(Holiday Post): Is belief in Santa dying among the youth

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

No, at this point, it's no one cares. Your name is synonymous with pointless arguments. No one is in favor of your ranting anymore.
Its a pointless argument when you only address those that dont want to teach their kids about santa? 
   Riiiiight. Way to be unbiased there, slugger.

The standards you all set for objectivity are hilarious. 
No, it's a pointless argument either way. Either go along with the Santa mythology or don't. There's no need for this to be some giant argument over fundamental principles about life and honesty and trust just so you can get off on arguing. 
For those with kids/cousins/etc who still believe in Santa, I did this the other day for my cousin.


If you can, hang up the phone at the end.

They tell ask if you want Santa to call a friend to go on sendacallfromsanta.com  ... which could ruin it if your kid thinks its real.

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

LOL @ people having to tell an 11 year old Santa doesn't exist? It's good to see the intellectual demise of the youth of this country starts early. You really need to tell a 9, 10, 11 year old Santa doesn't exist?

Exactly, kids figure it out. There's no harm in telling them a mythical being who represents hope and joy doesn't actually exist. It's just that when they get older and have kids they will pass down the spirit of hope and joy for others to feel good. That's why it's selfish to tell them gifts came from parents and that it was hard earned, because to people like that it's not about the presents and kids' happiness but rather receiving credit for giving a gift. Pretty pointless to do that IMO.
Ya'll stay replying after he says he doesn't care nor is concerned about your beliefs.

Trolling yourselves at this point.
Originally Posted by DROOPY7

Do you celebrate Christmas?

My family does.
Me? Not really. 

I see it more of as a commercial holiday infused with BS tradition.

The decorations and parties are fun...because decorations and parties are fun... 

But it doesn't mean anything to me. Its all vapid. 

I won't lie, the moment I kinda embraced the entire anti-religion thing a lot of symbolism and tradition fell apart for me. 

(trust me, this is something I'm smart enough not to bash people over the head with off-line. I do this online because this IS a message board and we should be able to discuss any and everything)

Every ritual, saying, prayer, tradition, more, or culture pretty much lost its meaning besides things that I could do to improve the lives of others by way of education, making money, or improving health. 

Everything else is just crap we make up to pass the time that doesn't mean anything.

I guess that makes me a nihilist? *shrug*

In any case, I do believe in quite a few things...like equal rights and protection for all citizens under the law, free speech, and a bunch of other things. Unlike most liberals, i'm pro-guns for example...

It depends on the issues...but for the most part, when it comes to silly little mental traditions people keep up only for the sake of A.) Fitting into society B.) doing it because they always have been doing it for no reason... I can't support that. 

If things can NOT prove their worth then I would be lying to myself to enforce any sort of meaning into it. 
Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

LOL @ people having to tell an 11 year old Santa doesn't exist? It's good to see the intellectual demise of the youth of this country starts early. You really need to tell a 9, 10, 11 year old Santa doesn't exist?

Exactly, kids figure it out. There's no harm in telling them a mythical being who represents hope and joy doesn't actually exist. It's just that when they get older and have kids they will pass down the spirit of hope and joy for others to feel good. That's why it's selfish to tell them gifts came from parents and that it was hard earned, because to people like that it's not about the presents and kids' happiness but rather receiving credit for giving a gift. Pretty pointless to do that IMO.
Yes because many kids who get gifts from Santa deserve it? You can teach your children about earning what they have and  being thankful especially for what they have without lying to them. That's lazy parenting. I rather pass down lessons about hard work, being mindful of people who do not have what you have and sharing that simply being good to get something. Santa parallels religion in so many ways. People who get things because of God or Santa often forget about those you God and Santa forsakes that didn't necessarily deserve it.
Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

Originally Posted by iYen

Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

Did your parents tell you he wasn't real? Or did you figure it out?
My parents didn't tell me that he was real nor did they tell me that he wasn't real.
So yeah, I figured it out.
Knowing Santa didn't exist didn't take away any of the joy I felt from receiving presents or spending time with my family.

You figured I out, so did I, and so will every kid. So what's the harm in letting their imagination fill with joy this time of year?
I'm not too keen on lying to children to make them happy.
You know that Santa isn't real but the child doesn't.
That's my qualm with the Santa lie.

The harm is the trust that the child has for his/her parents may falter.

