How difficult is it to sell your kicks right now?

Jan 4, 2008
On eBay I noticed a lot of kicks are going for very low.

Even in the B/S forum there are a a lot of locked posts and re-posts.

How difficult is it to sell you kicks right now?
economy and the whole hype in sneakers dying down.... i say hold onto them, and wait for the 20 year rule to take effect.....
hopefully it's not too difficult...i'm probably going to throw a couple pair on eBay this week.

I'm about to run to ebay in a sec
It's so damn hard. It's like nothing is moving. I've looked back at my old sale records and October is always a slow month, but 2009 overall hasbeen terrible.
alot of flaky buyers right now. and stuff is going for cheap, which is good if you're a buyer
it's somewhat frustrating when you have a number of sneakers to sell like i do. there's a few buyers here and there though

and yes, there are more than a share of flakes here on nt, i've noticed
I just sold some Jordan XI ive kept on ice from day one in 96 go for 425.00 so yea its hard to sell right now.
yeah I've noticed that to on ebay. a lot of the items I was watching on ebay, ended at a fairly good price( I regret not bidding for any ofthem
). Just last month I bought some raptor VIIs DS('02 retro) for$147 shipped. usually Isee them go for at least $300.
I'm still buying so if youre selling than theres a good chance i might buy them from you lol....I still think its difficult to sell even on NT. Imthinking Nters should start trading more than selling. I'm taking advantage of the recession and stocking up on kicks....

got a DS pair of OG 9s for $180 a few days ago off eBay......
Very difficult, typicall when I sell my kicks im only trying to get 100 profit from them.. so 115 shipped would do me fine. But hell thats even hardernow adays.
Im doing ok on ISS.

I have a few kicks thats well priced, but I get alot of trade offers. Stupid ones at that.

Im really selling stuff for cheap, I dont really care if im losing out on money, atleast im making some back.
Well my last run, I sold a nice amount of kicks for good prices. I have a long road ahead seeing as I got like 20+ to go smh. Hopefully people consider it heatand want.

I think me being a size 12 helped too though.
I'm all for sellers getting screwed. I honestly can't stand folks who put ridiculous premiums on sneakers because they think they're the hype.
it all depends on what type of seller you are.

if your willing to negotiate, then you do have a good chance of getting your stuff sold, but some people like to charge an exuberant amount for their stuff andthen they wonder why no ones biting.

there has been alot of deals to be had on ebay, and in the buy sell section if you look around, so people have been buying shoes, they just haven't beengoing for top dollar like they've done in the past.

i've had other stuff, clothes, fitteds, etc that i've been trying the sell in the micallaneous section on here, that i flat out just don't want nomore or have the space for, and i've listed everything real cheap strictly with the intent to sell fast and i've had no problems getting the stuff soldso far.
i haven't been trying to sell lately, but i checked late last week, and there aren't a lot of sellers of 10-10.5 jordans on ebay.
I got rid of almost my entire collection right before it got I only got a few left and tehre not really moving..I remember i got offers for 950 or soon my DMP maybe a year no one will pay more than 500 for it..should have let it go sooner.
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