how do you think we're going to look back at LOST?

Missed shows like these when you was too broke to afford cable. No netflix, wifi or converter box.

Man who you telling :pimp:

Remember back in the day late 90's/early 2000's, when WB used to play Beast Master, Lost World, Xena, and Hercules early Sunday morning, then at like 12 or 2pm they would play the two afternoon movies? :smokin
Man who you telling :pimp:

Remember back in the day late 90's/early 2000's, when WB used to play Beast Master, Lost World, Xena, and Hercules early Sunday morning, then at like 12 or 2pm they would play the two afternoon movies? :smokin
Xena wp :smokin
I use to hear about this all the time.Cliff notes on the entire show please
I watched the entire series and still can’t tell you what went down lol

The first couple of seasons in were great but it fell of hard

The ending was confusing and they left so many questions unanswered
I tried watching Lost through the fourth or fifth season like 2x now. I just can't seem to finish it, I lose interest. 
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I hate how so many things weren't wrapped up. Can't think of any right now since it's been so long since I watched it. Loved the series though.
What could have been, I mean a lot of mysteries were never even attempted to be explained, and someone from the writing team, better tell me what the **** the point of Walt was. 
Way too many unanswered questions!
uh they did have to go back.

did people even watch the ending??

its almost as if people wanted to be angry about the end of Lost.
There was no plan, the writers didn't know what they were doing.

The original writers left after the first season.
I watched the entire series and I still can’t tell you what went down lol

The first couple of seasons in were great but it fell of hard

The ending was confusing and they left so many questions unanswered
All perfect examples of why this show is premature ejaculation. 
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I liked the ending. I thought it was a good, character-driven ending.

Problem was the show wasn't always character driven and they made a lot of the characters unlikeable.

But I still enjoyed it.
What hurt lost was the writers strike, walts adolescent growth spurt, jj abrams not being involed in the whole thing from begining to end, and most importantly the suits and higher ups altering the original plans for the purpose of pleasing the audience.

But still seasons 1 through 4 may have been one of the best rollercoaster rides witnessed on tv.
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I consider myself a LOST fan but I will give you a major piece of advice if you want to watch this show

Don't overthink it. Just go with the flow. It will be alot more enjoyable if you stop asking why and how - and just sit back, enjoy, and after go - hey that was pretty fun.
I watched the entire series after it ended...

Quite an experience I must say.

I still think season 1-5 are some of the GOAT TV series ever.

I was looking for a new show to watch and I think Lost was talked about so I looked into it. I watched the first episode, then like two after that I think and I was hooked beyond belief.

I binged watched the entire series... it started taking over my life :lol: I couldn't wait to get home and watch like 5-6 episodes a night, wake up and before work and watch an episode or two. Weekend I would knockout like 10-20 episodes and I did the entire series in probably less than a month.

I didn't watch it on Netflix though because I didn't have it so I "found" decent quality episodes online. I put my mother in law onto it too, as well as Breaking Bad, she was hooked just as much as me, but also thought **** started to get crazy towards the end... she freaking loved Breaking Bad though.

Maybe during the summer or whenever I have a lot of free time on my hands I will go back and rewatch it with my girl or something.

I never knew the original writers dipped after the first season that explains a lot... how the planned and structured the show was impeccably addicting it was like every episode was a season finale with a cliff hanger leaving you beasting to find out what's going to happen next.

- That funny talking dude and Penny had the best storyline.

- But still Sawyer >

- That hatch from season one that Locke couldn't wait to get into.

- Those numbers, I'm going to start playing them for lottery or something.

- I didn't really understand the final season with the light and dark, well good and evil, but all the mythology.

- That one dude that didn't die nor aged the entire show he was like the gate keeper or something.

- The others :lol:

- Characters from shows you watched, know of previously... Adebecee - OZ on HBO.

- I see the drug addict dude that plays in a band has some animal show on TV these days.

- Also, after watching this show you realize how many of the characters were on previous shows you remember and also when you see them on new shows or an up and coming show I'm like :D for some reason.

- Kate, the chick Jack and Sawyer was after, was :pimp:

Damn I'm closing in on my 10K posts... can't believe I posted so much over the years :smh:
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Looking at it from today's perspective that show was a waste of time. Wouldnt recommend anyone to watch it now.
LOST was more about being metaphorically lost in your life rather than just physically lost. In the end it was about finding one's self again with the help of others. It was a great show!
Lost is the GOAT.

Even with the series ending on a bad note w/ so many unanswered questions

I still liked it more than Breaking Bad.

Flame suit on
I personally love the show.. this is a kind of show you just have to see for yourself.. everybody is going to have different opinions on the show. i think writers were conflicted on how to end the show since by then their were so many theories.. overall i would recommend it but again that is my opinion.
I get that it's not all roses & daisies though. The last season was bad. Walt. The temple storyline was unnecessary and felt like a bunch of filler once it was over. I wasn't mad about how it ended, more confused than anything else. Felt like the general idea behind it was fine but poorly executed. Some other items they swung & missed on. Once it was all said and done though...I can't sit here and say the bad outweighed the immensely great things I got out of it. I'll remember it as a very unique series that resonated with me.

Agree w/all of this...

I was really into the show for seasons 1-4 but eventually it just got way too ridiculous and I Lost interest....

I must say though, Hurley was my fav. character from the show...:lol: Dude was hilarious...
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I thought this was the greatest show of all time,

then in the last season I really started to worry I might be let down,

& since the finale I I've never recommended the show to one person.

*While I can't say that this show was terrible and I never enjoyed it, I can honestly say that I pretty much value it is as worthless. The writers just kept opening things up to keep people intrigued, but clearly they had no plan or answers. If they did or that was their plan...well then consider that a free pass because then I'd really hate the show :lol:
Still a great show I liked the ending. I will watch it again sometime in the future again maybe in 10 years.
i used to consider season1 as one of the greatest things ever put on television.. but i cant seem to go back to it bc of all the nonsense that went down in the last 2 seasons.
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