Houston Rockets Thread 2024/2025 - NBA DraftTime, Sheppard On Deck

watch this still be a tough game tho because the heat play hard no matter who is on the floor
Rockets need to get on track tonight
Missed the game but checking the box scores I see Gary Clark with 29 minutes :wow:
On the second quarter right now and I see Clark comes in and immediately is a factor.

Some of these other shots of gone in and out. I hate that, and the Rockets would have been up even further if it wasn't for that.
They need to tighten up their rotations as the season goes on, cause it's annoying they'll play very good defense for 22 seconds, then somebody manages to be left open on the perimeter. So many teams get free points like that from us.
Very good that they built up such a big lead early, cause their shot kinda went away late and they were looking lethargic. Good game other than that and rotation gaffs. Need to tighten that up, can't have that in the playoffs.

Good to end that streak. Can't have too many of those throughout the season.

With Ryno waived, but his spot and Thabo's spot needs to be replenished with something useful. Hopefully Clark can still get opportunities to be productive, and not punished with lengthy bench stretches for minimal mistakes.
Happy Thanksgiving y’all, if y’all want to be entertained for awhile, search ‘MDA Gary Clark’ on Twitter :lol:


Don’t think you could really have a more perfect game than that. Everybody contributed up and down the roster. Really good to see. One thing that game showed was just how awful the Hawks are. I didn’t know they were THAT bad, and I’m glad Calvin Murphy was frying them post-game.

man harden is unreal at times. glad he got to 60. i know he was trying to get above 62 to beat kobe's mark, but he shot way more efficiently than kobe did in his 62 point 3 quarter game and also had 8 assists to kobe's 0.
I only watched from the 1st OT and on and there’s no way I’m about to let this team piss me off after the Texans whooped on Brady like they did.
I will add though .....

....those stats should not happen at all. There’s a number of reasons they lost the game (even the reds leaving their stamp on the game), but that type of inefficiency is unacceptable. What you have there is entirely too much settling and not enough smart decision making.

I highly doubt this gets what the Rockets want which is a win ,but stranger things have happned. The best I could see happening is maybe play a third OT or pickup from the point of the problem around 7 or 8 minutes of regulation when Rockets were up 104 to 89 (I think that was the score) even if they counted it, it still would have resulted in a tie in the full game OT included, noone knows if the Rockets would have fallen apart and let the Spurs come back and tie it in regulation. If it played out the way the refs said and Pringles missed the 30 second window to challenge shame on him, and shame on the Rockets for even letting the Spurs back in the game when they were up by around 15 at that point. IMO Rockets deserve that loss for having the game in control, and just dropping the ball. What do y'all think?

I highly doubt this gets what the Rockets want which is a win ,but stranger things have happned. The best I could see happening is maybe play a third OT or pickup from the point of the problem around 7 or 8 minutes of regulation when Rockets were up 104 to 89 (I think that was the score) even if they counted it, it still would have resulted in a tie in the full game OT included, noone knows if the Rockets would have fallen apart and let the Spurs come back and tie it in regulation. If it played out the way the refs said and Pringles missed the 30 second window to challenge shame on him, and shame on the Rockets for even letting the Spurs back in the game when they were up by around 15 at that point. IMO Rockets deserve that loss for having the game in control, and just dropping the ball. What do y'all think?

There’s a vid where the Rockets were clearly trying to get reviews of the shot, along with the refs huddling and the refs didn’t care one bit. I don’t care about whatever decision is made, that type of stuff should be taken care of in that moment and not after the fact. The refs need the same accountability that everybody is supposed to have and they’re scums for allowing something like that.

That botch aside, don’t lose a 22 point lead. I’m tired of the Rockets playing one style to build a lead, then reverting to garbage to lose it, and that’s not just on the players, that is an ingrained issue with coaching. MDA is a 68 year old man rooted in old ideas and he does not need to be apart of this team anymore. He’s wasting Harden and Westbrook’s time together right now and he needs to be gone. People can cape for him if they want, but he's shown that no matter what team he’s on and no matter the talent, he cannot make the right decisions to take teams where they need to be.
There’s a vid where the Rockets were clearly trying to get reviews of the shot, along with the refs huddling and the refs didn’t care one bit. I don’t care about whatever decision is made, that type of stuff should be taken care of in that moment and not after the fact. The refs need the same accountability that everybody is supposed to have and they’re scums for allowing something like that.

That botch aside, don’t lose a 22 point lead. I’m tired of the Rockets playing one style to build a lead, then reverting to garbage to lose it, and that’s not just on the players, that is an ingrained issue with coaching. MDA is a 68 year old man rooted in old ideas and he does not need to be apart of this team anymore. He’s wasting Harden and Westbrook’s time together right now and he needs to be gone. People can cape for him if they want, but he's shown that no matter what team he’s on and no matter the talent, he cannot make the right decisions to take teams where they need to be.

I was working so I missed the game, but the fact that Capers said he couldn't remeber if he told the Rockets that the 30 second window had passed is suspect. Not sure how you cant remeber something that happened 30 minutes after it happened means that Capers is suffering from early alzheimers or just didn't want to admit they ignored Pringles ask for a review. Either way like I said they deserved that loss, and the Rockets should just sleeping dogs lie.

Agreed Pringles needs to go, he had his peak moment 2 seasons ago, but a midseason firing is not what I want to see and I'm not really sure there is anyone out there of his caliber to replace him at this point, nor don't think Tillman would want to pay another coach when Pringles is set to expire after the season, but I fully expect he'll be gone next season unless they win the chip, or Harden throws a tantrum to keep him (which I doubt, he understands the league and that it's just business, and hes a pro so I expect he'd get over it pretty quick). From what I've read they're pretty close, if that really even matters.
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also, that ref lied and got caught. they didn't call basket interference, they called it out of bounds. MDA and the whole team instantly signaled review. the refs basically took 30+ seconds to determine what the call was, then claim we ran out of time to challenge.
early season overreactions are hilarious. see yall in january when things really start mattering.

Very true, Rockets should give up the asking for the win and just accept the loss and maybe an apology and move on. I mean they wonder why the media and a number of NBA fans dislikes them, but its stuff like this that only feeds into that narrative.
also, that ref lied and got caught. they didn't call basket interference, they called it out of bounds. MDA and the whole team instantly signaled review. the refs basically took 30+ seconds to determine what the call was, then claim we ran out of time to challenge.
Ref even admitted after the fact, the call was wrong after he lied.
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