How I Met Your Mother Post Series Discussion. Rustled Jimmies to the Maximum

:lol: Damn is Ted so sensitive that he'd be tearing up about his wife's mom passing more than the wife? She squeezes his hand to console him in that scene. If true :smh:

Lucy Hale was attractive when she showed up wanting to lose her virginity to her bf in that Empire State building ep. She looked chubby and sad in this ep. The clothes had nothing to do with it. It was all in her face and yeah she was never a dime but she was cute imo.


sounds f'd up but I"m :rofl: at idea of that if that were really the case; mainly just b/c the wife seems so cute and innocent but she's the one consoling Ted when it's her mom that died. That really only leaves the scenario that it's Ted's mom that dies before their wedding and he just applied that situation to himself; if we're not buying into how that foreshadows the wife dying.

Yea I guess yall right; her face does seem more rounder than in that OG pic of her.
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I thought Ted was crying about his mom passing?

I misheard the part about "miss her daughter's wedding" I thought she said her child's wedding.

So yeah.. the mother is dying :lol:
If I remember right, the proposed spin-off was gonna be totally different characters so it wouldn't be revolving around Ted's wife or anyone in this series but either way I think a spin-off is a bad idea; no need to relive the same show just w/ different characters.

I'm not really following this theory how this episode foreshadows the Wife dying other than that line from her telling Ted not to live in his stories. When Ted starts choking up, it's after she says no mother would ever miss her daughter's wedding; seemed more like foreshadowing the wife's mother dying before their wedding or like Master Zik Master Zik said, it's referring to Ted since he's often joked about being a "girl" and his mom dies before their wedding.

I also think you guys are overreacting on Lucy Hale falling off; even though she's personally just ok to me :lol:

Forgot about her character. If her last appearance on the show really was 7 years ago, then she was 17 that time. Have to keep in mind they "dressed her down" in this episode literally and figuratively to make her look more tomboyish like Robin to illustrate how Scherbatzky women aren't typical females like Lily.
:lol: Damn is Ted so sensitive that he'd be tearing up about his wife's mom passing more than the wife? She squeezes his hand to console him in that scene. If true :smh:

Lucy Hale was attractive when she showed up wanting to lose her virginity to her bf in that Empire State building ep. She looked chubby and sad in this ep. The clothes had nothing to do with it. It was all in her face and yeah she was never a dime but she was cute imo.


I think Ted is so sensitive that he'd cry because he's thinking about his Mom passing and she's referring to him as a girl :lol: or just really emotional about her Mom passing.
There's also the possibility that she's sick, then gets better.

In the flashback to their dinner tonight, she's got cancer and it looks bad. Fast forward to telling the story and she's been cured/in remission and is better. They know about the "mother is dead" theory and I could definitely see them hinting towards that only to reverse it and have her survive.

Or she's really dead :lol: :frown:
I think that the writers are just making everyone believe that the mother is dying, by dropping all these hints:
(Ted visiting the mom's ex bf's apt and wishing he could have an extra 60 days with her, the episode of the mom losing the love of her life and learning to move on, last night's "no mother would miss their daughter's wedding" etc)

but I'm sure they'll pull the Okey doke on us. I can see Carter and Bays doing that, sounds like their type of style in writing.
if the mother knows she's dying...why would she slip and say something like "what mother is going to miss their daughter's wedding?" knowing how ted is emo. She didn't even have any reaction to it...she just said it nonchalantly and ted was the one who broke down.
if the mother knows she's dying...why would she slip and say something like "what mother is going to miss their daughter's wedding?" knowing how ted is emo. She didn't even have any reaction to it...she just said it nonchalantly and ted was the one who broke down.

Speculation is that she doesn't exist in 2024 and Ted is just talking as if she's really there. Like she's a ghost.
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Speculation is that she doesn't exist in 2024 and Ted is just talking as if she's really there.
but that concierge dude was talking to the both of them while they were sitting down. he talked about the bed springs and the lamp breaking.

Some fans claimed that Ted burst into tears because his own mom died before he got married, but that theory was quickly shot down by other viewers who pointed out that it has been suggested that both his parents were alive in the future.

It could also be that The Mother is already dead, already a ghost, or is dying. Of the three options, only the “dying” theory is preferable because, as the fans claimed, it could be a cancer-remission scenario in 2024, when she is told that she has cancer and has only a slim chance of survival. However, she gets treatment and gets miraculously cured. In short, it’s still a happy ending, which the fans are all hoping for.

Another theory is that Ted has Alzheimer’s, and he is telling his stories to his kids because he is the one dying. As was pointed out, if The Mother is dying, shouldn’t she be the one telling the story and not Ted?

The Mother kept telling Ted to stop living in the past, and the show is about Ted looking back on his life, about his friends and his romances. If he was going to lose The Mother, he should have been telling stories about their time together.

Foreshadowing The Ending – The Dead Mother Theory Persists[\b]

Remember the 20th episode of season eight? “The Time Travellers” saw Ted showing up at The Mother’s door to explain how they’re going to meet.

“Exactly 45 days from now, you and I are going to meet. We’re going to fall in love and we’re going to get married, and we’re going to have two kids. We’re going to love them and each other so much. All that is 45 days away, but I’m here now, I guess because I want those extra 45 days with you. I want each one of them... I am always going to love you until the end of my days and beyond.”

As Jezebel said, it might be the most romantic or the most maudlin speech he has ever given about his future wife.

Also, the scenes that occur in 2030 have never mentioned The Mother in the present tense. She also never appears in flash forwards, which could just mean that she is not present in the future beyond 2024.
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Anybody know what's the furthest into the future they've shown the main cast yet? I always assumed Barney would be dead at the end for some reason.
They are not killing her off, it is inconsistent with the bored look of his kids' faces. If I'm being told a story about my dead mother, I'm sitting my *** up and paying attention.
Cobie Smulders has already hinted that the series finale will be heartbreaking. If the mother is not dead, then something sad will happen.
i think the mother is terminally ill.

that's why Ted tells his kids the story of how he met her.

it's one way he deals with losing her, and also to help the kids remember their mother.
Weren't Ted, Lily and Marshall at a high school reunion in the future like in the 50's and they ask ted where his wife is? Implying she was there with them?
They are not killing her off, it is inconsistent with the bored look of his kids' faces. If I'm being told a story about my dead mother, I'm sitting my *** up and paying attention.

[thread="508279"]hmmm maybe. but all the scenes with the kids were filmed in in season 1 and they just reuse them. so maybe the mother dying was something they decided on later[/thread]

That would be a stupid decision on their part. It's Ok if it was something they had planned from the start but an ending like that really contradicts the overall tone of his story telling and also how he begins the story with his children.

Go back to the pilot. When he starts his story the kids ask 'do I have to listen to this?' 'are we in trouble?' They'd be screwed up and horrible kids if they would feel that way about a story of their dead mother!
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