How Do You Feel About The Current Heroin Epidimic?

this is sad. I dont have no sympathy for drug users because most drug users know whats right from wrong when they decided to pick it up.
very naive point of view but it makes sense cause you on your high horse
Got my cousin back :pimp: Dude ain't been himself for years cause of that stuff.

I agree the war in terror was also a means to drive up production. Taliban damn near eliminated heroin production in Afghanistan before we got there.
never understood how anybody could do this drug let alone be addicted... but to each their personally i never have thought about it just hearing all the bad stories about it gave me no interest... and im scared of needles so i dont see how using heroiin could be enjoyable for me at least
Where was all this coverage when I was stepping over zombies to get in my building back in the 90s??? Now that heroine is a suburban problem now it's a problem... foh
It's a big issue here too (Northern IL). IMO it's big pharma's fault with their pain killers. People stoop to using heron and the cartel's are capitalizing off of it. But it's the user's own fault they got hooked...
A lot of people out there get prescribed painkillers for a workplace injury, car accident injuries, etc. And end up hooked. When the pills and scripts run out they go through debilitating withdrawl and turn to the streets just so they can function. That **** is no joke and ive seen it turn a lot of good people into addicts. Young folks, old folks, white collar, blue collar, and everyone in between.
A lot of people out there get prescribed painkillers for a workplace injury, car accident injuries, etc. And end up hooked. When the pills and scripts run out they go through debilitating withdrawl and turn to the streets just so they can function. That **** is no joke and ive seen it turn a lot of good people into addicts. Young folks, old folks, white collar, blue collar, and everyone in between.
This. Anyone can get into that situation. A doctor overprescribes you some strong opiates, you take them for the pain during recovery and before you know it you're hooked. I never thought I'd become an addict, I had no experience with drugs prior to my Tramadol prescription. I would never touch H but my prescription is permanent for chronic pain so I can't judge what I would do if I went through real withdrawal. If I don't take my pills at the exact same time each day the withdrawals start within 20 minutes after. Going from feeling fine one moment to absolute agony. I don't want to imagine what real prolonged withdrawal would feel like. I imagine it can make a person do things they normally wouldn't even consider.
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There's more sympathy towards the heroin and prescription opiate epidemics because they primarily affect white people.

Pretty much

I remember they were asking for less strict drug sentences for the drug users

Like now u want less strict sentencing when it effects u directly? If it's in the black community it's like give them life type of stuff
That's not really true. The US also has a very large problem with doctors overprescribing opiate painkillers. Doctors overprescribe here too but to get something like Oxycodone or Hydrocodone you pretty much need to be dying of pain so to speak. I didn't even get any pain meds when I was released from the hospital after my partial lung removal. :lol:
I hear stories about doctors handing out opiate prescriptions like candy in the US, even after small routine surgeries like wisdom teeth removals.
Addiction can kick in very fast with opiates, especially the very potent ones like Oxy. Even if used according to doctor's instructions. When I got my Tramadol prescription I started noticing the cravings about 2-3 weeks in. I was immediately given 75% of the max dosage but still, Tramadol isn't anywhere near the potency of Oxy.
All it takes is a doctor prescribing some unneeded opiates to someone. And because Oxy, Morphine, ... are all extremely expensive, that opens the gateway to a cheaper and more potent alternative; heroin.

I finished my bottle of oxy in a few days after my wisdom teeth removal. I took at least 6 a day
I finished my bottle of oxy in a few days after my wisdom teeth removal. I took at least 6 a day
It's crazy to me that doctors hand out oxy for wisdom teeth removal. Over here you get some acetaminophen and that's about it. Maybe codeine or tramadol depending on the doctor. When I had part of my right lung removed in surgery they had me on all types of opiates while I was at the hospital. Morphine, fentanyl, ... Few days later they released me with a few tabs of acetaminophen and that was it 
 Same thing with my kneecap stabilization surgery.

