How much cash in your wallet?

50 bucks and that's the most I've had in a while.

I learned my lesson when I lost 400 once.

All cards now.
Originally Posted by DayDayz e36

Originally Posted by Nati P

$547 I don't even know why.
hope 5 of those bills and c-notes, or your wallet must be fat.

27 20's and 7 singles. It only got the fold in the middle so it cuts down on size.
Originally Posted by l Knicks Fresh Knick l

0$, dont like having cash around.. spend it 2 FAST...

when i swipe, i actually think to my self "do i really want or need this"

i'm the opposite when i use cash i actually SEE the dollars physically leave my pocket, so i'm more frugal with it.. with plastic i just don'tcare.

i've been trying to use only cash lately... because last week i spent 3gs with my debit

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by l Knicks Fresh Knick l

0$, dont like having cash around.. spend it 2 FAST...

when i swipe, i actually think to my self "do i really want or need this"

i'm the opposite when i use cash i actually SEE the dollars physically leave my pocket, so i'm more frugal with it
Same for me.

Usually about 20€ in my wallet, right now 0€.
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