Are there any other lies that you would be willing to tell a child just to make him/her feel good?
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

bet the same folks in here who won't allow their kids to believe in
Santa won't have Christmas trees, ornaments, wreaths, mistletoes, etc.
because it's a "waste" of hard earned money. Have fun being the guy
everybody scratches off their list to give a gift to.

pretty sad reading some of the anger in the comments so far.  This dude
will probably force his kids to watch no country for old men instead of a Christmas special on tv or something


I don't even have kids, But if or when I do, I'll let them find out themselves. It just feels better when you believed Santa was real.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Dude please find another thread to post in what your doing at this point is trolling.
I wish we celebrated the summer solstice like we used to do. Then we could slaughter a child and make an offering to the sun god. 

You are just attacking people's beliefs at this point just because you have none of your own and want everybody to be the same as you.
You didn't shed a tear when we stopped celebrating Persephone's rise, did you?

Whether you like it or not people will create some type of belief system or tradition.

Doesn't mean its true or more valid.
Santa Claus is harmless fun kids can learn about hardwork and money through lemonade stands,candy stands and chores.

Ah yes, daddy had to spend his bonus on getting you clothes and the new barbie play-house, but its cool, I'll let Santa take credit.
Its no wonder why seemingly impotent theists have no problem attributing their own hard work to a god of some sort. They've been bred into being meek servants of society undeserving of praise for their own efforts. Its really telling....

It's that one day or that one time of year a kid can truly be mystified and captivated by something .poor rich inbetween doesn't matter it can take an otherwise sad and depressed child and make them happy.

Except for the kid who gets nothing for christmas, right? 
A mystery isn't something that we already know the answer to.

You know what I think would be more captivating? A trip to a conservatory. A chance to see the lunar eclipse that happened a few days ago and to peer into the stars and see how vast the universe is. 

Thats a real mystery.

Are you that bold and bad you would tell a kid that never gets anything for themselves that on that one day when everything at least tries to right for them that it's all a lie that you aren't special for one day.

My kids will know how special they are each and every day...but they will also know how privileged they are to even be alive past the age of 10. 
I'm not against making children feel special...I'm against lying to them under the pretense of them being special.

Its kinda like how most americans live. You think that just because you live here, you are special? 

Like can you do it I will pay you 200 dollars to tape and record you telling a child Santa Claus is not real at a homeless shelter or at an orphanage hell Id express ship you my camera if necessary.

I'll do it in a HEARTBEAT.

That kid in that shelter knows the struggles of the real world more than most of you EVER will and removing one more component of society that offers false hope is something that I will gladly do.


Because I want that kid to know that even though you're poor, you're struggling, and you feel like no one is in your corner...the one person that matters the most is YOU. No one is more important or beneficial in helping you get out of your situation than YOU. 

That kid will embrace the fact that he can't rely on others to get ahead. He'll do more with his own self confidence and assurance than will someone sitting around and waiting for "santa" to come by the shelter with crap he doesn't need.

You think a kid in a shelter needs a teddy bear?  That kid needs a damn blanket and clothes and books. A teddy bear isn't going to better their situation anymore than a volleyball with a palm-print on it.

Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

sillyputty wrote:
[infant crying sounds] 
Go lie to your children somewhere else. Its so CUTE seeing them with their minds clogged full of crap and a lack of appreciation for the hard work their parents put in to purchase gifts that the rest of the world can only dream of. How delightful!

But no, its more important to waste time on perpetrating a pointless myth for the sake of breaking their hearts later on as opposed to ACTUALLY addressing problems in the world.

 [/infant crying sounds]

You're not a part of my household so none of this concerns you.
This the the way that I've chosen to run my household, and give my children what I considered a special part of my own
So like I said before oh great chart poster....
1. moosetracks icecream.
2. facial tissues.

*slowly puts on deal with it shades*

Do you feel that you are immune to criticism and dissenting opinion? 


Are you unable to address those criticisms and respond using personal attacks? 

But hey, if you feel like lying to your kids because its "fun" then go right ahead.

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Dude please find another thread to post in what your doing at this point is trolling.
I wish we celebrated the summer solstice like we used to do. Then we could slaughter a child and make an offering to the sun god. 

You are just attacking people's beliefs at this point just because you have none of your own and want everybody to be the same as you.

I don't care if you want to be like me or not. Its not my concern. 
You didn't shed a tear when we stopped celebrating Persephone's rise, did you?

Whether you like it or not people will create some type of belief system or tradition.

Doesn't mean its true or more valid.
Santa Claus is harmless fun kids can learn about hardwork and money through lemonade stands,candy stands and chores.

Ah yes, daddy had to spend his bonus on getting you clothes and the new barbie play-house, but its cool, I'll let Santa take credit.
Its no wonder why seemingly impotent theists have no problem attributing their own hard work to a god of some sort. They've been bred into being meek servants of society undeserving of praise for their own efforts. Its really telling....