A few days isn't gonna do any harm even in a large dosage but prolonged use, even just a few weeks can trigger physical dependence in people. 
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the reason why drug use is so rampant here in america is because how the government views it. many european countries see drug use as a disease. and they look at rehabilitation first instead of incarceration. the jail system thrives on imprisoning people for profit. i was reading how during the regean presidency, he ordered all government run psychiatric hospitals to be closed. therefore, allowing people with mental issues to be let out onto the streets. it's really sad that a country with so much money has these kind of issues.


and it doesn't help the fact that america is tied in with the pharmaceutical companies that over prescribe drugs for profit. opioids are clearly legal and more dangerous and harmful when compared to marijuana. it's sickening knowing that these companies are ruining families all for their profit margin.
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You got oxy for wisdom teeth removal?! Wow. It's easy to see why so many doctors and dentists are idiots and are not helping the issue.
Pretty standard to get hydrocodone 5/325 for wisdom teeth removal. Oxycodone 5/325 (which is probably what he got) is not that far off from the hydrocodone, and the surgeon shouldnt give more than 10-15 pills, which isnt enough for addiction. If they are prescribig more than that for wisdom teeth, then thats a bad dr.
Never messed with hair on. But was a fan of opiates when I popped pills. Mix with it with some drank. Whew.
the reason why drug use is so rampant here in america is because how the government views it. many european countries see drug use as a disease. and they look at rehabilitation first instead of incarceration. the jail system thrives on imprisoning people for profit. i was reading how during the regean presidency, he ordered all government run psychiatric hospitals to be closed. therefore, allowing people with mental issues to be let out onto the streets. it's really sad that a country with so much money has these kind of issues.


and it doesn't help the fact that america is tied in with the pharmaceutical companies that over prescribe drugs for profit. opioids are clearly legal and more dangerous and harmful when compared to marijuana. it's sickening knowing that these companies are ruining families all for their profit margin.
Codeine used to be a legal over the counter drug here until a couple years ago. So we've had our issues as well, though we've drastically improved them. Especially the hospitals are extremely strict with pain medication now. I've been complaining about my painkiller being inadequate for my chronic pain and every doctor has said there's no chance they're giving a 22 year old something stronger than Tramadol unless I'm literally dying of pain. I guess it's for the greater good though. All prescriptions are also electronically monitored now and that data is checked frequently.

Our jails are overcrowded so that also plays a role in the lack of incarceration for non-violent drug offenses. We have a justice department and police reality show that shows how the police and courts work and it's very rare I see someone get incarcerated for weed related drug offenses. Sometimes even the dudes they catch with kilograms of weed aren't put in jail. Pills, heroin, cocaine etc. are a different story though.
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the reason why drug use is so rampant here in america is because how the government views it. many european countries see drug use as a disease. and they look at rehabilitation first instead of incarceration. the jail system thrives on imprisoning people for profit. i was reading how during the regean presidency, he ordered all government run psychiatric hospitals to be closed. therefore, allowing people with mental issues to be let out onto the streets. it's really sad that a country with so much money has these kind of issues.


and it doesn't help the fact that america is tied in with the pharmaceutical companies that over prescribe drugs for profit. opioids are clearly legal and more dangerous and harmful when compared to marijuana. it's sickening knowing that these companies are ruining families all for their profit margin.
certain big pharma companies defifnitely deserve blame, but lets be honest - the phsyicians over prescribing them deserve just as much blame. Big pharma isnt handing users the drugs, bad/crooked doctors are.
They puttin fetaynl and certain tranquilizers in it for cut, wich is dangerous.
This. Basically the whole reason the OD numbers are so staggering.

Lost my best friend to an OD in 2012. The kid he was with dragged my friend out of the house and put my friend back in his car and THEN called 9-1-1. Those few minutes were crucial.

Lost another childhood friend to an OD in August.

