Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof


He keeps getting older, but they stay….
Bruh been hanging with this young lady (let's call her big booty judy) for like 5 weeks now and she's 30. It really blows my mind how self centered some women can be. Go to her IG all it is pictures of herself and she posts selfies damn near every day. Been busy with my family since my great great uncle passed earlier this month and my mom was in the hospital for almost a week last week of september. She would get upset cause "we weren't hanging out enough and i need to see you 2-3x week". Like dawg how can you be that dense to not realize i got **** going on right now and that i gotta support my family? I tried cutting things off with her last Friday but basically she was like "nah lets give it another shot" I'm like fine whatever.

Went to a Halloween party this past Saturday that her friend hosted (I never met any of her friends in my life) and it was like a big deal that i showed up and i only think it was a big deal so she can show that she has a "boo" cause she was all over me the whole entire night drunk and following me around like a damn puppy. Like dawg we aint 16 years old anymore. And I told her she didn't have to be all up on me she goes "aye if you dont want me like that just lmk" like no dude i just dont want somebody touchin on me the whole damn night. Just no self awareness at all that's probably how she got that dent in her Sentra. To top it off she got mad cause i RT'd my ex on twitter a happy bday post (Shes a news anchor) and BBJ got mad. "If i RT'd my ex on my page you wouldn't be mad?" Ma'am i do not give a **** lmao. You can post a picture with that man with him grabbing on your ***, i do not care you ain't my girl.

Then she gets mad when I don't text back in a "reasonable time" like last night i didn't text her back for an hour and she goes "okay night" and then proceeds to call me i didnt answer and goes "i just called and i know you're not sleep" like dawg if a dude did that **** women would call them stalkers or bug a boos. **** sucks cause she is bad as hell but where my main may not look good as her, she has a waaaaay better personality and is way smarter. I would not mind if Big Booty Judy never texted me ever again lol

her attachment style is definitely on the anxious side. sometimes i can be understanding but her actions would be a huge turn off. it doesn't matter how physically attractive a woman is, if she's displaying hella insecurities in her attachment and is constantly on my line needing affirmation and immediate communication, tending to her needs can feel like a chore/job.
her attachment style is definitely on the anxious side. sometimes i can be understanding but her actions would be a huge turn off. it doesn't matter how physically attractive a woman is, if she's displaying hella insecurities in her attachment and is constantly on my line needing affirmation and immediate communication, tending to her needs can feel like a chore/job.
Gon take at least two years to fully break up with her.
Hello fellas. Normally used Tinder and works really good. What kind of reviews do you guys give HINGE? Any props or cons?

Let me know,..
her attachment style is definitely on the anxious side. sometimes i can be understanding but her actions would be a huge turn off. it doesn't matter how physically attractive a woman is, if she's displaying hella insecurities in her attachment and is constantly on my line needing affirmation and immediate communication, tending to her needs can feel like a chore/job.
Man tell me about it. It's crazy cause she really might be one of the most annoying woman I've ever met. I hung out with her yesterday at her friends house (The same one who had the halloween party) and chilled for a bit. She just always has to be the center of attention man its tough to enjoy spending time with her. And she texts me "i miss you" multiple times a day even when i just saw her the day or two prior.

I made a plan to go to back 9 with her (its like a locally owned top golf) but had to cancel due to having to work late. She got super ****** (this is not the first time I've had to do this but i told her from the jump that my job is sporadic and it happens like that sometimes). She got pissed and sent me a voice message basically saying "idk whats wrong with you and why you dont wanna hang out more with me" . I'm like "sorry its kinda my livelihood". I just feel like if the roles were reversed and a young lady cancelled on me for work i wouldn't be mad but aye life goes on. She told me shes going to fall back and im my mind im like thank God but i'm sure she'll be blowing me up tomorrow. I appreciate the feedback and sorry for the long post
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