How hard has recession hit you?

It hasn't hit me that bad. I'm still at the same job I've always had for the past 12 years. I'm afraid to spend more now due to the recessionbut that's about it. it's sad how people that worked in the offices in the building where i worked got laid off left and right. I've known thesepeople since i first got this job (building engineering) and i met so many good people in that building. from bankers, lawyers, investors, secretary's,
etc etc. all gone. to see those people crying as they left that building gave me a wake up call. we all take what we have for granted and in order to make theeconomy better we have to spend. let's spend on the things that really benefit's us.
Was supposed to hit 1% on a 30 million euro contract in 2010-2011 but plug was pulled due to lack of funding
I havent even honestly noticed it. In my entire life I've stacked the most money in the past year or two then I ever have.
Raise Freeze... so I'm stuck making $17 an hour (should have gone up in Feb.) Is not bad at all for a college kid.

My boss always wants me to work more.

I would say the only way I was affected is 17 doesn't feel like a lot; the value of the dollar does not carry the weight it used to.
Originally Posted by philly035

Raise Freeze... so I'm stuck making $17 an hour (should have gone up in Feb.) Is not bad at all for a college kid.

My boss always wants me to work more.

I would say the only way I was affected is 17 doesn't feel like a lot; the value of the dollar does not carry the weight it used to.
That's a well managed company if you are pulling $17/hour.
Hard 4 monthes still no job
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

found out how to get bootleg cell phone service...
mah Phone bill be getting mad expensive

Surprisingly ive been doing well even after losing my job ive found a side hustle that pays $$$

It hasn't. I'm still ballin' like crazy and buying more Jordans than I ever have before!!!!!!! Step your game up!!!!
Thankfully the recession has not had a very large material effect on me. My parents are fairly wealthy and I have been able to get a decent job at mycousin's firm. I know that makes me a spoiled brat but I am thankful every day for being fortunate enough that this recession has not caused suffering ,deprivations and impecuniousity in my life. However, it has effected me in two ways.

The first way has hit me is that it has slowed my career plans. I was hoping to get an entry level job at a downtown financial firm, especially a a mutual fundor other institutional investment group. That is not yet the case.

Second and more fundamentally, this recession has made me far more aware of how fragile everything can be and how I must work to protect the prosperity that Iwill eventually build. I will never keep all of my fortune in a single currency and I will always keep gold, in banks, in funds and under my home.Hyperinflation and nationalization will hopefully never happen here but if they do, I will be ready. I now can truly understand what my immigrant father andgrandparents say about being ready for anything. There have been economic downturns in my lifetime but because this one was caused by the failure of public andprivate institutions, I have been forced to change how I see the world and hopefully it will benefit me in the long run.
As far as employment it's pretty difficult to find somthing reliable, especially when your field is what the reccession hit the most. It's a gradual process that takes time to turn around for the better.
I'm good, there is plenty of fat people in America who need help. Child obsesity is up also. These people will need help if they have not made the changeyet. All it take is one Dr. visit and see how much health care is kicks their butt to want to change.
My employer went through a period where they made some minor cuts and then we had to take a pay cut for one month. Now that has passed our bonuses are about topick back up real soon. I've been blessed throughout this entire ordeal and I thank God for that because it could've been alot worse.
Making more money than ever during this time...and I am in the construction field...

But from hearing all these stories, I have been saving up most of my money and cutting back on things...
It sucks. My husband has been laid off twice in a year and it's a struggle to live on one income, because unemployment covers nothing
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Thankfully the recession has not had a very large material effect on me. My parents are fairly wealthy and I have been able to get a decent job at my cousin's firm. I know that makes me a spoiled brat but I am thankful every day for being fortunate enough that this recession has not caused suffering , deprivations and impecuniousity in my life. However, it has effected me in two ways.

The first way has hit me is that it has slowed my career plans. I was hoping to get an entry level job at a downtown financial firm, especially a a mutual fund or other institutional investment group. That is not yet the case.

Second and more fundamentally, this recession has made me far more aware of how fragile everything can be and how I must work to protect the prosperity that I will eventually build. I will never keep all of my fortune in a single currency and I will always keep gold, in banks, in funds and under my home. Hyperinflation and nationalization will hopefully never happen here but if they do, I will be ready. I now can truly understand what my immigrant father and grandparents say about being ready for anything. There have been economic downturns in my lifetime but because this one was caused by the failure of public and private institutions, I have been forced to change how I see the world and hopefully it will benefit me in the long run.
did you mean impecuniosity*?

After I lost my job in January (not really recession related) I just cut back on going out, ate at home, drank strictly poland spring water among other thingsbut I'm not complaining right now. My wardrobe hasn't been effected and I don't even think of buying new shoes cause I'm set with what I have.I'm still lurking for a good job for the summer and smoking a looot of bud until I find one but when I do I'll be completely back on track money wise.I'm confident I will, I've gotten offers I wouldve taken if I had a whip which I hope to have this summer.
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

Driving on the west side of Chicago
Looking for bust downs?

This recession got me stuck in limbo a lil bit.

I had this romantic vision of working as a freelance artist and what not....but real life, with my current mindset, the odds of that panning out are slim tonone (considering my work ethic etc)

So at the moment im just tryna get paid and save some. same time im weighin up other options and tryna figure out what routes best for me.
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