Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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They're not reporting them.

Yeah, that’s easy:

I don’t know how much hand sanitizer will help. Covid is air born, the cdc confirmed this past week and a doctor I golfed with told me the same thing about 2 months ago. But I do agree to not let your guard down.

Ya’ll nasty. Use hand sanitizer just cause the filth on your hands from touching random stuff a thousand people touched before you is disgusting.

CDC confirmed this past week its airborne...you mean CDC confirmed it last year cause uh...
h-town checking in. went to pick up my to go order for mom's day bruch.
whole cot damn place was completely packed at 11am with a lot of people waiting for tables. :smh:
**** was crazy. i don't get very anxious but i felt like i was gonna have a panic attack, and i was only in there for less than 5 minutes.
even if there wasn't a deadly pandemic, i don't see how people could be in an environment like that and wait that long.
Ya’ll nasty. Use hand sanitizer just cause the filth on your hands from touching random stuff a thousand people touched before you is disgusting.

CDC confirmed this past week its airborne...you mean CDC confirmed it last year cause uh...

They didn’t confirm it last year. They said it was possible.

And I rather wash my hands with soap than use hand sanitizer. Being THAT sterile isn’t healthy. You’re killing good bacteria with hand sanitizer.
They didn’t confirm it last year. They said it was possible.

And I rather wash my hands with soap than use hand sanitizer. Being THAT sterile isn’t healthy. You’re killing good bacteria with hand sanitizer.

Well obviously, cant just get soap and water right away though.
Does Fauci and the CDC coordinate? I don't think Fauci would've come out and say it was ok to relax mask guidance indoors if CDC was gunna come out and say it was definitely airborne two days later.
They didn’t confirm it last year. They said it was possible.

And I rather wash my hands with soap than use hand sanitizer. Being THAT sterile isn’t healthy. You’re killing good bacteria with hand sanitizer.
Can't exactly just wash your hands wherever you go through, that's the convenience of hand sanitizer
Even tho I'm fully vaccinated now I gotta keep thinking I'm not
Can't let my guard down
Mask up, use hand sanitizer, and social distance when I can
I don't wanna be the 5% that gets covid while vaccinated
Yep, its going to take a while for me to get back to normal and do regular things. seriously, I feel like I'm a year away from thinking of doing normal stuff. And I'm fine with it. My wife might not like it.
Idk how Texas is doing what they're doing without numbers going up.
you can’t hide deaths though. I haven’t looked at their numbers but it haven’t heard much in the news.
I was just thinking about this yesterday. Were there any follow up reports after they had their opening day game for the Texas Rangers last month? The stadium was sold out then and checking in today the Mother's Day game is packed too.
I've been using hand sanitizer far at least 15+ years. Its not the final and most efficient but its better than nothing. I usually go with hand wipes first, and then use sanitizer to polish it off.

Whatever to get me through mentally sometimes.
I guess my sisters father in law is getting put on a vent after being hospitalized for almost two weeks. The irony is he is a huge Trump supporter and I’m pretty sure he probably followed Qanon as well... this is one of his more recent posts on Facebook... it’s still sad but the irony.

He also had the opportunity to get vaccinated and wouldn’t get it.
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you go boy you go boy My girlfriend and I have only done outdoor dining and will probably ease into everything else once covid's contained. We've written off flying for the rest of this year too, hoping to travel by next spring/summer.
has anyone gone back to church or their places of worship? I still feel paranoid about going especially in close quarters with little ventilation. Going to church via zoom or online streaming is the way to go imo.
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