How Promiscuous can your future wife be? Vol. Marrying Jumpoffs

Jun 28, 2009
Like how many sticks on her jacket would you allow? How much promiscuity in your future wife is acceptable?

I see a lot of dudes marrying jumpoffs, skeezars and other !$+#$@ side chicks...
indifferent.gif they have low self esteem or are they just lames?

To put it to you bluntly, your mom was probably your Dad's jump off
...No disrespect intended.

Me personally, I won't marry a chick that slept with more than 10 guys. If she doesn't exist, well then oh well I'm never getting married andI'll be single for the rest of my life.

I remember one day me and 3 other dudes did a g-bang on some random chick....she didn't even know me....and she gave me head and let me beat.......So likea couple months later I ran into her at the supermarket...and she told me she got married...and showed off the ring on her finger...
...she got wifed up by some clueless dude...

I think a lot of women go through this #!$# their lives....I actually think every women does. Then theyhit up their mans with the "I've changed"...."I'm not like that anymore"..."That's in the past"...and these simps andlames eat it up...and end up wifing these jumpoffs...

I still remember that story of one of Goldenarmz97's jump offs getting married, and he posted gettin crackin pics on niketalk's sister site...and thepictures were forwarded to the husband via e-mail and myspace, he saw it and got heated

With how promiscuous these women are nowadays...its not rare to see lady in her 40's have about 80 sticks on her jacket.

So I ask you the question? How promiscuous can your future wife be? Can she a be a jump off? Can she be a *!!$%?

I've literally seen dudes marry strippers with tattoos and supposedly "change" them to where they raising 3 kids in the suburbs and are stay athome moms..
I still remember that story of one of Goldenarmz97's jump offs getting married, and he posted gettin crackin pics on niketalk's sister site...and the pictures were forwarded to the husband via e-mail and myspace, he saw it and got heated
that sucks
I'm mature enough where I don't give a damn as long as she's faithful through marriage. More then likely the women you're gonna marry has donesome freaky +#$! in the past. I don't think I'd marry a porn star though, that would be too far.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I'm never getting married, but the main can't have more than 5 (even thatseems too high[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)])[/color]
Originally Posted by Freshsince1982

I still remember that story of one of Goldenarmz97's jump offs getting married, and he posted gettin crackin pics on niketalk's sister site...and the pictures were forwarded to the husband via e-mail and myspace, he saw it and got heated
that sucks

taking things too far. straight hater status.
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by Freshsince1982

I still remember that story of one of Goldenarmz97's jump offs getting married, and he posted gettin crackin pics on niketalk's sister site...and the pictures were forwarded to the husband via e-mail and myspace, he saw it and got heated
that sucks

taking thinks too far. straight hater status.

Yeah, I remember that. I don't know why cats thought it would be funny. But
@ calling it niketalks sister site.
Yo word to camron you really can't trust females these days, same way they can't trust us. All you gotta do is make sure you put in time an effort inyour relationships to better your chances of finding/having a good one and watch for signals that she gives you that doesn't sit right with you. You gottado your homework on chicks these days, you can't just let yourself think your in the clear and your girl is all innocent (maybe just around you).

I'm already in a 3 year relationship with my girl and I don't take anything for granted I make sure i'm on the top of my game as much as I can notonly for her but for myself and my future so that if she does want to leave/cheat/something else the only place she has left to go is down.
- This topic is SSOsooosSSosoosososdf
crazy to thekid

- I know so many 'reformed' J.O.'s recently married to simps coast-to-coast
. If some of these dudes knew the legitimate/accurate past of their breezy, they would throwup in they mouth a little status

- ...and the way some of these broads switch their game up to reel you in sickens me...
No more than maybe 8 or 9 for me. It kind of depends on how much we feelin each other and how compatible we are though. Some things might get overlooked, butif she was on some freaky @** sh*t, that would be a no.
A great man once said:

Let me first begin by saying every woman has it "in" her to cheat, as she's human, but whether she take that leap into the arms of another depends how, why, or if she'll find herself in a specific set of circumstances...and some of those variables a man can control and some he cannot. Let me also say, and cheating woman is the holy grail to a single man, and you must be able to sniff these women out and prey upon them like a pack of hyena feeding on leftover and scavaged-upon carcases (pussior left-overs left by her man for others to feed upon). But before I delve too deeply, let me point out the a few of the obvious "tells" of whether your woman will stray.

