Hope everyone was able to get their pair (s). Fortunately (after what seemed to be somewhat of a chaos), I was able to grab a hold of some your myself and son.
Headed out a bit earlier than I thought I had to after all the info. I was getting here and from other heads up....
8:00 pm- Headed to Northline for the so-called Midnight Release, No such thing! 100+ deep in line already for 5 or 6 am doors... (long wait!)
8:30 pm- Headed to check out NW Mall for their 11pm "ticket number" method for 8 am release the next day. About 30+ people wandering the lot/ mallentrances waiting for security to give a heads up on where to form line. No word from anyone, people start getting there from left/ right- 100+ in less than 30mins easy! Still ;ooked like this was best shot- decide to wait it out!l
9:00-10:30- 4 or 5 fail atempts of people rushing trying to forming- security getting pissy, tempers flaring, pure madness, 250+ on hand. HPD called to storesome order, Fail!
10:45pm- Security busts out for everyone to get behind a certain point, People who had been there way early found themselves behind those who had just gotthere 5-10 mins. ago. Tempers really begin to flare, people mad upset, so a second line is formed in place where they usually set up for all other releases.HPD back up called.
****All of this while 6 month prego wife is at home refreshing "the sites" for release****
11:00- 2 lines now, no one moving, I'm in the second line with most of the people that know how it goes down for every release. I'm probably 20 peopleback and everyone is holding ground! 4-5 HPD Units now out there discussing with mall security about how to do this.
11:15- Tickets about to be release, looks like they are about to hand them out to only one line, people begin to rant, curse, scream, yell- they decide todivide tickets to both lines- kinda good at that point but not everyone was happy! They should've just handed tickets as people got there not til 11pm whenno order was in place, however I came up with 66 out of a 250+ people, things looked good for me!
11:30- On my way home, wife gets through Eastbay and FNL with orders but no confirmation
-drove pass Northline again, line had easily doubled!
11:45- Drove by Greenspoint, No one there!!!!!
a Few HPD but place looked deserted, something didn't seem right- I'm outta there! (by my lonely bythe way!) Ain't risking...
12:00- 3:00 am- Back home, refreshing "the sites", kept crashing, no luck, items in cart- couldn't checkout- most of us know the deal!
3:30am- Headed to bed in hopes of waking up at 6:30 to head back to NW Mall with my #66...
7:00am- After a 2 & half hour sleep, back at NW Mall, people already there, most without #'s- this is going to get crazy, security not good again!tempers begin to flare , no one cooperating, 8:00 now and doors have not opened! HPD called again, One dude arrested for conduct. Number calling begins- peoplegetting their pairs quick, looks goods, but somehow people got access into mall through another way, we are now screwed! Security finds out a bit too late-finally get in, No adult sizes left!
came out with an 11c for my son, at this point I'm happy, cool, after seeing the masses who were after these- owell... at least I picked up for him! That's my boy!!
9:40am- Doesn't hurt to stop and actual get off at Northline just for the sake of it, so I did! Looked liked the "quiet after the storm", litterall over the lot, broken chairs, pretty settled inside, a few kids sizes left. Dude in plain clothes says "Need help?", I say " I'm afraidyou guys don't have what I'm really looking for in a 10.5". "Nah, we out- we still had plenty 30 mins ago where were you?. "At NW, butno luck", Dude was like, "Yo, man check this out- you look cool, let me make a call". On the phone, "He's like any left in 10.5, youain't out yet, hold 2 in 10.5 for me, I'm sending my dude over there". He hangs up, "He's like "I'm sending you somewhere,I'm the DM and I got you!", go to Gulfgate, ask for so and so, tell them you got 2 on hold from me at Northline". I'm $#I^^ing in my pants atthis point! He assures me once again and I'm out the door! He even rushes out the door after me and says, " Take your time, drive carefully, theyyours!"
10:00am- At Gulfgate, a few people still there picking up like nothing. dude behind me was all the way from Sugarland, Chicks in front of me from Pasadena. Iwaited a few mins. Things looked pretty organized there I must say. I get in, ask for so and so, and he's yeah. Tells young pretty girl- "Get the two10.5 on my table, they are for my man right here, ring him up"... I don't know, but I'm begining to believe in Santa once again!!!!
10:30- On my way back home, pretty shocked I must say but definately happy as "H-E double hockey-stick" and feeling blessed...
**Get home and wake up my lil fam with the best breakfast they can possibly have from theirs truly**
***Sorry in advance for such a long story, I thought I'd share my experience like some of you have done so. Thought I'd post it here instead of theOfficial Thread- trying to keep it more local. Hope everyone got their hands on some, honestly I think the release itself was somewhat unexpected in terms ofdemand for it. From what I seen, everyone wanted these for their own reason or another- it wasn't just limited to those who were expected to turn out forthe release. I saw all walks of life waiting to get theirs hands on them- From 10 yr kids with mom on the side, 15 yr old chicks in tight jeans, the so-calledhypes in skinnys, the heads with heat, G's with tats all over their heads/ faces reppin' their set, thugs buggin', ol School cats, Ladies trying tosurprise their man, Dads just trying to lace up kids for Christmas, to the 70 yr old Abuelita buying their "mijito" a pair of shoes- name it, we wereall in the mix!
Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo to all!!!!