Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

I matched with one of the “reservations at 7” chicks on Hinge just to see whats up. On the day of our date she told me she wasn’t going to drive to meet me at the spot and I cant pick her up. I have to send an uber to get her because its the “gentleman” thing to do. I unmatched 😂. These women wildin.
Matching with a chick who tells what she's about in her profile or via conversation then being taken back by what you end up getting is funny. Sounds like a lack of options mixed with boredom.
I know the the crypto investing, M3 owning, Chelsea boot wearing men of NT aren’t letting the Hinge women price them out.
Crypto market crashed, $20 of gas only fills up half a tank and my chelsea boots dont have any resale value

Every woman I’ve been with on hinge eventually showed me a part of their character that let me know exactly how they ended up on hinge. :lol:
Had a couple that were ex strippers, call girls and now legit turned their lives around. Not mad, some of them were balling. Not my cup of tea though
$20 just lets me put it off til later in the same day and doesnt even make the gas light go off if its on. I imagine da M3 has more than an 8 gallon tank
The eyes bro

Usually I'm just minding my business, getting what I need. They initiate with their eyes. First eye contact. If they're interested, they will come in close proximity and hover near you.
I had one yesterday hovering around me while shopping for some socks. She got right next to me and kept looking over at me even as I scooted over looking for a specific color. Sure enough she moved over too. I stopped caring and walked away since I didn’t find the ones I was looking for. Ain’t not damn way but she was fiddling with the same plain white socks the whole time, lol.
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