How on point is your Zodiac sign with your personality and overall life? Someone shed some light....

Jan 4, 2011
I've never really known what to think when it comes to Zodiac signs and this overall aspect of Astrology.
I'm a Cancer, and some of the stuff I read about "myself' are spot on, and it certainly catches my eye and piques my interest. The information on my "love life" pretty much hits the nail on the head...but why? 

On the other hand,  I sometimes think to myself, are some of these things just so ambiguous that anyone could read the information and relate it to themselves? 

To answer my own question though, I would say most of the stuff I come across, 80% or so, pertains to me. As far as my daily horoscope goes, Idk about all that 

Someone shed some light on this please.
Before they told me about Ophiuchus, it was on point for good entertainment
(WAS a Virgo btw
[h2]Horror scoped[/h2]

The wonderful website Information is Beautiful does terrific work taking interesting data and turning into easy-to-grasp information. They recently turned their attention to astrology — guess why — and did something truly cool: made a word cloud of the most commonly used terms in horoscopes. The sample was pretty big, comprising 22,000 horoscopes taken from Yahoo (which itself got them from Here’s what they found:

Heh. Note that the common words appear over and over again in all the horoscopes despite the sign. Feelkeeplifesureenergybetter, and of course love… you see these in all the signs. Why, it’s almost as if the signs make no difference!

And what I found more interesting is what you don’t see: words with significantly different descriptive power. If different signs tend to describe different personalities, why don’t I see unique words like angrypowerfulextrovertedintroverted, and so on? They scraped the most commonly used unique words for every sign, and they’re really not very predictive (scroll down to the Word Analysis 2 section on the Information Is Beautiful page to see). Again, it’s almost as if astrology isn’t really terribly descriptive of different people.

Whenever I write about astrology, I get comments from astrologers (and believers) who say that the type of astrology I’m describing is wrong, but their type, of course, is accurate. But these horoscopes were supplied by, which claims to describe various types of astrology.

Of course, this is also the website that features "Heather the Cosmos Gal" who wrote about the recent sign mix-up, "…try not to worry too much right now about what scientists are saying."


She also mentioned that we get our zodiac signs from the Greeks, not the Babylonians; however, even if true it doesn’t change anything! The constellations have still drifted since that time, and the problem with star sign astrology remains. Well, all the problems still remain. By the way, if she looks familiar, it may be because she’s the same one who achieved internet infamy a couple of years back when she was filming the daily horoscope but somehow didn’t manage to predict an earthquake hitting while she was on camera! You’d think her horoscope might’ve predicted that.

Now, I suppose you could argue that by collating so many different horoscopes cast for so many different types of people it’s not surprising the predictive power, if any, were diminished. But the folks at Information Is Beautiful took the most common words and created a metahoroscope:

That sure sounds a lot like every horoscope I see!

[h1]Forer effect[/h1]
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[/td][td]This article needs additional citations for verification.
Please help improve this article by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (August 2009)[/td][/tr][/table]
The Forer effect (also called the Barnum Effect after P.T. Barnum's observation that "we've got something for everyone") is the observation that individuals will give high accuracy ratings to descriptions of their personality that supposedly are tailored specifically for them, but are in fact vague and general enough to apply to a wide range of people. This effect can provide a partial explanation for the widespread acceptance of some beliefs and practices, such as astrology, fortune telling, and some types of personality tests like the Myers-Briggs test.

