Hip Hip Hooray! Its Christopher Columbus Day! Vol. Hell yeah I found it!

''Then Columbus first landed in the Bahamas on October 12th , the day we are celebrating as a national holiday, he wrote about the Arawaks in hisdiary, H"They do not bear arms, and do not know them, for I showed them a sword, they took it by the edge and cut themselves out of ignorance…they wouldmake fine servants…with fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want." He continued by writing, "As soon as I arrived inthe "indies," on the first Island which I found, I took some of the natives by force in order that they might learn and might give me information ofwhatever there is in these parts" (see The Diario of Christopher Columbus's First Voyage to America by Oliver Dunn). ''

I still can't believe how he treated my ancestors the Arawaks were so peaceful... stole their gold raped their women caused their genocide, I really wishwe would stop celebrating this in the Bahamas although the name has been formally changed to Discovery Day.
Happy Columbus Day!

Let us join in celebration of the entire decimation of an entire group of indigenous people and the failure to add anything new to the European pool ofknowledge.
Let's discredit the fact that The Bering Strait was navigated 20,000 years before, and the fact that Scandinavians had already beat out the rest of WesternEurope in search of trade routes.
Let's completely put aside the Columbus expedition's other achievements:
1. The introduction of diseases such as the measles and syphilis
2. The ideas that put in motion the transatlantic slave trade
3. The notion that vast amounts of gold existed in the New World, ready for harvesting by explorers

I love how US holidays embody our nations highest values. Where do we sign the petition to celebrate the first printing of Manifest Destiny?

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Slavery FTW?[/color]
Exactly what I posted on the other thread...

I am at work and personally I could care less about Columbus. I don't even understand how to this day we are celebrating him? Dude came here to murder, rape, and enslaved scores of Indian families. Just google Arawaks and Columbus and see for yourself the truth about this scumbag.

The crazy part is what we are taught in school... Columbus is a hero who discovered America so that's why we celebrate this holiday is a bunch of bull


[h4]Columbus wrote:[/h4] [h4]"As soon as I arrived in the Indies, on the first Island which I found, I took some of the natives by force in order that they might learn and might give me information of whatever there is in these parts."[/h4] [h4]The information that Columbus wanted most was: Where is the gold?[/h4]
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]But in all honesty you forget who wrote the history books...[/color][color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]and lets also add africans exploration (which is said to have been in s.a.)[/color]
1763, the first demonic tactic of biological warfare
As tokens of peace, Sir Jeffery Amherst
passed out clothin and blankets to the Indian community
Infested with small pox, knowin they had no immunity
thank you Columbus!!! if it was not for you my parents would never have meet in this great country and i would not be here right now.

if your parents meet in this country you owe your thanks to columbus

this country would have been invaded with or without columbus, sooner or later this country would been taken over. not saying it was justified. and again ifthis country was not discovered when it was you most likely wouldn't be here, even if it was discovered a few years later odds are that lateness would makethat your parents never meet in this country.

look at great this country has contributed to the world....there is bad but way more great things

only the strong survive
Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]But in all honesty you forget who wrote the history books....and lets also add africans exploration (which is said to have been in s.a.)[/color]

the propping up of the Caucasian male's image in society is one of the most widespread forms of propaganda in the history of civilization.
If I wasn't so intent on making every italian girl with a c cup and ugg boots fall in love with me I would hate this guy.
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]But in all honesty you forget who wrote the history books....and lets also add africans exploration (which is said to have been in s.a.)[/color]

the propping up of the Caucasian male's image in society is one of the most widespread forms of propaganda in the history of civilization.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]white >>>>>>[/color]
Originally Posted by Air273

thank you Columbus!!! if it was not for you my parents would never have meet in this great country and i would not be here right now.

if your parents meet in this country you owe your thanks to columbus

this country would have been invaded with or without columbus, sooner or later this country would been taken over. not saying it was justified. and again if this country was not discovered when it was you most likely wouldn't be here, even if it was discovered a few years later odds are that lateness would make that your parents never meet in this country.

look at great this country has contributed to the world....there is bad but way more great things

only the strong survive
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]But in all honesty you forget who wrote the history books....and lets also add africans exploration (which is said to have been in s.a.)[/color]

the propping up of the Caucasian male's image in society is one of the most widespread forms of propaganda in the history of civilization.

god damnit quoted for the damn truth
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]But in all honesty you forget who wrote the history books....and lets also add africans exploration (which is said to have been in s.a.)[/color]

the propping up of the Caucasian male's image in society is one of the most widespread forms of propaganda in the history of civilization.
word to Cesare Borgia and the lie that is white Yeshua ben Josef

Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by Air273

thank you Columbus!!! if it was not for you my parents would never have meet in this great country and i would not be here right now.

if your parents meet in this country you owe your thanks to columbus

this country would have been invaded with or without columbus, sooner or later this country would been taken over. not saying it was justified. and again if this country was not discovered when it was you most likely wouldn't be here, even if it was discovered a few years later odds are that lateness would make that your parents never meet in this country.

look at great this country has contributed to the world....there is bad but way more great things

only the strong survive
A+ execution

^ great comic.

Let's not forget the celebration of complete ineptitude. Columbus' dumb *%! actually thought he was in India
Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

^ great comic.

Let's not forget the celebration of complete ineptitude. Columbus' dumb *%! actually thought he was in India

never knew that
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