Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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The statistic is 1 in 4 with be positive for COVID19

I have a feeling I might test positive for the antibodies. So many different scenarios..I work in a nursing home in queens as an occupational therapist but I took a leave of absence a few weeks ago...things blew up right after. There was one floor that was hit hard and I was on that floor a lot and I really wonder if I was exposed. A few of my coworkers tested positive.
Prior to that, I flew out to California for the kobe memorial. From Jfk to LAX, from LA back to NY.. of course it makes me wonder if I was exposed along the way since they say the virus was around during that time.
But honestly speaking, I probably took the subway only 2 times when I heard the virus was here in America.
Eventually I want to take the antibody test soon to see.
Where have you guys been buying your masks? Preferably the more effective ones (e.g. the >95% filtration ones)? I live in a smaller city and now that authorities have recommended the use of masks, everywhere seems to have sold out. Would prefer not to get gouged and/or be sold some shoddily-made fakes on eBay and the like.

Edit: Thanks for all the suggestions, guys - really appreciate it. A homie linked me to one of his homies' sites, and was able to snag some KN95s there (if anyone else is interested: mangrove)
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The statistic is 1 in 4 with be positive for COVID19
Yeah they found ~20% of people in NYC have antibodies.

Currently, about 4k out of 20k tests for the virus are coming back positive. This puts a sort of upper limit on how many people have active infections at 20%. It's likely much lower since people with symptoms or covid-positive contacts are more likely to get tested.

What's crazy is a lot of other states are now passing NYC in % of positive tests and also # of new cases as a fraction of the population. Given the trendlines (NYC trending down and other places flat or going up) it looks like NYC is now better off than a lot of other places in America.
COVID when it finds out NJ just had more deaths in the past 2 days than NY and they're opening parks on the warmest weekend of the year so far

Where have you guys been buying your masks? Preferably the more effective ones (e.g. the >95% filtration ones)? I live in a smaller city and now that authorities have recommended the use of masks, everywhere seems to have sold out. Would prefer not to get gouged and/or be sold some shoddily-made fakes on eBay and the like.

If you're looking for those higher quality masks, MOST local, state, and national government supply chains for those higher-grade masks are being diverted directly to the essential frontline facilities (hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, other healthcare building).

Only way you getting those >95% filtration ones is through "a hook-up with a homie" or a "sketchy-looky Ali-Express style retailer" at this point........there isn't many hidden online places to find those in this climate where N95 masks of all kind are more essentially needed to be put in the hands of medical professionals treating COVID patients.

You're only bet at this point is cloth/fabric based masks with a small insert slip for a filtration pad for some additional protection, and you can start finding those online at some "online clothing sellers."
i just want to know what happens when these protesters at HB do when they go home?

*opens a can of budweiser* "karen, we really showed them what being american is all about"
Yeah they found ~20% of people in NYC have antibodies.

Currently, about 4k out of 20k tests for the virus are coming back positive. This puts a sort of upper limit on how many people have active infections at 20%. It's likely much lower since people with symptoms or covid-positive contacts are more likely to get tested.

What's crazy is a lot of other states are now passing NYC in % of positive tests and also # of new cases as a fraction of the population. Given the trendlines (NYC trending down and other places flat or going up) it looks like NYC is now better off than a lot of other places in America.

Seems like we just had to get it first or one of the first and got hit because of the density in population. Seeing how laxed the whole country or most of the country was, wouldn’t put it past it to see other places starring to hit hard.

Opening back up would be a HUGE mistake IMO. Now’s the time to be most cautious. It’s always the eye of the tornado which pulls the toughest okie doke.

protesting not being able to go to the beach :lol:

I don't ever want to hear a complaint over protesting for equality, gay rights or against police brutality again.
Those people on that ******* beach better not be the same ones demonizing anthem kneelers or on that All Lives Matter ****

Swear to God man
If you're looking for those higher quality masks, MOST local, state, and national government supply chains for those higher-grade masks are being diverted directly to the essential frontline facilities (hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, other healthcare building).

Only way you getting those >95% filtration ones is through "a hook-up with a homie" or a "sketchy-looky Ali-Express style retailer" at this point........there isn't many hidden online places to find those in this climate where N95 masks of all kind are more essentially needed to be put in the hands of medical professionals treating COVID patients.

You're only bet at this point is cloth/fabric based masks with a small insert slip for a filtration pad for some additional protection, and you can start finding those online at some "online clothing sellers."
I fully agree.

