Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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The fact that no one has decided to do a mandatory shutdown or at least have restrictions, says a lot about the greed of this country. They really don’t care about us.

No that isn’t even the case anymore. Businesses and local governments can do selective shutdowns as they feel. We can’t close down for 2 months like we did in 2020 again. It’s just not economically feasible. Do you just want the government to keep giving people free cash every time we have a surge 2x each year?

This is the post holiday surge between thanksgiving, work holiday parties, and home holiday parties plus the travel. And while it sucks because people will die again, the people who will die are mostly the unvaccinated at this point and I stopped caring about those as of 2-3 months ago because they can die from their own stupidity at this point
Yeah this is a ****show

What kind of exposure and which Saturday?
I was with two people that were exposed on Christmas, Saturday morning. Masks off for an hour indoors. The original two tested positive that Tuesday. I'm still with no symptoms today. Getting a rapid and pcr today.
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My wife had to go into the office to train a new person for two days this week, and their new “protocol” is everyone has to wear a yellow surgical mask, no more neck gaiters, bandanas, other ****** face coverings that do basically nothing…while my wife is sitting there wearing a LG Airwash KN94….her boss said she still had to wear the surgical mask, to make sure everyone is compliant…mind you this is a office for a healthcare facility, none patient setting. :ohwell:

Why can’t they use common sense and say if you have a mask that’s even better than the simple surgical mask, you Gucci.

Glad she’s done training that person so she doesn’t have to do that anymore.
No that isn’t even the case anymore. Businesses and local governments can do selective shutdowns as they feel. We can’t close down for 2 months like we did in 2020 again. It’s just not economically feasible. Do you just want the government to keep giving people free cash every time we have a surge 2x each year?

This is the post holiday surge between thanksgiving, work holiday parties, and home holiday parties plus the travel. And while it sucks because people will die again, the people who will die are mostly the unvaccinated at this point and I stopped caring about those as of 2-3 months ago because they can die from their own stupidity at this point
I understand what you’re saying but the way this is being handled has been a complete failure. The government can figure out ways to compensate people who have to stay home. People who aren’t fortunate to have their own business or work from home, or no longer have sick leave to take because either they got Covid or their kid or spouse and had to use that time? What’s a solution for them?

There’s also a surge amongst children. So for the children under 5 who can’t get vaccinated, how can parents best protect them?

We won’t see a government shutdown again I agree. But businesses are being forced to shut down because so many are getting sick. Some sort of government intervention is needed. What that looks like I’m not 100%
My wife had to go into the office to train a new person for two days this week, and their new “protocol” is everyone has to wear a yellow surgical mask, no more neck gaiters, bandanas, other ****ty face coverings that do basically nothing…while my wife is sitting there wearing a LG Airwash KN94….her boss said she still had to wear the surgical mask, to make sure everyone is compliant…mind you this is a office for a healthcare facility, none patient setting. :ohwell:

Why can’t they use common sense and say if you have a mask that’s even better than the simple surgical mask, you Gucci.

Glad she’s done training that person so she doesn’t have to do that anymore.

Same thing at my workplace considering they are healthcare facility. If I were your wife, I'd still wear my KF94 and the surgical mask on the top just to be "compliance".

Speaking of KF94, they have been sold out |l. I am trying to stock up for my wife and kiddo. Hopefully they restock soon.
this rustles my dam jimmies so hard. Worse when you tell them you’re closing for the day and they go “yeah but just a quick question”and 3 min later they’re still talking. like their time is more important than mine. I will never do that to another service/retail employee. wild disrespectful to me.
We switched our store to a pickup model. You can order online and come grab it otherwise, you not getting in. People have been losing over it. Also didn’t realize how many people come into the store just to hang out. It’s weird. Go away.
Same thing at my workplace considering they are healthcare facility. If I were your wife, I'd still wear my KF94 and the surgical mask on the top just to be "compliance".

Speaking of KF94, they have been sold out |l. I am trying to stock up for my wife and kiddo. Hopefully they restock soon.
What are you looking for? Maybe I can help.
I’m just trying to grasp this mindset some have. My area still has indoor mask mandates (who knows if they are working as we’ve had our own surges as other states did nothing but that’s besides the point). Rules are rules, as they say. 98 people will have a mask on and do their shopping just fine. But there’s always that one or two people who don’t. What goes through their mind? Wear the mask for 20 minutes and get on with your life. I could see if it’s a 50-50 split but it’s not. Lately it’s trending towards the older population who already look sickly.
Alright, I spoke too soon :lol: I'm super fatigued today. Body is a little achy as well. I could not sleep at all last night. Anyone else experience that with any of their doses?
Moderna dose 2 was like that for me. Headache was crazy and body aches had me feeling rough. Lasted 24 hours then back to normal.
Update: my 5 year old was only lethargic for 2 days. He’s back to his regular self. As for me, I pretty much felt all the symptoms I had when I first got covid last year condensed in one day. Started with headache in the evening, then body aches through the night. I feel regular now aside from nasal congestion.
I understand what you’re saying but the way this is being handled has been a complete failure. The government can figure out ways to compensate people who have to stay home. People who aren’t fortunate to have their own business or work from home, or no longer have sick leave to take because either they got Covid or their kid or spouse and had to use that time? What’s a solution for them?

There’s also a surge amongst children. So for the children under 5 who can’t get vaccinated, how can parents best protect them?

We won’t see a government shutdown again I agree. But businesses are being forced to shut down because so many are getting sick. Some sort of government intervention is needed. What that looks like I’m not 100%

I agree with you here. I wish businesses would adapt better to Covid without government intervention but I’m realistic and understand that it won’t happen in this country. It’s why I feel that local government needs to react at the state level and not at the federal level. Now the federal level needs to release some of those funds to help out.

But we all know that Covid isn’t going away. We can only hope that it just becomes tamer.
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