How on point is your Zodiac sign with your personality and overall life? Someone shed some light....

I'd be lying if i said this wasn't a decent description (cancer)


Cancer is a Cardinal water sign, ruled by the moon.  As the fourth sign of the zodiac, the Cancer individual is a deeply emotional person inside, but is smooth and confident on the outside. Their first love is of home and family and they are nurturing and caring in the family setting, creating a cozy, comfortable, safe existence behind the doors of their own home.  Famous and historical characters sharing this sign include Princess Diana (July 1),  Nelson Mandela (July 18), and O.J. Simpson (July 9).   

Although many Cancer personalities make a real mark on the world, they are emotionally never far from home and hearth.  Home and family give the Cancerian strength and stability, and the home is the safe "shell" that the Cancer individual knows he can retreat to after a long, stressful day.  Cancer is strongly rooted and often thinks of the past, holding onto mementos and thinking about his childhood.  Emotions run deep in the Cancer individual, and even small slights resonate down to his very core.  When hurt or disappointed, Cancer will retreat completely into his shell and become unreachable for a period of time.   Cancer is generous and kind to others, but will cautiously wait when he confronts a problem to make sure that he doesn't waste valuable resources.  In the end, he will come through and help generously if no other option presents itself.  Though possessing a good sense of humor and loving a good joke, the Cancer personality will often become sulky, moody, and irritable for no reason apparent to anyone else.  This is just a manifestation of those waters that run so deep in the Cancer individual.  Cancer weighs every move carefully, almost never doing things spontaneously, and as a result, he is usually successful in his endeavors.  When he fails, he will brood about it for a long time, and will almost never just shrug it off and try again. 

For those with a cancer child, you have a loving kid with a long memory, who never forgets an emotional event.  Cancer children are well-attuned to their surroundings, almost from birth, and can detect  any unsettled atmosphere in the home, making it important to keep home life as stable and serene as possible.  Anything associated with well-being, such as food and comfortable surroundings are extremely important to the Cancer child, and if they don't like something such as  carrots or a certain set of sheets, remove them and don't attempt to present them to the child again any time soon.  This child's reasoning for their dislike, however absurd it seems to you,  is coming from a deep, emotional place and you are unlikely to change their minds or make matters better by forcing things on them.  Cancer kids are deeply attached to their parents, whether the parent is good or bad, and will be affected emotionally for life by  the actions of their parents.   Once the Cancer child becomes older, he will likely hoard toys, candy, or whatever else appeals to him, often carefully preserving his trophies in their original packaging.  A room with a lot of open shelf space would suit a Cancer child well.  Going to school at first will be fairly traumatic for a Cancer child, but with a strong, loving home to return to every day, he will get over this in fairly quick order and become a compassionate and caring friend for his school mates.

Adults under the Cancer sign will be dedicated workers, and will do well at keeping their work and home lives separated.  If you have a co-worker with an office full of family photos, you can be sure you are working with a Cancer individual.  Cancers do best in jobs where they can nurture others.  They have the imagination and intuition to feel what others are feeling and therefore make good human resource employees, trainers, or medical personnel.  They are usually not ecstatic about change, so a stable job environment is a positive for Cancer.  All in all, the Cancer individual will provide you with a strong, diligent, stable worker who empathizes with co-workers and does a good job with his assigned tasks. 

If you have found a romantic partner in a Cancer, you have a caring, insightful, and sentimental partner indeed.   Although your Cancer will demand complete honesty and fidelity from you, be aware that it is not above him to dally once in a while himself.  Rest assured, though, his real roots are with those to whom he has made a commitment.   Cancerians are the most nurturing sign in the zodiac, with a deep-seated need to care for others, and as such will make an excellent caretaker of both the home and the children.  Some might find the Cancerian's lavish attention a bit smothering, however, and if Cancer does not feel their efforts are appreciated, they will fall into a deep funk that may be quite hard to reverse.  Many find Cancer individuals difficult to understand, as their emotions sometimes overrule their more sensible side.  In order to have a successful relationship with a Cancer, one must choose to accept mood swings and the occasional need that their Cancer partner has to withdraw completely at times.  Your Cancer partner equates money with security, and along with providing a comfortable home, will also likely see to it that there is a comfortable nest egg in reserve too. 

The best matches for Cancer for sure are Scorpio and Pisces.  but Taurus, Leo, Gemini, and Virgo might work for some individuals.  It will likely be tough going for Aries, Libra, Capricorn, or another Cancer.   

Cancer in any relationship is nurturing and caring, but with deep mood swings and a sharp tongue when provoked.  Cancer seeks out others who are stable and loyal, and who want to focus on home and family.   The Cancer individual will be cautious with money and will likely have some cash stashed away for a rainy day.  He will also be a collector of something , maybe antiques because of his emotional ties to the past, but possibly something such as coins or model cars or shot glasses.  Your Cancer friend will help you if you are in need, but will almost always wait until the last minute to do so, after waiting for you to exhaust all other possibilities.  Just remember, the by-words for Cancer are "I feel," so be careful to emit good vibes around your Cancerian friend and you will be richly rewarded!

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