Depending on where you are, it may not be too hard to get a regular surgery mask (not the N95 ones). They hand them out at some stores now if you don't have your own.

Unless you work somewhere that is high risk or live at home with someone who is high risk or have a health condition yourself, I think it's ok to use a regular mask. Avoid crowds and stay home as much as possible and that gets you 99% of the way there. People on the front lines are the ones who should be getting the best masks, at least until we catch up on supplies.
The statistic is 1 in 4 with be positive for COVID19
Did the test say that you have antibodies therefore you had Covid or did it say that you currently have covid?
Where have you guys been buying your masks? Preferably the more effective ones (e.g. the >95% filtration ones)? I live in a smaller city and now that authorities have recommended the use of masks, everywhere seems to have sold out. Would prefer not to get gouged and/or be sold some shoddily-made fakes on eBay and the like.
If you’re in a small town that hasn’t been impacted yet you may still be in luck to find some at local hardware stores like mom n pops.
Ace hardware and Home Depot’s May still have some stock depending on if people in your area have been hoarding quietly before things get bad
Seems like we just had to get it first or one of the first and got hit because of the density in population. Seeing how laxed the whole country or most of the country was, wouldn’t put it past it to see other places starring to hit hard.

Opening back up would be a HUGE mistake IMO. Now’s the time to be most cautious. It’s always the eye of the tornado which pulls the toughest okie doke.

Cuomo closing schools will most
Likely push the shutdown to June 15 the earliest deaths are low compared to before but 900-1000 hospitalized a day is to much . In ny there are no protests why cuz we got hard and first . Ain’t nobody and their mama say **** when they turned on the news and seen close to 1000 people die in a day . Sure people are outside but 95 percent are wearing a mask and social distancing . Other states may be days or weeks away from their peaks
Where have you guys been buying your masks? Preferably the more effective ones (e.g. the >95% filtration ones)? I live in a smaller city and now that authorities have recommended the use of masks, everywhere seems to have sold out. Would prefer not to get gouged and/or be sold some shoddily-made fakes on eBay and the like.

Edit: Thanks for all the suggestions, guys - really appreciate it. A homie linked me to one of his homies' sites, and was able to snag some KN95s there (if anyone else is interested: mangrove)

I've been price gouged so much my butt hurts.
I got a box of 3M n95s 10 in a box this past week for $160 that's right $160 freaking dollars
I've gotten three different n95 3M boxes from this place in the past month

But I feel comfortable paying that much if it will hopefully protect me.
At the start on March when the first cases where stating in nyc I was buying safety works n95s
for $10.00 each. But they dont cover your nose as well as the 3ms do.

Also I have been paying $60.00 for 50 in a box 3M aspptex for my mom since the n95s are too much for her to wear
It's the same place I've been getting the n95

The kn95s with or without the respirator are not as good from what I understand as the 3M 95s

Be safe everyone
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So I decided to make an appt to get tested today earlier after work even though I'm showing 0 symptoms. When I got to the site, you can see the National Guard all over the place. Anyways, the weirdest part to me is that I didn't get the swab up my nose but instead an oral swab. Guess I'll find out in a week what's up.
the 3m n-95 mask that i use gets crazy hot inside. i could feel sweat on my upper lip the other day at sams club. i’ll wear them for the protection when i go into bigger stores for prolonged periods though. 160jordansdeep 160jordansdeep thats some crazy resell prices on the masks man. gotta do what you gotta do though. not sure if you remember me from back in the day but i sent you the union 180s by mistake that one time :lol:
the 3m n-95 mask that i use gets crazy hot inside. i could feel sweat on my upper lip the other day at sams club. i’ll wear them for the protection when i go into bigger stores for prolonged periods though. 160jordansdeep 160jordansdeep thats some crazy resell prices on the masks man. gotta do what you gotta do though. not sure if you remember me from back in the day but i sent you the union 180s by mistake that one time :lol:

Yes I remember your in Hawaii hey man
how you been long time dude.

Hope all is well with you be safe

I dont know how I'm going to wear the mask in the summer
Their crazy hot.

Coronavirus: California governor orders release of 7 high-level sex offenders as he criminalizes beach attendance


Your Gov.

'High Level' sex offenders sounds scary af. Like super powered. Like the Bane of sex offenders. Sex Offender Thanos. Had em in that high security plastic prison they had Magneto in.
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