A related and more generic phenomenon effect is that of subjective validation.[sup][1][/sup] Subjective validation occurs when two unrelated or even random events are perceived to be related because a belief, expectancy, or hypothesis demands a relationship. Thus people seek a correspondence between their perception of their personality and the contents of a horoscope.
[h2]Contents[/h2] [hide]
[/td][/tr][/table][h2][edit] Forer's demonstration[/h2]
In 1948, psychologist Bertram R. Forer gave a personality test to his students. Afterward, he told his students they were each receiving a unique personality analysis that was based on the test's results and to rate their analysis on a scale of 0 (very poor) to 5 (excellent) on how well it applied to themselves. In reality, each received the same analysis:
[table][tr][td]“[/td][td]You have a great need for other people to like and admire you. You have a tendency to be critical of yourself. You have a great deal of unused capacity which you have not turned to your advantage. While you have some personality weaknesses, you are generally able to compensate for them. Disciplined and self-controlled outside, you tend to be worrisome and insecure inside. At times you have serious doubts as to whether you have made the right decision or done the right thing. You prefer a certain amount of change and variety and become dissatisfied when hemmed in by restrictions and limitations. You pride yourself as an independent thinker and do not accept others' statements without satisfactory proof. You have found it unwise to be too frank in revealing yourself to others. At times you are extroverted, affable, sociable, while at other times you are introverted, wary, reserved. Some of your aspirations tend to be pretty unrealistic. Security is one of your major goals in life.[/td][td][/td][/tr][/table]
 “Taurus man is a good natured person, very practical in his approach towards life. He is unpretentious and displays his true self in every situation. Trust and loyalty are the key characteristics of a Taurean guy and he expects to find the same qualities in the people around him. Taurus male is hard working and industrious and would labor for hours, at a stretch, to receive the kind of admiration he wants. A Taurean male is sensuous, tactile, giving, practical and stable. He has a sense of humor, but fails to laugh when others crack a joke.
Taureans are known for their stubbornness and the trait is quite prominent in the males. They rarely change their point of view and stick to what they believe is right. When left alone at a new unknown place, they can get extremely suspicious. Though Taurean men do not get angry very easily, they can have a bad temper if aggravated. They are also very protective of their wife and would not leave her even at times of tiffs and fights. This factor may be due to the presence of jealously and possessiveness in them.
A caring and loving person, Taurus man takes great care of his loved ones, but is very careless when it comes to his own self. He does not come to fast solutions and takes time to analyze situations, things and people. Though he may have a great number of people as his acquaintances, he has very few friends. However, when a Taurus male makes friends, they remain with him for lifetime. He has an impressive dressing sense, which would always create an image of respectability. He is also smart and can evaluate a situation very quickly, especially in financial terms.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

 “Taurus man is a good natured person, very practical in his approach towards life. He is unpretentious and displays his true self in every situation. Trust and loyalty are the key characteristics of a Taurean guy and he expects to find the same qualities in the people around him. Taurus male is hard working and industrious and would labor for hours, at a stretch, to receive the kind of admiration he wants. A Taurean male is sensuous, tactile, giving, practical and stable. He has a sense of humor, but fails to laugh when others crack a joke.
Taureans are known for their stubbornness and the trait is quite prominent in the males. They rarely change their point of view and stick to what they believe is right. When left alone at a new unknown place, they can get extremely suspicious. Though Taurean men do not get angry very easily, they can have a bad temper if aggravated. They are also very protective of their wife and would not leave her even at times of tiffs and fights. This factor may be due to the presence of jealously and possessiveness in them.
A caring and loving person, Taurus man takes great care of his loved ones, but is very careless when it comes to his own self. He does not come to fast solutions and takes time to analyze situations, things and people. Though he may have a great number of people as his acquaintances, he has very few friends. However, when a Taurus male makes friends, they remain with him for lifetime. He has an impressive dressing sense, which would always create an image of respectability. He is also smart and can evaluate a situation very quickly, especially in financial terms.
Originally Posted by Biggie62

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

 “Taurus man is a good natured person, very practical in his approach towards life. He is unpretentious and displays his true self in every situation. Trust and loyalty are the key characteristics of a Taurean guy and he expects to find the same qualities in the people around him. Taurus male is hard working and industrious and would labor for hours, at a stretch, to receive the kind of admiration he wants. A Taurean male is sensuous, tactile, giving, practical and stable. He has a sense of humor, but fails to laugh when others crack a joke.
Taureans are known for their stubbornness and the trait is quite prominent in the males. They rarely change their point of view and stick to what they believe is right. When left alone at a new unknown place, they can get extremely suspicious. Though Taurean men do not get angry very easily, they can have a bad temper if aggravated. They are also very protective of their wife and would not leave her even at times of tiffs and fights. This factor may be due to the presence of jealously and possessiveness in them.
A caring and loving person, Taurus man takes great care of his loved ones, but is very careless when it comes to his own self. He does not come to fast solutions and takes time to analyze situations, things and people. Though he may have a great number of people as his acquaintances, he has very few friends. However, when a Taurus male makes friends, they remain with him for lifetime. He has an impressive dressing sense, which would always create an image of respectability. He is also smart and can evaluate a situation very quickly, especially in financial terms.
the zodiac is not specific enough to describe someones attributes. and plus if you are just born uinder a certain sign doesn't that's all you are. You would just be like all of the signs with the one being like a sort of dominance.
If you believe them, you'll easily find a way to make your horoscope apply to you. They're general enough to be flexible from person to person, regardless of Zodiac sign.

