Hollywood needs to stop with the whitewashing vol. Exodus: Gods and Kings

Feel the same way.  They should break some arab/east african actors in this film.  Definitely would look more accurate (as far as POC/folks with common sense go)
hold on fam whats the "right" message?

i dont see how you can start off with casting bigotry and end up making a movie with the "right" message

Just because no blacks are in the casting makes it bigotry, what a way to jump to conclusion, why cant he just have his own theory on what happened its not like any of us have the facts of what went down

You truly believe that the directors even entertained the idea of using people of color for this film?

:lol: at prejudice for noticing something obvious
probably "dirtying the frame" if we left it up to you. and i said a black jesus? why you so bent on white people being your salvation, b? are you blind side?

But you said jesus was white washed because decided to make the character white like you know the dude was really black or something :lol: yall dudes are funny
hold on fam whats the "right" message?

i dont see how you can start off with casting bigotry and end up making a movie with the "right" message
Just because no blacks are in the casting makes it bigotry, what a way to jump to conclusion, why cant he just have his own theory on what happened its not like any of us have the facts of what went down
gotta be trolling 
But you said jesus was white washed because decided to make the character white like you know the dude was really black or something :lol: yall dudes are funny

history, geography, and description accounts in the bible suggest he wasn't of Caucasian lineage.
history, geography, and description accounts in the bible suggest he wasn't of Caucasian lineage.

The bible also says homosexuality is abomination but last time i checked its actually a fact people are born homo, thats a different convo for another day but what im trying to say is that the bible means nothing, it was written to gain followers for the religion & give them rules on how christians should live their life
It's been a long time since I been to Sunday School or read the bible, but didn't Mary and Joseph flee to Egypt to keep Jesus safe from Herod? If they fled to Egypt and lived there for a while until Jesus was old enough to come back to Israel than they must have been able to blend in with the population. They lived among a population that was overwhelmingly brown to dark skinned in color. Even that tidbit lets you know that Jesus didn't resemble Charles Manson.
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The bible also says homosexuality is abomination but last time i checked its actually a fact people are born homo, thats a different convo for another day but what im trying to say is that the bible means nothing, it was written to gain followers for the religion & give them rules on how christians should live their life

Your opinion means nothing :lol: & concerning the book, you sound ignorant, why speak on something you know nothing about? Makes you look like a fool :D
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That BS public education that a lot of you got got you hoodwinked.

To the fool saying that there are no black Egyptians, you obviously are a product of our fine public education system.

Why do you think a lot of egytians have very curly to almost nappy hair even though they "don't look black"? They are the result of centuries of conquest and interbreeding. Ancient Egytians were black but as their civilation declined and they were conquered by europeans their "blackness" faded too because their conquereors breed with them and "whitewashed" their physical appearance. Cities like Alexandria were called that because they were conquered by Alexander the great. Egytians are essentially mullatos 

People think that interracial mixing is a modern think that just started after the 1960s but it's been happening for centuries.
While the intentional white washing occurs

This movie with a minority cast would prob flop cause 1. Minorities wouldn't support it 2. White folks won't either

Bet this white washed adaptation will do well in the box office ....they love history they can relate too even with the inaccuracies (skin color)

They can't even accept Jesus as a man of color....common sense tells you he's one...what shade? Who knows but he ain't Heath ledger

I will watch and it has nothing to do with my race, just want to watch a movie.

Yall saying its purposely white washed when yall have no proof if it was done purposely or not, thats being prejudice

because nothing else has been purposely white washed throughout history? i.e. Jesus Christ.


:lol: the theory of jesus cant be purposely white washed if nobody knew what the man actually looked liked, if thats the case what does that make the term black jesus?

How can you say that Jesus was this and that? Dude didn't exist.
That cast is really sad to look at. Why not throw some black actors into the mix for the main roles? I don't see why you can't have both "seat fillers" and up and coming black actors

it's not just black people, they do the same thing for Asian characters too. Unless it's some martial arts character, they all get repaced by white guys
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@ them making the Sphinx w/ euro features

They get more and more blatant with the *******.

Between this and all the slave movies...Hollywood knows exactly what it's doing right now.
That cast is really sad to look at. Why not throw some black actors into the mix for the main roles? I don't see why you can't have both "seat fillers" and up and coming black actors

it's not just black people, they do the same thing for Asian characters too. Unless it's some martial arts character, they all get repaced by white guys

I always wondered how Asians felt about Hollywood, Blacks and Latinos are usually crooks or Black are token cats that always get murked, Asians simply dont appear in movies that arent Martial Arts flicks, not even as back ground characters.
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