(Holiday Post): Is belief in Santa dying among the youth

my sister figured out Santa wasn't real when she was like 6, but she didnt care she just liked presents and Christmas. i think she appreciates the story of santa. its cute, every major holiday has a nice story behind it. it makes me proud that she seems to be more mature than some adults. now to her Christmas is about family and spending time with each other. shes 9 years old.
Why can't we all respect each others opinions instead of continuously bashing all these individualistic ideas?  I understand that human nature retaliates when personal opinions are attacked, but at some point the back and forth becomes like beating a dead horse fam.  
I'm telling them the truth. I'll be damned if some fat dude going to take credit for their happiness. No made believe fairly tale best friends in my house.
I just realized how ridiculous the title of this thread is. When people refer to the youth they usually mean adolescents, teens or young adults. We really expecting our "youth" to believe in Santa, what kinda inbred part of the country is op from?
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

I bet the same folks in here who won't allow their kids to believe in Santa won't have Christmas trees, ornaments, wreaths, mistletoes, etc. because it's a "waste" of hard earned money. Have fun being the guy everybody scratches off their list to give a gift to.

yeah, pretty sad reading some of the anger in the comments so far.  This dude will probably force his kids to watch no country for old men instead of a Christmas special on tv or something
All of that from someone saying they won't tell their kids Santa is real? I swear you all extreme people's arguing points.

If a child never believed in Santa, what he is missing out on? Why is celebrating Christmas as a time for sharing going to be such a bad thing for a child? Why do you all make it seem as though the ONLY way for a child to be happy is to think some fat white man came down their chimney and left them a gift?
Originally Posted by CWrite78

I'm telling them the truth. I'll be damned if some fat dude going to take credit for their happiness. No made believe fairly tale best friends in my house.

Some kids need that, especially if they do not have siblings.
Why not give your child  the right to choose.
If your kids want a make believe friends and you say no to that and make them think it is wrong,
 wouldn't that be infringing on their rights to do what they want.
Sound like your trying to govern your child's mind. Sounds familiar.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by CWrite78

I'm telling them the truth. I'll be damned if some fat dude going to take credit for their happiness. No made believe fairly tale best friends in my house.

Some kids need that, especially if they do not have siblings.
Why not give your child  the right to choose.
If your kids want a make believe friends and you say no to that and make them think it is wrong,
 wouldn't that be infringing on their rights to do what they want.
Sound like your trying to govern your child's mind. Sounds familiar.

LOL if I'm gonna make stuff up for my kids lemme at least be more creative.
 And none of you give your children a right to choose. A right to choose is if you're child asked if Santa is real, you telling them "Why don't you decide for yourself". But this is clearly not what you people are doing.  If you read the Santa story to even a 5 year old he's gonna stay up at night and try to investigate for himself if Santa is real or not. Parents perpetuate the lie when they realize the child is having doubts. You aren't giving your child a chance to choose, if you did he/she would stop believing it early.

Kids already make imaginary friends, they don't need you to feed them your imaginary friends.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by CWrite78

I'm telling them the truth. I'll be damned if some fat dude going to take credit for their happiness. No made believe fairly tale best friends in my house.

Some kids need that, especially if they do not have siblings.
Why not give your child  the right to choose.
If your kids want a make believe friends and you say no to that and make them think it is wrong,
 wouldn't that be infringing on their rights to do what they want.
Sound like your trying to govern your child's mind. Sounds familiar.

What Anton wrote.

What I meant about imaginary buddies was anything to do with religion. If after I tell them the truth they still want to believe, then that is their problem. I did my part.
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by Gex The Damaja

I Agree with you but I think it has more to do with the economic climate, currently. Adults are too busy worrying about the future to cater to a child's imagination. Kinda sad but I think it will have underlying benefits later on.

great way to sum it up.  Ever since I got out of HS, it's just felt less and less "Christmassy".  When I go home for the holidays, it makes me sad knowing that when I was a kid, every house was fully lighted up with props on the lawn and everything and now, it's almost kind of creepy only seeing one random house with decoration.
yup. doesn't feel like Christmas these days like it used to... especially this year.
My parents told me that Santa was not real. I grew up appreciating the fact that my parents and various family members would buy gifts for me. I appreciate the fact that my parents raised me with honesty and I will do the same with my kids. If you would like to lie to your children, that is your own right. 
Originally Posted by zk1MPLS

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by Gex The Damaja

I Agree with you but I think it has more to do with the economic climate, currently. Adults are too busy worrying about the future to cater to a child's imagination. Kinda sad but I think it will have underlying benefits later on.

great way to sum it up.  Ever since I got out of HS, it's just felt less and less "Christmassy".  When I go home for the holidays, it makes me sad knowing that when I was a kid, every house was fully lighted up with props on the lawn and everything and now, it's almost kind of creepy only seeing one random house with decoration.
yup. doesn't feel like Christmas these days like it used to... especially this year.

could it just be that you're old enough that that doesn't amaze you anymore?

same houses on my block have their lights up, and have had them up for as long as i can remember.

i just notice it less every year, because i dont look at it in amazement like i did when i was a child.

the only thing that reminds me that it's holiday season is seeing that a xmas story is on tv.
I trolled my parents until I was like 12. That way I got Santa presents and Parent presents
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by CWrite78

I'm telling them the truth. I'll be damned if some fat dude going to take credit for their happiness. No made believe fairly tale best friends in my house.

Some kids need that, especially if they do not have siblings.
Why not give your child  the right to choose.
If your kids want a make believe friends and you say no to that and make them think it is wrong,
 wouldn't that be infringing on their rights to do what they want.
Sound like your trying to govern your child's mind. Sounds familiar.

What Anton wrote.

What I meant about imaginary buddies was anything to do with religion. If after I tell them the truth they still want to believe, then that is their problem. I did my part.
oh ok

You guys are really simple minded if you truly believe kids not believing in the Santa fairy tale is taking away from their childhood, imagination, or any of those other easy to refute, lameass arguments you come up with all to disguise the fact that you are just sheep unable to think for yourselves, and continue to perpetuate the belief in Santa just because everyone else does and that's how it has always been.

There is literally no benefit to not telling kids the truth about Santa, that would be negated by them knowing the truth that their loved ones work hard throughout the yr to be able to provide you those gifts and see a smile on your face because we love you and think you deserve it.
My kids and I just sprinkled reindeer food in the yard and put santa's cookies on the table after they helped my wife wrap some presents. In my house santa only brings 1 gift, the rest come from family. My kids are 4 and 5. They'll find out eventually, but not tonight.
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