It's that one day or that one time of year a kid can truly be mystified and captivated by something .poor rich inbetween doesn't matter it can take an otherwise sad and depressed child and make them happy.

Except for the kid who gets nothing for christmas, right? 
A mystery isn't something that we already know the answer to.

You know what I think would be more captivating? A trip to a conservatory. A chance to see the lunar eclipse that happened a few days ago and to peer into the stars and see how vast the universe is. 

Thats a real mystery.

Are you that bold and bad you would tell a kid that never gets anything for themselves that on that one day when everything at least tries to right for them that it's all a lie that you aren't special for one day.

My kids will know how special they are each and every day...but they will also know how privileged they are to even be alive past the age of 10. 
I'm not against making children feel special...I'm against lying to them under the pretense of them being special.

Its kinda like how most americans live. You think that just because you live here, you are special? 

Like can you do it I will pay you 200 dollars to tape and record you telling a child Santa Claus is not real at a homeless shelter or at an orphanage hell Id express ship you my camera if necessary.

I'll do it in a HEARTBEAT.

That kid in that shelter knows the struggles of the real world more than most of you EVER will and removing one more component of society that offers false hope is something that I will gladly do.


Because I want that kid to know that even though you're poor, you're struggling, and you feel like no one is in your corner...the one person that matters the most is YOU. No one is more important or beneficial in helping you get out of your situation than YOU. 

That kid will embrace the fact that he can't rely on others to get ahead. He'll do more with his own self confidence and assurance than will someone sitting around and waiting for "santa" to come by the shelter with crap he doesn't need.

You think a kid in a shelter needs a teddy bear?  That kid needs a damn blanket and clothes and books. A teddy bear isn't going to better their situation anymore than a volleyball with a palm-print on it.

Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

sillyputty wrote:
Supermanblue79 wrote:
here's your gallon of moosetracks ice cream, and a box of facial tissues.
cry somewhere else.
[infant crying sounds] 
Go lie to your children somewhere else. Its so CUTE seeing them with their minds clogged full of crap and a lack of appreciation for the hard work their parents put in to purchase gifts that the rest of the world can only dream of. How delightful!

But no, its more important to waste time on perpetrating a pointless myth for the sake of breaking their hearts later on as opposed to ACTUALLY addressing problems in the world.

 [/infant crying sounds]

You're not a part of my household so none of this concerns you.
This the the way that I've chosen to run my household, and give my children what I considered a special part of my own
So like I said before oh great chart poster....
1. moosetracks icecream.
2. facial tissues.

*slowly puts on deal with it shades*

Do you feel that you are immune to criticism and dissenting opinion? 


Are you unable to address those criticisms and respond using personal attacks? 

But hey, if you feel like lying to your kids because its "fun" then go right ahead.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by DROOPY7


Do you celebrate Christmas?


Fair enough, just trying to get some background.

I definitely relate to it kind of falling apart, especially as I began to get older and become less "religious". I feel like as time passes it keeps losing more of it's charm, I'm just thankful to see my family and celebrate with them, whether there is a reason to or not. It's always nice to see people you care about.
LOL @ people who think you can't enjoy xmas without being an idiot. Now I know why they call bei ng drugged and intoxicated "getting ******ed". My mom getting me a supernintendo for xmas is one of the greatest memories of my life. I didn't have to believe in a fat dude coming down a chimney to enjoy it.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

LOL @ people having to tell an 11 year old Santa doesn't exist? It's good to see the intellectual demise of the youth of this country starts early. You really need to tell a 9, 10, 11 year old Santa doesn't exist?

Exactly, kids figure it out. There's no harm in telling them a mythical being who represents hope and joy doesn't actually exist. It's just that when they get older and have kids they will pass down the spirit of hope and joy for others to feel good. That's why it's selfish to tell them gifts came from parents and that it was hard earned, because to people like that it's not about the presents and kids' happiness but rather receiving credit for giving a gift. Pretty pointless to do that IMO.
Yes because many kids who get gifts from Santa deserve it? You can teach your children about earning what they have and  being thankful especially for what they have without lying to them. That's lazy parenting. I rather pass down lessons about hard work, being mindful of people who do not have what you have and sharing that simply being good to get something. Santa parallels religion in so many ways. People who get things because of God or Santa often forget about those you God and Santa forsakes that didn't necessarily deserve it.

-Yes, every kid deserves a gift from "Santa." it doesn't have to be extravagant, it could be subtle. Just because a child is mischievous or a miscreant doesn't mean they don't deserve anything.
-It's lazy parenting to teach kids about being thankful, yet you want to preach to your kids about being mindful of those who are less fortunate? Are they not the same?
-And teaching a kid to be good to get something, isn't that a Santa principle?
Originally Posted by AceBoogie

Go sit down. You don't have no kids, and damn sure dont understand how precious preserving a child's innocence actually is.
Wow, what about all the Muslim and Jewish and Hindu kids out there who don't believe in Santa? What does this have to do with, "how precious preserving a child's innocence actually is?"

