop believing anything they say.
This is an example of how new information challenges what we know about human evolution. This is not an example of how new information disproves or debunks evolution. We know that evolution is a naturally occurring phenomenon. 
God couldn't even intelligently design the bible, let alone humans and the entire universe.
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Religious people only challenge science when it's convenient. We may not have proven the origin of life, or what spawned but evolution as an idea is a FACT not a theory.

-An example of evolution is why human beings need a new flu shot every season, that is evolution in a smaller scale. Evolution in microbes the most abundant form of life on this planet is a proven FACT.

You could easily say a flu shot is just a systematic way of producing treatment for a disease that can heal itself naturally yet only one strand is introduced at a mass level and it's presented with the idea of being a new strand every year with a vaccine that shows up conveniently.

Just playing devils advocate.

I feel a lot of times when we argue science, we throw "facts" around with out ever proving them ourselves and having true gnosis.

For example I could tell you that atoms are real with out a flinch. However, outside of depictions in books/lectures I've never gone through the process to prove an atom is real.

My point is people are quick to shoot down religion, but are just as guilty of accepting science with blind faith.

Personally, I think God/technology is all one in the same. I don't think we came from monkeys but I do believe we can evolve to better understand our situations. God isn't perfect, were not perfect. Through evolution we are able to strive for this idea of perfection that we have.

As long we split up spiritually and evolution were gonna come up with short sighted answers because were only looking at half of the dichotomy.
True story, I'd believe in creationism and intelligent design if the God in the bible were more intelligent.

For people who don't believe the bible, do you guys think it's a possibility that this was a creation of lesser god, something that wasn't perfect?
I'm not ruling anything out, but I see no evidence that this "lesser god" exists.

Check out the gnostic gospels. In my opinion, a lot of things clicked for me. The main thing for me was I had to piece up a lot of scattered knowledge together to form my idea of the big picture.
I'm not ruling anything out, but I see no evidence that this "lesser god" exists.
Check out the gnostic gospels. In my opinion, a lot of things clicked for me. The main thing for me was I had to piece up a lot of scattered knowledge together to form my idea of the big picture.
Papi...I'm in Med-Surg this semester.  I don't have time for any of that.  State your evidence.
This is an example of how new information challenges what we know about human evolution. This is not an example of how new information disproves or debunks evolution. We know that evolution is a naturally occurring phenomenon. 

Evolution IS a naturally occurring phenomenon...
BUT then we must ask ourselves,
"Are humans of this nature?"

Who is to say our organic make is of this planets matter?
This is an example of how new information challenges what we know about human evolution. This is not an example of how new information disproves or debunks evolution. We know that evolution is a naturally occurring phenomenon. 
Evolution IS a naturally occurring phenomenon...
BUT then we must ask ourselves,
"Are humans of this nature?"

Who is to say our organic make is of this planets matter?
Chemistry: not even once.
Sacred Geometry.

Math is the derivative of all. This "what happened before that" improbable question is impossible to answer. But somehow some way the Architecture of it all is based on numerics.

I don't know if we will ever find out what created man. But I bet Mathematics were involved. Everything seems to be based on numbers.
I do believe in God as an almighty conscious power that intertwines humanity. A conscious that is shared amongst us all.

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