Homosexuality in Sports Serious Discussion: Please be mature Niketalk

Dec 29, 2008
In 2013 it's becoming quite a hot topic especially in the NFL; with Kwame Harris coming out today and rumors of a current player coming out, I wanted to hear NT's views on this.

I am personally very accepting and encourage it but I know there will be many different views; I played ice hockey for a long time and always suspected a long time teammate was gay. Ten years have roughly passed since I stopped playing and I recently ran into this guy and his bf; he was def. a little shocked to see me so it was a little awkward for him which I could tell but to me I was happy that he finally seemed happy and comfortable in his own skin and not hiding what many of us already suspected. The problem was always the meathead type dudes on our team which probably would have never been accepting and probably ended up having him quit the team over their harassment or even worse.

So what are your thoughts, experiences, etc?
ill chime in...

my first thought is "gay people cant play sports?" that's weak. ill be honest i have my homophobic moments. but at the same time i have gay friends and relatives so i respect their lifestyles. they do the same with mine

i ran d-1 track with a guy we all thought was gay. as the same with your hockey buddy he never came out with it... he transferred then decided to come out. we didn't care. he scored points for the team. there's always one goal in sports and that's to win,and if a gay teammate can help me get the ring, im all for it.

just respect my space in the locker room, my space personally and ill do the same for them.
My take, keep this stuff to your self. I've been around plenty of gay people in my life, it's not a big deal to me.
I just don't like the people that go out of their way to flaunt it.
My take, keep this stuff to your self. I've been around plenty of gay people in my life, it's not a big deal to me.
I just don't like the people that go out of their way to flaunt it.
agreed with that last part but 'keep this to yourself' sounds too much like stay in the closet.... but I think I get what you're trying to say
just respect my space in the locker room, my space personally and ill do the same for them.

Because you suspected that the one gay guy in the locker room will rape you and/or all the other teammates? Homosexuals won't hit on you because you are straight, nor will they hit on you just because you are the same sex.
just respect my space in the locker room, my space personally and ill do the same for them.

Because you suspected that the one gay guy in the locker room will rape you and/or all the other teammates? Homosexuals won't hit on you because you are straight, nor will they hit on you just because you are the same sex.
Well then he has no reason to worry. Let that be his lone concern, no need to attack him.
Because you suspected that the one gay guy in the locker room will rape you and/or all the other teammates? Homosexuals won't hit on you because you are straight, nor will they hit on you just because you are the same sex.
Bro idk if u read what i wrote... i know how things work. i know not all gay people hit on straight people. but i have been hit on by gay guys before and i dont like it.
all i said was just respect my space and do what u gotta do. same goes to my straight teammates. they play around in the locker room mocking homophobic stuff and im not for that
it does not matter. it should not matter. and most of you need to come to the realization that a lot of your heroes are gay or bi.

i find it humorous when somebody brings up penny hardaway being gay and jimmies are instantly rustled like they bout to throw his shoes away on some karl malone aids steez :lol:
I remember when I asked in the NBA thread. People got mad at me
I really could dont care. Some people like oranges some like apples. As long as the player respects the sport and not be rodman 2.0( what i mean by rodman is he did his thing but never assaulted others) but if they take it higher than rodman then theres a problem.

Why does it matter what people like. I dont care if theyvgay or want to get married with their dog as long as they respect other in the sport/league its all good.

And dont make up BS that athletes are role models and shouodnt be gay( i have heard that before) if u look at athletes that way then there's a problem in ur thinking. they r just athletes

Gay or not just score as many points as u can so i cant make fun of my friends team and enjoy sundays W before i resume my life.
I care for the W not the G
My problem is going to be the media and how they are gonna go wild when a active player comes out. ESPN will have 24hour coverage of said player, his teammates and suddenly everything that player does will become late breaking news on and off the field. It will become a Tebow like phenomenon where a certain player despite his skills becomes larger than the team. I don't believe we'll see a pro bowl player coming out it will more than likely just be some regular player, hell probably not even a starter. But that player will become the only topic of discussion whenever the team he plays for is mentioned. Alot of people gave Chris Clemons flack for what he said, and I for one disagree with him. A gay player is not being selfish by coming out. But I do get what he's saying when it comes to the media and the repercussions from said player coming out. Suddenly the camera is going to be on him all the time. ESPN/First Take will make sure that its the only thing being talked about. His teammates are gonna sit there and have to answer stupid question after stupid question for the whole season.

Do I care that a gay player is in football? No and truth be told most people don't either. But we all know thats not gonna be the story ESPN tells us.

So in all **** ESPN for the circus they will undoubtedly create when a player does come out
What law is talking about is the reason no one has come out yet. It's hard enough to come out to your closest friends and family - imagine having to come out and have the world talk about it. I don't think ESPN woul make a GIANT deal out of it only because its a sensitive subject but still.
It's 2013, and it shouldn't matter...however, my honest opinion is that players may say one thing to the press about being welcoming etc., but the locker room dynamic is VASTLY different than what people may realize.
It's 2013, and it shouldn't matter...however, my honest opinion is that players may say one thing to the press about being welcoming etc., but the locker room dynamic is VASTLY different than what people may realize.
Agreed. Not turning it into a racial issue but many inner city African Americans are homophobic because that's the way they were brought up and because of the culture. So I can just imagine how that would look in a football locker room.
But yea, most players have to say they're cool with it if not the media/public will eat them alive
If I had to guess some other NFL players.....Eric Winston and Vernon Davis.

I can't really think of much of any NBA players I'd be suspicious about.
richard jefferson
my friend does security at a sf club and seen him a handful of times
agreed with that last part but 'keep this to yourself' sounds too much like stay in the closet.... but I think I get what you're trying to say
I tried to re-write what I said to make it sound better, but it's coming off wrong everytime. I just don't see how a persons sexual orientation should be anybody's business.
Nobody cares if you are or aren't. It's something that has nothing to do with hitting a jump shot. If jr smith didn't post tahiry's *** to let us know he was smanging I wouldn't care. Just keep banging in 3's. I honestly wish sports would just be about sports. Leave that lifestyle/gossip stuff to tmz.
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