It's bad in MA.
That's not really true. The US also has a very large problem with doctors overprescribing opiate painkillers. Doctors overprescribe here too but to get something like Oxycodone or Hydrocodone you pretty much need to be dying of pain so to speak. I didn't even get any pain meds when I was released from the hospital after my partial lung removal. :lol:
I hear stories about doctors handing out opiate prescriptions like candy in the US, even after small routine surgeries like wisdom teeth removals.
Addiction can kick in very fast with opiates, especially the very potent ones like Oxy. Even if used according to doctor's instructions. When I got my Tramadol prescription I started noticing the cravings about 2-3 weeks in. I was immediately given 75% of the max dosage but still, Tramadol isn't anywhere near the potency of Oxy.
All it takes is a doctor prescribing some unneeded opiates to someone. And because Oxy, Morphine, ... are all extremely expensive, that opens the gateway to a cheaper and more potent alternative; heroin.

I wasnt speaking on if a doctor prescribes you medicine most people who are prescribed from a doctor trust doctors from the get go but they do let you know not to abuse them and tell you how much you can take a day. I feel that is a diff issue at hand. Im talking about the people who go out on the streets and buy drugs for no reason. Not every heroin addict started with prescription pills.

I know someone with sickel cell who been on oxy probably longer than how many of yall been alive and that person never went out to go get heroin because the oxy made them. No one is forcing you to put a needle in your arm. You know from the get go this is not the right thing to do. Heroin is nothing new on the streets everyone knows it will mess you up its been around for decades.

very naive point of view but it makes sense cause you on your high horse

whos to say i never experienced drugs? how do you know im not speaking from experience? get out of here with that nonsense comment.
Do yall even read? 80% of heroine users started with prescription pills.

I must of missed that.

thats hard to believe. So you saying I have an %80 chance to be addicted to heroin after being prescribed prescription pills even if i followed the instructions my doctor gave me. if thats the case everyone should damn near be shooting up. or have 80% of heroin users received a prescription they abused and didnt follow the instructions and became addicted decided to shoot up once the prescription ran out or the pill mills shut they doors on them but they trying to tie the two together to give them the benefit of the doubt because its effecting the white community now.

I met this white kid from boston who used to drive down to FL where im at just to hit up a walk in clinics just so he could get more pills to take back to boston. I dont blame the doctors or the drug dealers if you are intentionally seeking this high. Im going to serve you with the quickness making money hand over fist for your weakness.

I also remember this one person standing in CVS trying to refill his prescrip trembling and all and over heard the pharmacy guy said you used a 30 day supply in a week and was unable to refill his prescrip. How does that happen?

i've been on prescrip meds too.

but again im not an expert when it comes to heroin or addiction.
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My views are pretty much in line with Dr. Carl Hart. Not only do I believe in treatment instead of incarceration, I am also against forced treatment. I do not see use or even habitual use of opiates as always being a problem that must be "solved."

I know many of you will say "but people are dying." Most opiate deaths involve poly substance abuse (speed balls which involve mixing opiates with an upper like meth or coke, improperly using anesthesia or mixing in alcohol or benzos or other downers),

The other driver of heroin related deaths is the fact that fentanyl is getting mixed into heroin. Fentanyl would not be on the streets were it not for the crack down on opiates. Fentanyl does not produce much euphoria but it depresses breathing much more so than heroin. Drug dealers cut heroin a great deal and they spike it with Fentanyl so that user feel opiated. So when someone died from a heroin overdoes it is likely the Fentanyl filler that killed them, a filler that would never be in heroin if it were legal.

We need to legalize and regulate all drugs, not just cannabis. If you want abstinence based therapy, you should be able to get it. If you want maintenance therapy, you should get it. If you want medical grade heroin that is not cut with unknown substances and clean needles to take that heroin, you should be able to get it.

Some of you will be horrifed by this idea but it begs the question, are you serious about negating the worst affects of heroin addiction or are you more concerned with controlling other people's behavior?
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