Closed July 31st
Man it's crazy how time flew from literally dirt to a house
Nice! Congrats man ! Time really did fly by your house looks great.
Did you find any thing wrong with the house that needed to be fixed during your final walkthrough?
My final walkthrough is on the 27th and closing on the 1st of September, so I am trying to make sure everything goes smoothly.
How do you guys avoid bad tenants?
How do you deal with bad tenants if you get them?
I don't have any properties yet, but your suppose to do a thorough screening process. Of course it won't keep out all bad tenants, but have a good set of standards and you should come out with good tenants most of the time.
Section 8 definitely isn't guaranteed good tenants. Most will destroy your property, but what I have seen is that section 8 tenants in A/B class neighborhoods are pretty good tenants.