How did NTer Chrisin2D die?!?

Saw this earlier on twitter, such sad news

Rest In Peace fam
R.I.P. to Chris. Real sad to hear the homie passed. Was one of the more down-to-earth cats I came acrross on the net.

One of the last tweets I remember from him came sometime this week and it was about how his little brother was becoming more and more like him every day. I don't think there's a better role model said little brother could've had.

With that in mind, thoughts and prayers to his family and friends.

Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

So sad to see the tweets of his final hours/ days. Just, final days.. no idea what a turn for the worst his life was about to take.. RIP
i just read/watched the whole story.
running from jake?no license? c'mon son.

only to end up killing someone who had nothing to do with it.

this world cray breh
Very upsetting to hear this. God rest his soul, and many blessings to his family and personal friends in this difficult time of need.
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