Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

Distinct lack of melanin in that profile.

She was actually a sista!!! I swiped left and didn't grab a screenshot of her face but she looked EXACTLY like Roger from American Dad with glasses

I'm surprised you caught that too. I thought I was being too judgmental but I was surprised to see a black woman with that type of profile :lol:
She was actually a sista!!! I swiped left and didn't grab a screenshot of her face but she looked EXACTLY like Roger from American Dad with glasses

I'm surprised you caught that too. I thought I was being too judgmental but I was surprised to see a black woman with that type of profile :lol:

The personality type transcends race. They all love dogs, coffee, starbucks, brunch, iphones.

Young women have been brain washed by social media, 80% of their personalities are identical.

Why you think West elm Caleb was able to use the same lines on all of them and it worked?

I actually had someone I went out with that deaded all of this type of talk. I don’t remember exactly what was said but the chick I was with literally was like “don’t pay for them, they got money and go to work just like you do” I think she said something then having dudes for that as well. I’d either cut her off immediately or go at the friends as well if a chick expected me to pay for everybody at the table.

They went to the restaurant and her friend invited her man. So if she didnt invite her man was she not gonna pay for her own meal/order? The entitlement lol

This an interesting topic. My personal take on it is similar to that of picking up the tab on a date....I don't mind doing it because that's just within my nature. HOWEVER, I have an issue with situations like this when the friend feels entitled for me to do so. It's much more about the gratitude than the money to me.
It's really more chicks with that "valley girl" accent that bothers me. I don't understand how they have this accent all over the country. Aren't you from South Carolina? Where the hell all this "like, totally, omg" come from?
It's really more chicks with that "valley girl" accent that bothers me. I don't understand how they have this accent all over the country. Aren't you from South Carolina? Where the hell all this "like, totally, omg" come from?
One of my biggest pet peeves is when folks say "like" a lot when telling a story or explaining something.
There’s someone in my daily meetings that includes like at least every other word. Makes my ears hurt at times
When id drive uber i picked up this one group of women and one of them said "like" almost 50 times i think, i lost count. It was not a very long ride either. I couldnt believe it.
When id drive uber i picked up this one group of women and one of them said "like" almost 50 times i think, i lost count. It was not a very long ride either. I couldnt believe it.
You start counting as if it’s a game and then get pissed because they’re still doing it

Be interesting to see if women feel the same way about dudes...

Gym, JRE, crypto/nfts, tattoos, beard maintenance, gaming etc :lol:

From what I have heard/read, they feel that way about photos with fish, at the gym and with your car :lol:

I also noticed some who flat out say they are against hiking (I see a lot of yambs list this as an interest so I'm guessing dudes do as well). On the flip side, quite a few say they are into tattoos, beards and gaming.

I think both sides are playing into each other a bit to increase their chances, whether they are into certain things or not
Photos with fish?

I've seen this a lot aswel :lol:

Hiking is sick. All you need is water and some snacks. Just gotta have some kinda rapport with the woman before you suggest it :lol: cant be asking a woman you just met to go for a hike, gonna think you trying to kill her

Feel like a TON of people got on this during lockdown.

I'm all for a hiking date though.... If the weather is right and the cakes are on display i'll follow that joint all the way to Mordor and the fires of Mount Doom.
Photos with fish?

I think it's a white bro thing but I can't confirm :lol:

Be on y’all game…stay safe out here.

Bronx Woman Accused of Luring IG Date, Who Was Tortured in $100K Kidnapping Plot​

:wow: Speaking of photos...I wonder what was on his profile that made them think he was a 24 year-old that could be taken for $100K (or came from that type of family). The same **** could have happened in person at a bar or something but apps/social media have made identifying prey (and falling into traps) easier. I'm really not sure on wide the disparity is on number of incidents involving men vs. women but it feels as if cases such as these with guys getting got aren't discussed as often or with the same energy.

Hiking is sick. All you need is water and some snacks. Just gotta have some kinda rapport with the woman before you suggest it :lol: cant be asking a woman you just met to go for a hike, gonna think you trying to kill her

Kind of jives with my post above. Both parties have to be vigilant out here. Unfortunately, no one is safe |l
Post an example or something. You mean a fish they catch or at home with a little goldfish?

Asking a chick you don't know to hike out to some woods seems like a terrible idea. Maybe a good way to weed out a crazy one if she says yes.
From my time on dating apps tacos seems to be huge with the females, seen alot of isht like "feed me tacos and tell me I'm pretty," tacos n tequila are life" ect ect 😂
Post an example or something. You mean a fish they catch or at home with a little goldfish?

Asking a chick you don't know to hike out to some woods seems like a terrible idea. Maybe a good way to weed out a crazy one if she says yes.
Fishing photos, on boats, or piers, with fish they caught

**** like that
That's a chick who would take a dump at your crib on the first visit.
Absolutely no female is learning where I live in the first 3 months minimum. But they would definitely take a isht in a public restroom after taking her shoes off on the dance floor during salsa night 😂
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