What's wrong with, "Hey kids, happy holidays! Here are some gifts that your mother and I bought you?"
Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

Exactly, kids figure it out. There's no harm in telling them a mythical being who represents hope and joy doesn't actually exist. It's just that when they get older and have kids they will pass down the spirit of hope and joy for others to feel good. That's why it's selfish to tell them gifts came from parents and that it was hard earned, because to people like that it's not about the presents and kids' happiness but rather receiving credit for giving a gift. Pretty pointless to do that IMO.
Yes because many kids who get gifts from Santa deserve it? You can teach your children about earning what they have and  being thankful especially for what they have without lying to them. That's lazy parenting. I rather pass down lessons about hard work, being mindful of people who do not have what you have and sharing that simply being good to get something. Santa parallels religion in so many ways. People who get things because of God or Santa often forget about those you God and Santa forsakes that didn't necessarily deserve it.

-Yes, every kid deserves a gift from "Santa." it doesn't have to be extravagant, it could be subtle. Just because a child is mischievous or a miscreant doesn't mean they don't deserve anything.
-It's lazy parenting to teach kids about being thankful, yet you want to preach to your kids about being mindful of those who are less fortunate? Are they not the same?
-And teaching a kid to be good to get something, isn't that a Santa principle?
-I want my children to appreciate what they have because many people don't have those things. How is that lazy in comparison to lying to your children because you don't feel like explaining things to them? LOL teaching children to be thankful is lazy? is this really how you people think?

Why do you need to lie to them to teach them a value that existed way before Santa? Are your children that stupid that they can't understand these principles at 9 years old without believing in a fat guy with a beard?
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by AceBoogie

Go sit down. You don't have no kids, and damn sure dont understand how precious preserving a child's innocence actually is.
Wow, what about all the Muslim and Jewish and Hindu kids out there who don't believe in Santa? What does this have to do with, "how precious preserving a child's innocence actually is?"

What's wrong with, "Hey kids, happy holidays! Here are some gifts that your mother and I bought you?"

So much work.

LOL they wouldn't have to preserve their children's innocence if they didn't lie to them in the first place.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Yes because many kids who get gifts from Santa deserve it? You can teach your children about earning what they have and  being thankful especially for what they have without lying to them. That's lazy parenting. I rather pass down lessons about hard work, being mindful of people who do not have what you have and sharing that simply being good to get something. Santa parallels religion in so many ways. People who get things because of God or Santa often forget about those you God and Santa forsakes that didn't necessarily deserve it.

-Yes, every kid deserves a gift from "Santa." it doesn't have to be extravagant, it could be subtle. Just because a child is mischievous or a miscreant doesn't mean they don't deserve anything.
-It's lazy parenting to teach kids about being thankful, yet you want to preach to your kids about being mindful of those who are less fortunate? Are they not the same?
-And teaching a kid to be good to get something, isn't that a Santa principle?
-I want my children to appreciate what they have because many people don't have those things. How is that lazy in comparison to lying to your children because you don't feel like explaining things to them? LOL teaching children to be thankful is lazy? is this really how you people think?

Why do you need to lie to them to teach them a value that existed way before Santa? Are your children that stupid that they can't understand these principles at 9 years old without believing in a fat guy with a beard?

I wish people would admit that they'll go to any length just to defend anything that is at the end of the day... a pointless tradition. 
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

Both of my girls believe, and we'll keep it going until they reach 8 or 9.
I've had more fun being Santa over the years, than I did as a kid waiting on him to deliver. 

Word it would be Dope as a parent to See your kids light up with happiness it's the little things like that which makes their childhood amazing.
I can't agree with the, "Santa should be part of a kids childhood and if they don't believe you are ruining their childhood" logic.
Wow never knew santa was controversy. I always just kinda thought it was a joke anyways, and I don't see why a kid would appreciate something less knowing it came from santa rather then parents? Either way who cares
Originally Posted by limonyfresh

Kids just want their cell phones and video games. Like they care where it comes from.

Little rascals ain't saying NOTHING past the 26th of December. 

Thinking back, I don't know anyone in elementary school that even believed in Santa 
Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

SillyPutty: just get off Niketalk man. All you're ever here to do is argue, and it's always about the same damn things, and you always say the same damn things, and no one %%$+#!+ cares.


This was funny cause I read it in the avatars voice.
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