Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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They're going to end the task force, open everything back up and try and act like nothing ever happen thinking the economy will go back to normal

Huge mistake that will only cause more unnecessary deaths.

This government dont give a damn but we all knew that to begin with.

Keeping everything closed is the only smart thing to do at this point

If the country financially suffers then We suffer Financial

The only positive to come from the task force shutting down is no more bs coming from trump on a daily basis
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so sad
the media and politicans alike scaring individuals, they have blood on their hands!

It's not that b, doctors offices and hospitals are a hot spot. People aren't going, because they don't want to catch it. Hospital and urgent care visits are down 50% or more nationally. People have this idea that hospitals are thriving, nah, they're struggling like other industries.

I had a doctors appointment for May that they canceled and I changed it to July. They called me back when the governor opened things back up asking me if I wanted to go back to May. I was like I'm good beloved. The further my appointment is from this the better.
Belgium Belgium can explain better but essentially they are including all suspected deaths as covid related, similar to how we count the flu normally, indicating our count of 70k deaths should actually be 100k or higher.

Basically what you said. We're the only ones counting this way so our numbers are skyhigh compared to everyone else.
Article is from April 19 so the referenced numbers aren't up to date.
Why is Belgium’s death toll so high?

tired of people who can't follow instructions, stay the **** home. got people coming in to my job not because they need anything but because they just needed fresh air and sunlight for a while so they came to browse and ask questions. and i'm supposed to sit there happy cause they're spending money and " at least you still got a job". its insulting actually i wish i could be home safe with my family but i get nothing if i quit and lose insurance so i'm being martyred instead. social distancing and staying home is dead or on its way out here. second wave coming real quick.

tired of people who can't follow instructions, stay the **** home. got people coming in to my job not because they need anything but because they just needed fresh air and sunlight for a while so they came to browse and ask questions. and i'm supposed to sit there happy cause they're spending money and " at least you still got a job". its insulting actually i wish i could be home safe with my family but i get nothing if i quit and lose insurance so i'm being martyred instead. social distancing and staying home is dead or on its way out here. second wave coming real quick.

Im guessing you work at retail.
That's the unfortunate thing an average working person like yourself is on the front line and no one gives a damn.

I know you need to work but it's not worth losing your life
Be safe
Im guessing you work at retail.
That's the unfortunate thing an average working person like yourself is on the front line and no one gives a damn.

I know you need to work but it's not worth losing your life
Be safe

Independent retail pharmacist. I don’t mind taking customers who actually need their meds even though most have opted to get it delivered now. I’m there for that but people strolling in think it’s business as usually asking a million questions taking their sweet time and not mindful of social distancing infuriates me. Then they buy something like gummy bears and get cash back. Like dude you have been afforded the luxury of safety at home during these times take it I wish I could.

I thought she had thoughtful, reasonable responses. She seems like she was trying to go about business in an intelligent way and not simply “the govmt Caint tell me how to live muh life, that’s slavery!!”

Even though her heart was in the right place, rules is rules. And if you don’t pay no tolls, then we don’t eat no rolls. Nah mean?
Damn apparently France recently did sum testing on bodies that died between Dec & January and found that someone previously died from rona then. Interested to see more countries doing this so we can see how early this has been going on & how many people have died uncounted
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