1. She's an unabashed flirt (Seeing validation and keeping her options open)

2. She grew up with a terrible father or she had non-existant father figure in her life (no positve male template, and she will seek validation from men by using her sex as a currency)

3. Her mother cheated on her father repeatedly - a dad who was s sucker - and the daughter was exposed to the activity (this gives the woman a template of sexual behavior, and a lack of respect for her men)

4. Most of her friends or men (she has few if any female friends, as she seeks male validation and attention)

5. Her man foolishly put her pussior on a pedestal (Pussior should "earn" it's way up the ladder, much like honor, trust, and respect and it must not ever be given full pedestal rights - you must always give the pussior a metric to "strive" for. Without purpose or goals, the pussior loses it's will to please)

6. She's lost respect for her man or she has never had respect for him (This man gets cheated on bi-weekly)

7. Her man has become or has always been her emotional tampon (He's holding on to the pussior with a death grip, as he feels it gives him value. Men want respect, and women need love - not the other way around)

8.. She's just not happy with her man at home and KNOWS 100% she can do better as the man let go of himself physically or she "dated down". Once she happens upon a swashbuckling and debonair alpha gladiator, ala whup, who will blindly pursue her like prey her legs will soon part per a wave of his hand like moses directing the red sea with a wooden shepherd's cane... a man who will inspire her to "dream, feel sexy, and feel as giddy as a skipping school girl once again.

9. Her man is not spontaneous or decisive, and he makes life monotonous and boring - not an "adventure". Get this woman on a vegas trip with the girls for a bachelorette party, and she's be stripped naked and banged filthily by the first man that smiles at her.

10. She does not view her man as KING, as he allows the woman to feel superior (a man should ALWAYS been king - there is no 50/50 spilt of power. At minimum, the power pendelum swing 75-25 towards the man, though a 90-10 power ration should be a man's true goal.

I'm actually traveling and on my way to blindly pursue pussior tonight, and I will lose WiFi access in a moment so I will break this down a little further tomorrow morning.
The Way I Look At On Some G %$*! Aslong As She Hasn't #@$#+% Nobody In Or Around My Circle I'm Good Cause Each %$*%$ Has A Past Whether U Wanna BelieveIt R Not
Originally Posted by NY Denim Seller

Like how many sticks on her jacket would you allow? How much promiscuity in your future wife is acceptable?

I see a lot of dudes marrying jumpoffs, skeezars and other !$+#$@ side chicks...
indifferent.gif they have low self esteem or are they just lames?

To put it to you bluntly, your mom was probably your Dad's jump off
...No disrespect intended.

Me personally, I won't marry a chick that slept with more than 10 guys. If she doesn't exist, well then oh well I'm never getting married and I'll be single for the rest of my life.

I remember one day me and 3 other dudes did a g-bang on some random chick....she didn't even know me....and she gave me head and let me beat.......So like a couple months later I ran into her at the supermarket...and she told me she got married...and showed off the ring on her finger...
...she got wifed up by some clueless dude...

I think a lot of women go through this #!$# their lives....I actually think every women does. Then they hit up their mans with the "I've changed"...."I'm not like that anymore"..."That's in the past"...and these simps and lames eat it up...and end up wifing these jumpoffs...

I still remember that story of one of Goldenarmz97's jump offs getting married, and he posted gettin crackin pics on niketalk's sister site...and the pictures were forwarded to the husband via e-mail and myspace, he saw it and got heated

With how promiscuous these women are nowadays...its not rare to see lady in her 40's have about 80 sticks on her jacket.

So I ask you the question? How promiscuous can your future wife be? Can she a be a jump off? Can she be a *!!$%?

I've literally seen dudes marry strippers with tattoos and supposedly "change" them to where they raising 3 kids in the suburbs and are stay at home moms..

Anything past 5 partners for a female is JO status... so wth are you saying pimp?

Spoiler [+]
This is a tough one. The mature side of me wants to say everyone has a past and if you two get along great and have a good relationship then whatever they didbefore you doesnt matter. But at the same time the other side of me is saying heck no i dont want to be with no chick thats been run up in by a whole footballteam.

On another note my girls been with 4 people before me and i aint even trippin. I know shes down for me and i trust her more than anyone in this world and thatswhat matters. Plus all her exes are lames an id knock them out with one hit. So ha.
Chick that want me to date her now. Been with 7 dudes and 2 girls. 3 of the dudes being dudes I know personally. She got another +*%!% name tatted on her and atat over her ... and her ... pierced as well as her nips...

Told me I need to see beyond her past faults and learn to grow with her...

this argument is almost as childish as dudes who cry about "tricking." if you two are adults, it's already established that the both of you havelived your lives and had sex with other people prior to your relationship, what does the number matter? if you fall in love with someone, then find out theyhad sex with 25 people but is serious about settling down and marrying you, are you gonna dead the relationship because of that? i've never asked any of mygirls how many guys they've slept with because if you're a decent judge of character, it probably won't tell you something you don't alreadyknow.
under 5...any more and thats JO status.

edit: this is irrelevant to me cuz im not getting married
(dont believein it)
So what do you all tell girls who ask how many girls you have been with?

BTW...yall are wilding acting like girls aren't out for the same thing...
Hahah anything over 5 is JO status? What about you? How many make you a male JO lolllllll

Give me a break
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