How Much Are you Getting Back?

I'm gettin' back 1325

my mom also says she'll kick me some of her EIC she gettin' on my nephew since I've been paying for his day care (we'll see

This money will not be touched goes towards my Duplex fund
Question guys???anybody??

I want to claim my little brother(he is 15)...but he receives a check each month from my Dad through his social security(who does not live with us)...can istill claim him even though he is receiving some kind of income from my Dad???Neither my mom or dad are claiming him.
so, if i havent gotten a 1099 that i did some contract work for should i be worried. was jan31 the deadline for them to send or is feb15?
$400. I'm happy about that though since I only worked for about six months this year and it was part-time.
Is the stimulus check only apply for those who filed an income tax or paid income tax? Smh if that's the case cuz ive been selling stuff online tax freeall year. I really want that stimulus check.
Originally Posted by pianoman52

man i'm from Cali. the whole IOU thing sucks.
Dude, most of the taxes people get back are from the Feds, which we'll still be getting back. I'm only getting like $30 back from CA.
i dont understand how all these taxes work... last year i didnt really work that much and i got back the same amount i paid in federal and state throughout theyear..i think i got back like $400 or so.
this year i made 12,600 and paid $985 in fed and 300 in state.. and i did a quick review on taxact and it says im getting back 268 federal and i will OWE state100 something? is everything changed this year or something?
450 from Fed... I owe NY state 120... The move from Florida to NY last year really screwed me... But im still wondering why I owe NY state that much... Anyonehas an idea?
Originally Posted by vrp32tl

Originally Posted by djaward

My wife and I do our taxes together. We have 2 kids. She made over $100,000. Last year. I made $33,000. We went to vegas in the month of FEB. She hit a jackpot of $11,000 at CEASAR PALACE. We would have got about 5g's back, but because of the jackpot we getting $1,000. and I owe the state 200. SO $800 is what we getting.

Don't know if this is true or not but isn't there a way were you can ask for your winnings back in casino chips and then file it as a loss? Again don't know the details so don't everyone start wildin out. Just heard this from someone before but didn't know if it had any truth behind it.

This is true. You can declare a loss but there is no need to get paid in casino chips. You just need to itemize deductions to declare gambling losses up to theamount won.
Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

last year i got 15 Fin bucks cuz my dads lawyer dont know @%@% about people who make that lil money.
shouldve had the accountant do it instead...
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