How do you approach a female who is on the phone?

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Ask for the time... then mouth the words "Pssst... nice to meet you
"......... and if se's cool so far with your rudely interrupting her call, then just slip her your card or ready-made number/name combo on a piece of paper. Have a lil message on the back like, "Didn't wanna pester... call me?". She might not bite, but she'd definitely not gonna bite if you just walk away. It's worth a try. It's quick, smooth, and you get to grin (+#%%@%* love smiley faces). Hell, I'll try any "pick up" once
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

You don't.

Walking up to any stranger on the phone is rude and obnoxious though. I got annoyed when this lady came up to me asking me about where I got my backpack. @$%is wrong with you, woman?
Originally Posted by jon4rd

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Ask for the time... then mouth the words "Pssst... nice to meet you
"......... and if se's cool so far with your rudely interrupting her call, then just slip her your card or ready-made number/name combo on a piece of paper. Have a lil message on the back like, "Didn't wanna pester... call me?". She might not bite, but she'd definitely not gonna bite if you just walk away. It's worth a try. It's quick, smooth, and you get to grin (+#%%@%* love smiley faces). Hell, I'll try any "pick up" once

defenitely gonna try this.
Originally Posted by DunkNForce

walk up to her and give her your number and tell her this # was looking for a text or some stupid $@$! like that, get creative dummie

that actually might work

its cool though that u seen dude on NT, u should see what his username is and PM him next time lol

and dont take advice from duke with riffraff in tha avy LMAO
that actually might work
Except it won't. You better be fine as hell (and y'all may be!) or the most charming mfer in the streets...or make sure the girl is extradesperate.
That is lame as hell.
First the chances of you getting rejected are high about 90%.

- Make sure the girl you approach is a girl you won't run into again. Just in case you get rejected.

- If you approach a girl make sure you make eye contact First and then smile, observe her body language. Her Body Language can tell you alot.

-If you get a good reaction from her then go for it, Specially if she is a Dime. Make sure your game is on point, You got nothing to lose and you will regretit later if you don't approach her.
Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

First the chances of you getting rejected are high about 90%.

- Make sure the girl you approach is a girl you won't run into again. Just in case you get rejected.

- If you approach a girl make sure you make eye contact First and then smile, observe her body language. Her Body Language can tell you alot.

-If you get a good reaction from her then go for it, Specially if she is a Dime. Make sure your game is on point, You got nothing to lose and you will regret it later if you don't approach her.
I don't know why guys approach a girl that's mean muggin' and looking like she doesn't give a %*+# about theirlives...ESPECIALLY some chick on the phone. lmao Don't do it, pplz!
best thing i got is if she's standing there on the phone talking...accidentally bump or trip her...then help her out and say, "people are sorude" while "
ing". she will think your sweet and u take it from there. also..she might wanna kick your *%! so be on the lookout for a flyingfist.
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