How do you non-tippers handle gratuity or eating w/ a large group?

Jul 18, 2012
Yes, another tip thread....

But rather than the normal argument over why they don't tip on the regular when eating about when they are faced with a situation when it's a must to tip (large group) or with gratuity added? The latter, is a little more cut and dry and I can see that being an automatic "L" for the non-tipping crowd. However, what about dining w/ a large group? A lot of restaurants don't like splitting cards etc. You gonna straight up give your boy exact change for what you eat and have him cover the tip? Let's go....
Gratuity is a joke. I've noticed service is a lot worse when its automatically added on. Servers don't like splitting checks for obvious reasons regardless of the circumstances.

Back to the question, everyone ponies up what they owe according to what they ordered and everyone splits the tip.
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i've never seen a restaurant have a problem with splitting checks. around here, they include gratuity for parties with six or more people.
Never been to a restaurant that doesn't split checks. Wouldn't not doing that hurt the restaurant?
Never had a problem with any restaurant splitting bills.
If one the friend(s) don't tip *depending on what they order*, that's their problem.
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Don't go out to eat with cheap people. Problem solved

basically, haven't run into this problem since high school. even then if there was that one dude who decided not to tip we'd all just :stoneface: him and he'd get embarrassed and tip.
Never had a problem with any restaurant splitting bills.
If one the friend(s) don't tip *depending on what they order*, that's their problem.

I'm talking w/ a large party - let's say 10+. Restaurant will probably take 2 cards, but no more than that.

i don't tip if gratuity if already added

Which is standard.
i avoid large groups cuz people like to skimp out on tip

but i tip based on service, as it should be
I will usually take everyones money and make sure I round up, and then just put it all on my credit card, this way I end up on top. 

I do not have problems with tipping for good service, 20% if good, 15% if not. Usually just split it all evenly with the party im with. 
Places really won't give everyone separate checks? Is there a good reason? Seems lazy and just makes extra hassle for everyone involved.

At my last job we were doing luncheons somewhere damn near every Friday, hail and farewells, someone had a baby, someone's getting married, someone's birthday, etc. and I never once ran into a place that wouldn't split checks, and sometimes we'd go 40+ deep. Obviously they enforce the 18-22% autograt, but still give everyone their own bill. Some people pay cash, some bring plastic, I just don't see the justification and not letting everyone pay for their own under than saying in your party there was 6 steaks, 5 ice creams, 9 people got the fried chicken, 19 teas, 5 shrimp plates, etc. then making everyone do math with the auto grat + tax and getting their change back from whoever is the designated person collecting everyone's money is.
everyone rounds up and there will be extra.

only time there is an issue is when people leave early.
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Places really won't give everyone separate checks? Is there a good reason? Seems lazy and just makes extra hassle for everyone involved.

Isn't it because it costs the restaurant a processing fee on each CC swipe that is a certain percentage of the amount charged?
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:lol: I just can't with you guys.

like others have said, if you don't know the rules of eating out, whether it be a nice place or an applebees i'm not going to dinner with you.

those hooters runs with folks not tipping giving the exact price of their meal without thinking of tax is a great learning experience. it blows my mind and i am convinced the only people that don't tip (go to low end or 3 star restaurants at best and can never live life and break bread in upper scale places) if it comes off as snobby then oh ******g well. I don't have cash where I can be going out to a nice restaurant every weekend of a month but if im gonna go out im gonna do it the right way, not the cheap way.
^a 3 star restaurant is KILLING it. that will be a very good restaurant considering it only goes up to 4 stars. it doesn't matter though, you should tip your server at waffle house 20% the same way you'd tip at fogo de choa or french laundry.
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