"F*** the horoscopes, know the ropes like a wrestler."- J. Cole
The only sign most people know or use is their sun sign, which will always be vague, but the moon sign and rising sign added in would give you a more detailed in-depth personality description.

I take it as an interesting "science" and entertainment. I don't really get involved with people professing psychic abilities and professional astrologers[font=Times, sans-serif] mess since that's just an exploitive part of the industry.[/font]
while DAILY Horoscopes are BS

zodiac signs having an impact on your personality, i believe it.

look, the personality traits of the signs aren't abiguous at all....

virgos are quiet and shy. they are intensely loyal. those arent "ambiguous statements that broadly apply to everyone"

while i dont exhibit EVERY virgo personality trait, i exhibit enough of them to have SOME belief in the validity of zodiac sign traits.

but yeah, daily horoscopes are **%@%!%%.  

Originally Posted by Sorkoram

Before they told me about Ophiuchus, it was on point for good entertainment
(WAS a Virgo btw

you still a virgo, b.

and hit me up, cake boy, you came back to columbus and didnt say anything?
So far most of what I read about being a Sagittarius is pretty accurate. optimism, independent, lucky, blunt, athletic, sarcastic, but then again anybody under any sign can have those qualities.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

 “Taurus man is a good natured person, very practical in his approach towards life. He is unpretentious and displays his true self in every situation. Trust and loyalty are the key characteristics of a Taurean guy and he expects to find the same qualities in the people around him. Taurus male is hard working and industrious and would labor for hours, at a stretch, to receive the kind of admiration he wants. A Taurean male is sensuous, tactile, giving, practical and stable. He has a sense of humor, but fails to laugh when others crack a joke.
Taureans are known for their stubbornness and the trait is quite prominent in the males. They rarely change their point of view and stick to what they believe is right. When left alone at a new unknown place, they can get extremely suspicious. Though Taurean men do not get angry very easily, they can have a bad temper if aggravated. They are also very protective of their wife and would not leave her even at times of tiffs and fights. This factor may be due to the presence of jealously and possessiveness in them.
A caring and loving person, Taurus man takes great care of his loved ones, but is very careless when it comes to his own self. He does not come to fast solutions and takes time to analyze situations, things and people. Though he may have a great number of people as his acquaintances, he has very few friends. However, when a Taurus male makes friends, they remain with him for lifetime. He has an impressive dressing sense, which would always create an image of respectability. He is also smart and can evaluate a situation very quickly, especially in financial terms.
Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Biggie62

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

 “Taurus man is a good natured person, very practical in his approach towards life. He is unpretentious and displays his true self in every situation. Trust and loyalty are the key characteristics of a Taurean guy and he expects to find the same qualities in the people around him. Taurus male is hard working and industrious and would labor for hours, at a stretch, to receive the kind of admiration he wants. A Taurean male is sensuous, tactile, giving, practical and stable. He has a sense of humor, but fails to laugh when others crack a joke.
Taureans are known for their stubbornness and the trait is quite prominent in the males. They rarely change their point of view and stick to what they believe is right. When left alone at a new unknown place, they can get extremely suspicious. Though Taurean men do not get angry very easily, they can have a bad temper if aggravated. They are also very protective of their wife and would not leave her even at times of tiffs and fights. This factor may be due to the presence of jealously and possessiveness in them.
A caring and loving person, Taurus man takes great care of his loved ones, but is very careless when it comes to his own self. He does not come to fast solutions and takes time to analyze situations, things and people. Though he may have a great number of people as his acquaintances, he has very few friends. However, when a Taurus male makes friends, they remain with him for lifetime. He has an impressive dressing sense, which would always create an image of respectability. He is also smart and can evaluate a situation very quickly, especially in financial terms.
I'm an Aries and the summaries I've read don't describe me at all. Out of about a page worth of information about my "personality" only two or three sentences were remotely accurate

I don't see how anyone could seriously believe in this. Like, you really think somebody like Paris Hilton is going to have the same character traits as somebody who grew up in the slums of India because they were born in the same month? REALLY?

I was just reading one and it said something like "You take relationships and your love life seriously; when things are going well you are on cloud nine. When they break apart you are devastated and take a long time to recover." How many people does that NOT apply to?
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